Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Education, Study, People, Information, Sociology, Services, Researcher, Understanding

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2020/09/28


The report investigated people's reactions in Melbourne metropolitan petrol queue jumping by collecting and analyzing data from individuals having experienced such cases. Based on the study findings, 49 percent of the participants indicted to be fully agitated on issue of queue jumping, 11 percent felt that some of the individuals indulging in such incidents could have emergency reasons with 20 percent of participants indicating they were distressed if they were not in a hurry while the 18 percent stating they were not distressed with such incidents. Queues as form any form of social arrangement is prone to breakdown as depicted in the study. However, through a clear understanding on their functions in the society, incidents of queue jumping can be lowered.
Queues are evident in different areas such as supermarkets, banks, or even petrol stations. A common analogy is created in the society indicating that a queue normally constitutes a small scale social system possessing three distinguishing features. The features include its function that is normally regulating the sequence under which people gains access to scarce goods and services. The ordering based on the distinctive spatial form, and maintenance of the lives which largely depends on the accessed or shared knowledge of the standards of behaviors essential in a given situation.
According to (David, 2002), there are two contradictory elements evident in response to queues based on the psychological aspect. These elements include; cases, where queue forms an impediment to individuals who seek or wish for immediate satisfaction of their objective. Hence, cannot purchase the essential resources because others stands between them and the service point. The other element, queue is a social mechanism developed to protect individuals from those that arrive later. The researcher argues, under such cases, the notion of most social arrangements is witnessed where people tends to defer the restraints of the form whole they are also its beneficiary. Thus, it is evident queue constitutes a classic illustration indicating how people create social order based on the analogy of rudimentary principle related to equity especially in situations that are likely to degenerate into chaos. This is evident in numerous events whereas, under any social arrangement, queues have a high potential for breaking down.
The study seeks to explore and investigate people's reactions to petrol queue jumping. The researcher reaches the objectives through conducting a study examining views and the arguments of people having experienced such incidents and establishing their reactions. The study is aimed at establishing findings on how to addresses such cases where ensuring that the essential functions of a queue are maintained in the society.

The section provides a clear theoretical approach to the systematic activities of data collection from the field. Through correcting or gathering primary data through the use of qualitative and quantitative methods. The study embraces valid and reliable measures to ensure the data collected aligns with the set standards towards achieving the set objectives. The mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative used in the data collection falls into the interpretive stance hence offering a clear insight on data interpretation and presentation. The preceding analysis depicts some of the core aspects that fall under the methodology section of research to meet the set standards. Some of the core aspects integrated and analysed under the section are; research design, validity and reliability of data collection methods, the research sample, procedures among other significant entities that align with the set research standards.


These are the individuals who actively participated in the study. The study involved 26 males, 18-58 years (M =33.11; SD = 11.05) and 23 females, 18-61 years (M=33.82;
SD = 11.26) who were waiting in a Melbourne metropolitan petrol queue, participated
in this study. The average age of the respondents to the study was 30 years with most of these participants being white making the highest percentage. The data was collected in areas where people have faced the challenge of petrol shortages hence experiencing such events. The materials used in the study included; questionnaires distributed to the participants and interviews conducted in relation to the issue under the study. The questionnaires included open-ended questions that the respondents answered with ease and the interviews engaged the respondents directly and enabled them to express their feelings.

Research design

In this research, the study incorporated purposively to examine and investigate people's reactions to petrol queue jumping. The study seeks to use qualitative data and quantitative collection and analysis techniques based on the area of the study. The study is also ensuring that the data findings and presentation aligns with the set standards governing the area of the study.
Qualitative research is more tentative in nature based on the concepts and approaches that underpin the technique. Qualitative researchers target to collect an in-depth understanding of human conduct and the causes that manage such conduct. The strength of this approach lies in the fact that it has as holistic focus, allowing for flexibility and the attainment of a deeper. The form or research helps the research to have more valid understanding of the subject than could be achieved through a more rigid approach (Anat et al., 2002). Such standards are integrated with the study to enhance validity and reliability of the data collected and information generated. Quantitative research technique embraces distinctive approaches by the use of figures, statistics and other vital mathematical approaches to collect the data. This entails examining the number of people’s reactions to petrol queue jumping determining the correlating figures in relation to the implication. The data was presented in figures, and other holistic data will be corrected and examined towards achieving the set objectives.

Validity and reliability of instruments

Methodological Perspective explains that validity is the success of a scale in measuring what it was set out to measure so that differences in individual scores can be taken as representing true differences in characteristics under study. Based on the proffered perspective, therefore, the researcher consulted statistical specialists, and the supervisor, who ensured the relevance and suitability of the content in the analysis, would provide coverage of the objectives of the study. This aligned with qualitative and quantitative methods embraced by this study with interviews conducted embracing the set standards.
Aligning the set research standards with the generalization of the right instrument as required under recommended policies, validity requires the derivative of the formula to beat bar with the required index. Hence, for the instruments to be accepted as valid, the average content validity index should be under the set standards. Hence, the contents of the instruments were valid and constituted the major derivatives of the research.


This entails to the measure of the degree to which a research instrument yields consistent results after repeated trials. Based on the set research standards, which are necessary for making the research more attractive and utilizable by the public. Reliability refers to consistency and stability in measurements. To establish the reliability of the models used, the researcher used the methods of expert judgment and pre-test in order to test and improve the reliability. The study used the respective qualitative and quantitative method approaches that align with the set standards. This was aimed at ensuring that the data collected and presented provides a significant tool that can be used in decision-making and policy formulation on employability of graduates.


The major essence of this very section is to depict on how the data collection for study is systematically executed so as to give the acceptable answers to the problems of the research and its objectives. There exist several main alternatives to research design and the archival. The strategies are either phenomenology or positivists in nature depending on the researcher’s approach, the collected data and the employed analytical techniques. The core approach data collection technique used in the study is interviews and questionnaires as a source of data. The study conducts to critical form of interviews with the key players and participants in the study. Based on the problem under the study, it is evident people's reactions to petrol queue jumping are different based on different factors as established in the study. The researcher consulted some of the residents in the region and enquired their reactions to petrol queue jumping and whether they had indulged in such activities.


Based on their responses on data gathered, 49 percent of the participants indicted to be fully agitated on the issue of queue jumping. 11 percent felt that some of the individuals indulging in such incidents could have emergency reasons that were forcing them to pass without queuing. 20 percent of participants indicating they were distressed if they were not in a hurry while the 18 percent stating they were not distressed with such incidents.
Figure 1: Participants to petrol queue jumping
The figure above presents a clear insight on percentages of people based on their reactions to petrol queue jumping. The study also enquired whether the participants indulged in such activities and how they felt in relation to different circumstances. The following figure presents these findings.
Figure 2: Participants response on whether they have jumped petrol queue
Figure 2: Participants response on whether they have jumped petrol queue
The table depicts how 30 percent of the respondents have indulged in queue jumping cases with 70 percent of the respondents indicating they have never indulged in such cases. Those, that have been involved in such incidents indicate that they felt guilty after indulging in such activities although it doesn’t prohibit them from indulging in such activities in the future. On the other hand, the 70 percent of those who haven’t responded on understanding the essence of respecting others and understanding everyone required the essential services.


The findings above collected by the study by (Bekdaniels, 2014), where the researcher was exploring “social identity Theory and its Impact on People’s reactions to Petrol Queue Jumping”. The researcher noted that the issue of social theory was demonstrated by the participant’s reaction where drivers were upset on queue jumping on a different way. The issue of high level of social identification evident among the delivery based on social settings aligns with the findings of the study.
Based on the findings stipulated above, it is evident that a large percentage of people are fully agitated by cases where some of the drivers jump queues ignoring other drivers seeking to access the service. Although some of the participants were reluctant and seemed to tolerate such cases, the high percentage of those who condemned such incidents argued that such behaviors portrayed lack of respect and ability to respect social arrangements.
The respondents indicated that they had been involved in verbal or physical reactions towards addressing such cases. This concurs with the study by (David et al., 2004), indicating that 10.1 percent of lines involved physical reactions contesting against intruders. Under the verbal objection which is more apparent in petrol queues, the attempts are normally made toward expelling the intruder. The comment is that whoever ranges from polite to more hostile depending on the atmosphere in the respective environments gets it different to adopt.
Violating the queue through pushing or driving up to the service not only breaks the social arrangement towards accessibility of the service but also causes emotional harm to some of the people in such queues. Highly responsible people do not take others for granted because they know that all people are equal, irrespective of the status. This is based on the study findings where those who have been a victim of such cases, expressed anger with likelihood of indulging into physical or verbal reactions directed towards the intruder summarizing the outcomes.


The study above stipulates people's reactions to petrol queue jumping. Based on the study outcomes, a large percent of people in the society are fully agitated by queue jumping in petrol stations hence indulging into physical or verbal reactions. The notion attached to the study stipulates the essence of understanding queues as form of the social system aimed at enhancing equality and order towards accessibility of services in the society. Due to different people in the community who fails to embrace the concept of queues, the essence id defense towards safeguarding the integrity of the queues is needed. However, understanding the essence of social arrangements in the community is essential towards educating people on the need to safeguard such arrangements towards quality service delivery.


Anat Rafaeli, Greg Barron and Keren Haber, (2002). ‘The Effects of Queue Structure on Attitudes’ (2002) 5(2) Journal of Service Research 125-139
Bekdaniels, (2014, 04). Social Identity Theory and its Impact on People’s Reactions to Petrol Queue Jumping.
David Raz, Benjamin Avi-Itzhak and Hanoch Levy, (2004). Classes, Priorities and Fairness in Queueing Systems (RUTCOR Research Report RRR 21-2004, June 2004) (2004a)
David Stewart-David, (2002).‘The Stressful Queue’ (2002) 4(4) Logistics and Transport Focus 50-54

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