Good Essay On Educational Advancement: Motivating Employees

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Employee, Workplace, Organization, Motivation, Employment, Management, Education, Study

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/09/28

[Institution Title]

Educational Advancement: Motivating Employees

Workforce mobility is one of the growing issues that confronts many organizations these days especially since many seasoned employees are leaving their jobs in pursuit of something more promising and rewarding. Nevertheless, there had been studies in the past which proves that salary and wages are not the only reason employees leave their jobs . In fact, studies have also revealed that motivating employees are not also limited to monetary compensations and rumination . In lieu with this, organizations are looking for ways to motivate employees to keep their jobs and perform productively.
One way of communicating a message that would motivate employees not to leave their jobs and at the same time perform more productively is through a personality enhancement and development programs. Specifically, organizations can offer educational advancement that may apply directly to the employee or to anyone of their dependents. This program is designed to show employees that the organization is interested in helping employees improve themselves or assist their employees in their dependents to school.
Employees appreciate the simple gestures and appreciation for a job well done. When employees feel that their company appreciates them and values their contribution to the company the employees become motivated. In the same way, when the employees feel that the management is after their personal growth and their wellbeing the employees will see that they are valued. While pursuing employees to take advanced courses may in fact benefit the organization because the insights that can be drawn by employees from their courses can be applied at work, this can also hold the employee from leaving the organization at least for a certain period. All the more, the employees would see this gesture as a benevolent act on the part of the employer who is looking after the best interest of their employees.


Boswell, W. (2006). Aligning employees with the organization's strategic objectives: out of ‘line of sight’, out of mind. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(9), 1489-1511.
Fitz-enz, J. (2000). The ROI of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance (1st ed.). New York: AMACOM Books.
Nohria, N., Groysberg, B., & Lee, L.-E. (2008, August 21). Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model. Retrieved from Harvard Business Online:

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