Good Essay On Human Resource Recruitment And Selection

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Job, Selection, Elections, Performance, Education, Information, Organization

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/03

Human resource recruitment is the process of finding and attracting job candidates who are qualified to fill job vacancies. Selecting is the process of evaluating and choosing the best-qualified candidate from the pool of applicants available for the positions (Mondy & Noe, 2005). The selection process involves; screening the applications, testing and reviewing the work samples, interviewing applicants, conducting background checks and finally making selection. A good selection method will provide information that is reliable, valid and can be generalize to apply to the candidates the organization is selecting.
Reliability is the type of measurement that is risk free, that is, it generates consistent results this involves statistics. Resumes are used as a way of gathering background information about the applicants. Resumes major limitation is that applicants control the content of information and the way it is presented. Organizations use resumes for deciding which candidates to investigate further. Organizations may administer tests to determine the necessary skills for the candidate.
Validity is the magnitude with which performance on the measures is connected to what that particular measure is premeditated to access. For example, test score are designed to measure job performance. Resumes are evaluated in terms of what is contained in the job description. Job performance tests have the advantage of being job specific. They are designed for the kind of work done in a specific job (Gatewood& Field, 1987). Utility is the extent to which something provides economic value greater than the cost. The selection method should produce information that will benefit the organization and also predict how an individual will perform. The job performance test a relatively expensive to administer compared to writing and reviewing of resumes. Legal compliance of the selection process should be adhered to this requires that the selection process be conducted in a way that avoids discrimination and provides access to employees with disabilities.


Gatewood, R., & Feild, H. (1987). Human resource selection. Chicago: Dryden Press.
Mondy, R., & Noe, R. (2005). Human resource management (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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