Good Example Of Andy Warhol’s “Shadows” Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Painting, Art, Color, Artists, Andy Warhol, Light, Artwork, Sense

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/26


Andy Warhol is an iconic artist of the 1960s to 1980s. He was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. At an early age, he was diagnosed with Chorea forcing him to be bed ridden for a few months. During this time, he developed an interest in arts thanks to his mother who was also an artist. In college, he studied fine arts and moved to New York where he became a commercial artist. He is renowned for his pop art style, which concentrated on large-scale commercial paintings of goods. This paper is going to focus on some of his paintings particularly the shadows.
The first impression one gets from the shadows is that of a cinema hall and the lighting in the hall is flickering producing a series of similar light intensity but of different colors. It also brings about a sense of light adjustment problem since one cannot really choose the best painting due to their similarity in drawing and difference in color scheme. These impressions come about due to the close arrangement and drawing of the hundred and two paintings that can be viewed as one long painting.
The impact that this painting has to an individual is that colors can be blended together to produce a masterpiece work of art especially when used in similar drawings. The use of same strokes in the painting makes one start the journey of experiencing a work of art that never ends due to its similarity in all aspects apart from color scheme.
This painting means that an artist needs to picture what the final piece has to look like and make it different from the other pieces. This makes their work unique and hard to interpret through an amateur eye. The painting also means that equality in any work of art is important. The colors of the paintings change after every few paintings breaking monotony and creating a sense of different appeals. Bright colored paintings are neutralized with the dark colored ones. This balance in brightness ensures that no one painting outshines the other, thus; making them equal in appeal.
The works of John Sonsini, which incorporates oil and canvas, has a similarity to Andy Warhol’s shadows in that both use canvas to show case their artistic works. It should, however; be noted that these two works are very different from each other. First, Andy uses the same painting repeatedly to display the different combination of colors. John, on the other hand, uses one painting to show a combination of colors in it. Another difference is the way these two artists differ in their painting strokes. Andy gentle strokes make it hard to define the start or finish of any particular painting. John on the other hand employs visible rough strokes to show the different areas of importance in his painting. Areas that he wants to be pronounced get rougher strokes than other parts of the painting. Andy uses different colors to portray different lighting patterns in his work while John prefers to use a given color scheme in front of his work to absorb lots of light from the background. This maintains his desired light intensity on his work of art.


The different works of arts show different tastes in the art industry between artists. Each artist seeks to make a niche for themselves by their way of artistry. Any Warhol achieves this by his famous shadow painting. The painting shows that colors can create a sense of endlessness when used on a similar thing over a series of time.

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