Good Essay On Riyadh Youth Unemployment

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Social Issues, Unemployment, Entrepreneurship, Teenagers, Youth, Education, Employment

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/03


Saudi Arabia like any other global nation has had to deal with the problem of youthful unemployment. The Saudi case is part of this global phenomenon that stands at 14.5% affecting the youth of employable age. With much emphasis on Riyadh, unemployment has continued to escalate over the years. The unemployment of the able Riyadh youth has been linked to poverty and rise in the cases of depression reported in various health facilities. Despite the wealth associated with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia much is to be seen when undertaking measures to mitigate it.
The causes of the unemployment, pundits cite is the education system, cultural attitudes, the gender gap, employment of immigrants and poor employment policy frameworks. The education system within the Riyadh education institutions is deficient when it comes to equipping the youth with the right skills that are integral in their after school life. Many of the institutions are only focused on churning out potential employees rather than dynamic individuals that can create opportunities for themselves and others (Ramady, 2010).
The cultural attitudes on the other hand dwell on the perceptions that have been held over the years by the Riyadh residents regarding employment opportunities. Many youthful individuals have the aspiration of acquiring white collar jobs that in most instances may be hard to come by. The gender gap issue focuses on the fact that much of the Riyadh youthful female individuals lack opportunities to work in formal establishments due to the patriarchal nature of the society. The immigrant issue, additionally, has seen the unemployment problem plummet. Immigrants from various countries have easily edged out the Riyadh youth from various employment slots.

Proposed Solutions

The causes above are vital in the formulation of solutions that may somewhat mitigate the unemployment problem in the long run or short run time frame. These causes are the core foundation of the intended solutions. The first cause, the education system, may be mitigated by the introduction of life-skills and entrepreneurship. As described by Islamic Entrepreneurship:Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series, the Riyadh institutions from secondary to tertiary level may have programs in conjunction with the local government that may incorporate these skills. The life-skills, for instance, may be integral in equipping the Riyadh youth with the right attitudes towards the work environment and as well as their talents. The entrepreneurship course, on the other hand, may allow individuals to tap into opportunities within the Riyadh area. This coupled with financial boosts and financial advisory services from various local institutions may see to it that the Riyadh youth establish businesses that may in turn even create more job opportunities (Kayed & Hassan, 2013).
The next solution to this problem may be a cultural shift in attitudes which locally may be done through the use of local elders, preachers, and other influential personalities. The various stakeholders may need to sensitize the community members on the need to have a liberal mindset when it comes to opportunities (Kayed & Hassan, 2013). Currently, many of the Riyadh youth look down upon menial jobs that are perceived as a preserve of the immigrants. Through communal based-sensitization programs and family gatherings, the message may be passed down to the many unemployed youths.
The next solution for the Riyadh unemployment may stem out from Saudization of employment opportunities. Any firm within Saudi and particularly Riyadh may be required to commit a quota of its slots to the locals. There is need for intervention from the local leadership in ensuring that such a policy is effected to the letter. The program may see to it much of the foreign companies with their operatives in Riyadh cede some opportunities to the able Riyadh youth (Fayad & International Monetary Fund, 2012). This policy is integral and has been effected in other societies as a nationalization program.

Refutation and Concession

The three solutions as stipulated will significantly mitigate the greater number of the causes of unemployment within Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. However, equally important in this respect are the weaknesses and strengths associated with these solutions (Kayed & Hassan, 2013). The first solution, incorporation of entrepreneurship and self-improvement courses in the Riyadh education systems is effective. The solution may actually work properly if backed by other policies or measures such as after-school internship programs and training seminars. The solution may be perceived as too abstract by many youths, but it takes much in terms of individual effort.
Cultural shift through community sensitization may be hard to implement in the sense that these attitudes are greatly engraved in the Saudi way of life. A change of hundred-year-old traditions may not be such an easy task even through participation of the Saudi government. It may achieve results gradually which may be felt by the Riyadh community after a number of years. The Saudi Arabian economy notes that Saudization policy, on the other hand, is brilliant and good for the national outlook of the Saudi nation. However, it may come with many costs that may translate to bureaucratic wars that may not be beneficial for communities such as Riyadh.


Youth unemployment is a problem that affects many communities globally. It is a problem that if remains unchecked may hinder the growth of any community, society and nation. It is thus important to implement strategies that are perceived viable and integral in its containment. The upgraded school curriculums, shift in cultural attitudes, as well as the creation of pro-employment policies such as the “Saudization”, are some of the measures identified. If properly executed they all can reduce unemployment rates considerably. However, in terms of effectiveness, the creation of pro-employment policies ranks best. The Saudization program may ultimately impact on the unemployment considerably by availing a great number of opportunities due to the industrial nature of Riyadh and Saudi, in general.


Fayad, G., & International Monetary Fund. (2012). Saudi Arabia: Selected issues. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Kayed, R. N., & Hassan, M. K. (2013). Islamic Entrepreneurship:Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series. Routledge.
Ramady, M. A. (2010). The Saudi Arabian economy. New York: Springer.

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