Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Technology, Education, Students, Learning, System, Teaching, Challenges, Development

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/13

The advancements in technology and its applications have played a major role in yielding rich dividends in almost all the sectors, including education. Technology in education possesses the capability to offer the best possible outcomes for both the teachers as well as the students. There is a continuous shift in the means and modes of technology used for serving the purpose of education through constant research and development. Though technology has entered the lives of the individuals, it has been tough for the educational system to keep pace with the access of information and advances in multimedia . A majority of the schools all over the world still employs traditional techniques and strategies of education. However, the trend is changing day-by-day. The number of students having access to computers and multimedia has seen a tremendous increase in the past few years.
Technology has several benefits depending upon how one uses it. It offers a simulating environment for the students and encourages them to involve effectively in the learning process. It helps to promote active learning through new learning environments that blend innovative strategies. Technology in education enables exploratory and inquiry-based learning when compared to the traditional education, which is merely passive learning . It also improves the cognitive thinking capabilities and analytical skills of the students. It provides ample opportunities for the students in terms of self-growth, diversity and self-paced learning. Technology also offers a wide variety of choices to the students in their materials, tasks and resources. It motivates the students to learn and increases their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Technology in education offers flexibility for students with special needs, such as those suffering from disabilities. Applications, such as text-to-speech synthesis and voice recognition allow the disabled students to reach their potential . Technology enhances the communication skills of the students through the integration of applications related to telecommunications. It also extends unique opportunities for the students demonstrate and critique their communication skills. Technology in education expands the learning experience over national and international boundaries. Students residing in different countries can effectively interact with each other and learn about their politics, global concerns, lifestyles and many others . Technology offers various evaluation techniques, which enable proper planning and development of the students. It adds new dimensions to education, which include team teaching, micro-teaching, simulated teaching and many others. Technology allows the students to publish their works to the rest of the world through the help of internet, which is a powerful tool of motivation.
In spite of several advantages offered by technology and its applications in the field of education, technology carries the risk of minimizing the influence of classroom training. The distracting and dangerous consequences of technology are a threat if students do not make the best use of it. Lack of technical expertise acts as a disadvantage to the students and is a demotivating factor. Since the past investments in technology, such as language laboratories and radio have not yielded positive results, the question as to replace technology with the traditional educational practices does not have a solid answer . Moreover, technology is expensive and involves greater maintenance costs, which is a disadvantage to a majority of the schools that cannot afford huge amounts. The major challenge lies in confronting the challenges of the education system rather incorporating technology with the existing system.
Despite the minor challenges, technology proves useful for human purposes. Education requires appropriate technology rather than sophisticated technology, which is not only difficult to operate, but also unaffordable to maintain. The best way to utilize technology in education is to take the best advantage of its opportunities and combat against the challenges that come in the way. It is essential to transform the education system so that it is capable to produce manpower that is capable to harness technology. Incorporating technology and diversifying the general education system provides greater benefits to the students achieve their career goals. In order to survive in the new age of globalization, technology should facilitate the training and education of the populations by offering a dynamic framework . Technology is not just about the software and hardware components; rather it is a tool that aids in the enhancement of education.
Technology is the major determinant of effective learning in the case of any educational system. It bridges the gap of space and time, and opens unlimited possibilities of development. Technology helps to acquire information and knowledge in a practical way instead of the traditional approach followed in the current educational systems. It reaches out beyond the boundaries for the benefits of the students. It overcomes the barriers of location, time, provision and staff, and enhances the opportunities of education . Technology is a boon to the students residing in remote places who have to travel long distances to attend the schools. Such students can avail education through distant learning programs online. Technology also overcomes the challenges of poor learning, unqualified teaching, cultural disadvantages, dropouts in schools, shortage of staff and many others. Thus, technology plays a crucial role in the field of education by offering various advantages to the students as well as the teachers.


Edwards, Anthony. New Technology and Education. New York: A&C Black, 2012.
Wright, Cream A. H. Issues in Education and Technology: Policy Guidelines and Strategies. London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2000.

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"Good Essay On Technology In Education," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 13-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-technology-in-education/. [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Good Essay On Technology In Education. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-technology-in-education/. Published Dec 13, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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