Good Example Of Admission Essay On The Influence Of Diversity On Approach To Business Classes And Future Career

Type of paper: Admission Essay

Topic: Diversity, Finance, Business, People, Management, Psychology, Mind, Future

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/12

Diversity is the quality of accepting and respecting the fact that the world has various unique and diverse things and people. It involves looking at each circumstance with an open mind and embracing the differences that are bound to come up whenever people are together.There are many areas that demonstrate the diversity. Some of the areas include religious beliefs, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical abilities and race among many others. Diversity has an undeniable impact on virtually any future career that one may have in mind. It also has a major influence on one's approach to business classes.
First off, diversity is a key factor considered in one's quest for a fulfilling career. For instance, if one wishes to work as a financial planner in a bank in the future, they need to keep the concepts of diversity in mind. A financial planner is someone who prepares financial plans for persons or organisations as a professional. Financial planning is viewed as the epitome of diversity. It involves so many different areas that need to be taken into consideration in drafting an effective financial plan. Some of these areas include financial risk management, cash flow management and investment planning among other areas. Therefore, for one to be a good financial planner, they need to be able to appreciate diversity. Financial planners are bound to deal with people from diverse backgrounds. Say for instance that a financial manager has reservations about people from a certain background or ethnic group, it would be difficult for the financial manager to carry out duties while working with these people. It further shows that a good financial planner needs to be diverse.
Lastly diversity affects one's approach to business classes. Business is a wide field and, therefore, any business student needs to have a clear picture of what they want to attain from business classes.For one to gain the most from the business classes, they need to embrace diversity so as to have a wider scope of the subject. The wide knowledge acquired is bound to have endless real life applications.
In conclusion, diversity is appreciation of the uniqueness and diversity of people and things. It is very important for those who wish to take business classes and also those that wish to become bank financial planners in the future.

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Good Example Of Admission Essay On The Influence Of Diversity On Approach To Business Classes And Future Career. Free Essay Examples - Published Dec 12, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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