Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Strategy, Game, Player, Scissors, Internet, Competition, Function, Shape

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/03


There are number of concepts that specifically stride under the Nash Equilibrium, and five of them are as follows
Involvement of Strategies and involved in the Complex game
Modeling in Nash Equilibrium
Non-Cooperative Versus Complex Game structure
Pareto Inferior Equilibrium
Measurement of Stability in Equilibrium
Rock-Paper-Scissors is a hand game that usually played by two people in which different shapes will be made accordingly. It is one of the most interesting games played by the children during their childhood. For this question, it is required to apply the Nash Equilibrium on this game. Let say there are two players playing this game, with the name of Tom and Sam.
Tom and Sam has the chance to shape their hands in one of the three styles, hence the payoff function will be revolving across the two functions, and the strategy related to the same is as follows
It may happen that Tom made a Rock shape, but Sam made a Scissor function. 0, 0 is denoting that both of the players have made similar shapes.


Yes! Rock-paper-scissors is a finite game, in which every player has a finite strategy
No! There will be no Pure Strategy of wining the Rock-paper-scissors game, because of the limitation on the strategic functions
Yes! There is a strategy that can be used by the players in order to win Rock-paper-scissors. By being observant and unpredictable, a person can become a Pro-RPS player, as observation is the main thing underlies in this game.


Yes, Rock-paper-scissors game can be represented in the form of a matrix, and one of the most beautiful examples of the same is as follows

The aforementioned matrix is defining the chance of occurrence of scenario for each of the player.

A concept of economics in which the optimal outcome of a game lies on the fact wherein no player has an incentive to deviate from their already chosen strategy is known as Game Theory or Nash Equilibrium. The deviation in the strategy usually based upon the choice of the opponent. It basically uses to net-off the inefficiencies that may be arising from exaggerating and changing of strategies.


Nash Equilibrium can be define as an initiative or change in the overall strategy that was initiated before. The game defined through the Nash Equilibrium based exclusively upon the strategy and anticipation level of the opponent. In other words, it can be said that Nash Equilibrium is all about taking a reverse strategy to net off the issues from the initial strategy.


Referring to the below mentioned diagram for Nash Equilibrium
It can be said that the Nash Equilibrium comes when South Relates to Mickey and North relates to Goofy.
Referring to the below mentioned diagram to count the number of Nash Equilibrium
When Player 1 is up and Move to right towards the 2nd player, then both of the players have a Nash Equilibrium, while the player going down has to coordinate with the player going to Left for the equilibrium. Hence, there are two Nash equilibrium found in the picture


There is only one Nash Equilibrium is found in the below mentioned diagram
When Sue and Ali are in the right position, then Nash Equilibrium will be formed among them

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"Good Essay On Strategic Thinking." WePapers, Oct 03, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-strategic-thinking/
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"Good Essay On Strategic Thinking," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 03-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-strategic-thinking/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Good Essay On Strategic Thinking. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-strategic-thinking/. Published Oct 03, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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