Good Example Of A Structural Straitjacket At Wild Wear Case Study

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Organization, Wear, Design, Innovation, Time Management, Customers, Restructuring, Weakness

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/29

What would be the ideal organizational design for a company like Wild Wear? Discuss this in terms of specifics such as organic/mechanistic design, strategy, and effectiveness approaches.
Wild Wear requires having an organic design for its structure. Ideally, this is because its working environment is uncertain and relatively dynamic. In addition, the organization requires a decentralized decision making in order to put things in order. Furthermore, the organization the organization is in a complex environment that requires it to have rapid communication and information sharing strategies in order to enhance efficiency. All the above-mentioned qualities are available within an organic organizational design.

What are some of the possible internal and external influences/strengths and weaknesses for Wild Wear?

Wild Wear is subject to various strengths and weakness. First, it has a good public image and good reputation from the customers that is why the company remains surviving regardless of its poor response to new fashions as its competitors respond. In addition, the organization had a modern and efficient manufacturing facility that enhances good quality products and helps the organization to reduce the cost of production. On the other hand, Wild Wear has a weakness in responding to the changing customer needs that requires the organization to come up with new fashions just as its competitors employ. In addition, the organization has also a weakness in communication important information among its departments something that has affected its efficiency.
How can the Kellys ensure that the new Wild Wear structure is effective? What leadership behaviors and/or cultural changes might you suggest?
 Kellys can enhance effectiveness within the organization by conducting marketing research in order to establish the changing customer needs and preferences. It is through this research whereby the organization will focus on what products to produce. In addition, there is a great need for continuous employee training in order to ensure that they have adequate knowledge and skills that will enhance their productivity. Furthermore, there is a great role to improve communication among the various divisions of the organization. Under this section, all the stakeholders should be allowed to take part in decision making.

 What does Wild Wear’s experience say about the need for periodic corporate restructuring?

There is a great need for periodic corporate restructuring within the organization. Ideally, this is because the organization is a dynamic business that requires regular restructuring in order to meet the future standards of its customers.

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Good Example Of A Structural Straitjacket At Wild Wear Case Study. Free Essay Examples - Published Oct 29, 2020. Accessed October 18, 2024.

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