Good Essay On Genetics And Behavioral Characteristic

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Genetics, Health, Medicine, Environment, Makeup, Life, Nursing, Behavior

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/22

Genetics is the study of the genetic makeup of living organisms that determines how they behave. The genetic makeup is made up of genes that code for living organisms characteristic, and it is this biological code that determines who we are. Tapping into this information, according to researchers can be able to reveal so much about a person’s health and their well-being in the future.
The truth is that genetics dictates the health but a person’s behavior and environment, influence or attributes to a percentage of a person’s health. Some diseases are purely genetic like the Downs syndrome but at the same time the influence of environment on the genetic makeup of an organism cannot be totally ignored, in this case. Take the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedy, human error related to environment lead to a genetic disease that is only associated with Japanese and residents of that area. It is true that multifactorial diseases or complex diseases do have a number of behavioral and genetic component. Such diseases include type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of every individual to try take care of their selves in terms of what we eat and how we exercise. If a person knows their genetic makeup or profile, can help reduce the cost related to healthcare and also motivate patients who have genetic diseases make decisions that are healthier. To help do this, the contribution of genetic counselors is important so as to guide patients in making decisions pertaining to their health. Of importance is to make people aware of genetic diseases and the role of behavior and environment on these particular diseases.

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