Type of paper: Essay

Topic: People, Terrorism, World, Social Issues, Culture, Ethics, Religion, Truth

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/22

Hi! Have you heard the news? Charlie Hebdo was attacked!

Sorry, no I haven’t. I don’t watch TV much lately. Way too many sad things are going on in the world, do I am trying to abstract from these events. What is it? And where did it happen?
There was a massacre at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday 7 January. 12 people were killed and 11 injured. Can you imagine that?
Wow That’s really bad news Although, I know what you are talking about! This famous magazine. I can remember my cousin from Paris talking about it. Each issue of it creates a huge sensation around itself. Their covers are always quite provocative. My point is that they very often cross the line.
That’s an interesting thought. Why do you think so? The freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, that's what motivates them in creating these caricatures. I am convinced that this is what a reader needs. The truth the way it is, without ornamentation! Yes, sometimes it can be a little stunning and a bit overwhelming, but life is life and we have to be ready to accept its realities.
I see what you are saying. But it’s important to remember the simple limits of decency and tolerance. Everyone has his own thoughts and opinions. Some of the topics they raise in their magazine can be offensive for those, who read it. That is why such radical reaction does not surprise me. After all, not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not everyone wants to blow up himself in the name of Allah.
I understand you, but you also need to remember that this religion was never a peaceful one. The stereotypes were built after years of terrorist attacks all over the world. And for some reason they were rigged precisely by the representatives of this religion and culture. After years of such trials people just became afraid of men and women dressed in the yashmak.
This is the essence of terrorism. Synonyms of the word "terror" are the words "violence", "bullying" and "deterrence". Politicians often use them in their speeches to describe completely different events. They use this word multiple times during one statement, in order to enhance the effect of his words, maybe even scare the audience. It could rightfully be called one of the psychological techniques of an orator.
Well, you are right. Please, don’t think that I’m defending the terrorists, moreover, I do understand that what they did was not right at all. But think yourself, would it be offensive for you to hear anybody say something really terrible concerning your beliefs. According to my observations, the fights and discussions over politics and religion have always been the most radical ones. And nowadays, when so many scary things are going on in the world and people are just tired of all of this, the consequences of these contradictions and conflicts may be even more unpredictable.
I don’t want to sound like a racist to you, but there are too many Muslims in the world nowadays. Do you know that the most popular name in the UK over the past year was Mohamed? A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine was on a trip to Munich. Shortly after his return, he has told me a story about this huge demonstration against the construction of a new mosque in the center of the city. Thousands of people were out on the streets protesting. All of that was quite scary for the tourists, as there were people shouting and the police armed to the teeth everywhere. There's an old proverb: “When in Rome, do as Romans do.” To my mind, it would be more logical for them to try to assimilate to the culture they have chosen to live in, otherwise why did they leave their home country. And yet they have decided to move out of it and start a new life. Now I’m not saying that they must forget their culture and their cultural values, such as their language or religion, but they have to learn and to respect the culture and the people of the country they now live in.
When it comes to these topics I always like to say that I am a militant pacifist: if nobody will take a weapon in his hands there will be no war because there will be nobody to fight. Our world lacks tolerance and compassion, as well as a simple human understanding. But in parallel with this, we are also in need of openness, moreover, we simply require a free access to the information. People need to know the truth. I think everybody is tired of censorship because everything we see or hear is filtered according to the political or moral principles. And Charlie Hebdo was a perfect example of this freedom. The journalists were not afraid to pass their opinion, although they did it in their own eccentric manner. Their screaming caricatures had been just another way to attract as more attention, as only possible. They were just trying to show everybody the naked truth, to open our eyes to what is going on in the world right now. Their task was to raise serious questions and to explain them to usual people. There are so many people who would like to better understand the politics or culture, but cannot because they do not have the necessary education or they simply no one to explain them, how it all works. Charlie Hebdo took over this heavy burden. They shed light on the various situations using a simple language that can be understood by everyone.
Well, not everybody understood this information the way they wanted them to, as we can see. Some of the people thought this wasn’t appropriate and maybe even quite offensive to them. As you have just said, there are way too many crazy things going on in the world. Don’t you think that such provocative behavior can be a powerful incentive to all these terrorist attacks?
Well, the truth can often sound bitter, but we all need it by all means. It is much better to know, who the things really are, then look at the world through pink glasses, as far as I’m concerned. Anyhow, this terrible event united all the countries in Europe and abroad. They gathered together in order to help financially and morally, to express their deepest condolences and to bury the dead. The presidents of many countries flew to Paris right away to represent their countries and their people. In this difficult for the French and for the whole world day we all were gathered together and were supporting each other, everyone was going through this and felt loss.
Maybe, you are right. Now I see this situation from a different side. I can never say that this act of terrorism was a positive event, but it has certainly changed and affected many people. It would be wonderful, if you could give a couple internet links about this event, so I can understand the whole situation properly?

Yes, sure! As soon as I get home I will send you an email right away!

Great! Now I have to go. It was great talking to you!
Same here! See you later!

Works Cited

"Charlie Hebdo Attack: Three Days of Terror." BBC News. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.
"Terrorism." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.
"Terrorism RESEARCH." Terrorism Research. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.
"United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime." Terrorism Prevention. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.

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"Good Essay On Terrorism." WePapers, Dec 22, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-terrorism/
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Good Essay On Terrorism. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-on-terrorism/. Published Dec 22, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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