Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Literature, Public Relations, Audience, Future, Generations, Family, Children, Present

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/15

John Berger’s book Ways of seeing and George Saunders’s book Semplica Girl Diaries have a lot of differences on how the literature has been presented and what the authors wanted to achieve. However, the books present a strong relationship on the perspective in which they are written. They all touch on an important aspect of literature which is art. Art, in the eyes of John Berger is not just about an image but rather how and why such an image has been used and the picture it depicts in the minds of the audience. George Saunders on the other hand looks at art in terms of the lasting memories it will have on subsequent generations. The highlight of the two articles is therefore the picture and the impression it creates in the eyes of the audience. The two writers seem to be worried about the future generation and the legacy they will borrow from the present generation. Reading the articles, you can easily notice and realize the concern they have for future generations and what they will think of those who were before them. Literature work should remain intact in years to come and the message displayed should have content that will make them appreciate the past rather than condemn it.
John looks at how the works of art have been misused to represent something that is so much unrelated to the product. Some images are mainly used to capture the attention of the audience, yet have nothing to do with the product being presented. It is for this reason that he sees a big weakness especially when it comes to the young children who learn a lot through observation. Images are not only attractive to older people and a perfect way of sending the message home, but also very appealing to children. Children who are yet to develop a strong sense of written literature rely on images which is drawn in their minds and hence frequently making a reference to them. In as much as artists mainly use such images to attract potential and targeted audience, they may not work well for other audiences that may not be targeted but still get attracted to it. In most cases, such images that have little to do with the product being advertised come with written literature, and hence making people know more about the object. The concern of John is on the audience that can’t pick such written codes and therefore get a contrary impression of the product.
George also shows a lot of concern to a neglected audience of children and especially as they mature up. He is worried that some of the content being written and preserved may not necessarily make sense to the future generation. There is likelihood that some of the current experiences that define a generation may not be available for the future generation and hence being blank about their roots. George therefore intents at coming up with a descriptive content that will ensure that children that are born in the coming years will understand how it felt like living in the past. Just as the current generation is fascinated by some of the stories they hear about the past, the future generation should not just hear of such stories but have some solid materials that they can always make reference to. The manner in which such materials need to be presented according to George is real sounds, real conversations and not simply come in form of myths and fairy tales. It is unfortunate that some of the things we hear about our past generations are always subject to debate and contrary arguments simply because the content represented in not convincing enough to assure us that they really happened.
John and George desire to present some content to the future generation, content that will make them know that there was a history behind them and hence being proud of being associated with them. When looking at such content, they should be able to positively analyze and relate the message of the content with historical life. If we continue presenting content that will have no meaning to the future generation, or make them depict their forefathers negatively, then they will see no need of emulating or carrying on with the legacy. It is important to note that literature is not just for the present audience but will also be stored for future generations. Whether we like it or not, just as literature of the past years is alive on our bookshelves and libraries, so is the current literature to the generations to come. It is therefore important for every artist and author pay attention not only to the current targeted audience but also how the image and literature will be analyzed by the audience, like two hundred years to come. It should be noted that the things that make sense to the present generation may not necessarily make sense to many generations to come. When coming up with a material that is likely to be preserved for many generations to come, then it should also have the ability to stand the taste of time by depicting a reasonable interpretation.

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"Good Essay On Comparative Essay." WePapers, Nov 15, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-comparative-essay/
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"Good Essay On Comparative Essay," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 15-Nov-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-comparative-essay/. [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Good Essay On Comparative Essay. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-comparative-essay/. Published Nov 15, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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