Good Essay On Fiction Poetry: A Perfect Life

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Life, Time

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/02/20

Within the kaleidoscope galaxy

Eerie cosmic creatures
Immortal, eternally entwined
Analogous to men who seemed to live in a fallacy
Complaints abound, oh why, oh why.
Their captivating land far from Milky Way
No illness
No strife, no war,
no poverty

The slinky, slimy human forms

Lives in universal snobbery.
The planet’s creatures in status quo
Much like clockwork
do these beings act;

No problems,

no heart aches,

Practically intact.

Why complain? Beguilingly assert.
No turbulent disasters,
no surging floods,
no erratic climate change;
A perfect life..

“why protest?”

In transfixed world - no exciting adventure
No thrills, what to do.
no frills, where to go.
no bungee jumps;

No second chances, oh my, oh my.

No desperately misbehaving kids,
Oblivious of crawling insects and pets,

Here white is magnified because of black

Love the second time, when hurt;
Laugh the hardest
after crying from an emotional attack
make the most from life before reverting to dirt.

Live a perfect life

Is it our goal?
It is our destiny to live
with our imperfections.

Yes to adversities

Since challenges abound
Yes to illnesses
Since cure is eventually found
Yes to questions, failures, exams
Live a perfect life?
Is this our goal.
No to perfection
If only we dream
Tomorrow comes
We seek, we find
We lose, we try
We sleep to wake
Another day, another time
Another dimension

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"Good Essay On Fiction Poetry: A Perfect Life." WePapers, Feb 20, 2021. Accessed September 08, 2024.
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"Good Essay On Fiction Poetry: A Perfect Life," Free Essay Examples -, 20-Feb-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Good Essay On Fiction Poetry: A Perfect Life. Free Essay Examples - Published Feb 20, 2021. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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