Good Example Of Article Review On “Student’s Name”

Type of paper: Article Review

Topic: Sociology, Marketing, Elections, Public, Education, Safety, Campaign, Strategy

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/02/08

Summary 7

“Institution Affiliation”
Walter Wymer (2011) Developing more effective social media marketing strategies Journal 0f Social Marketing. 1(1):17-31
This study seeks to understand better why many social marketing campaigns yield poor results. The study further proposes a model to guide social marketing planning in a bid to improve social marketing outcomes (Walter, 2011). Generally, in public safety, social marketers can improve their outcomes if they identify the upstream causes of social problems. Further, the study intends to heighten awareness of self-inflicted limitations on social marketing strategies as well as suggest ways of removing these barriers and improve the ability to better social wellbeing (Walter, 2011).
Using social marketing effectively, it is possible to successfully alert people on an impending or perceived danger and urge them to move to secure grounds. For instance, an emergency like terrorist attack on a building, social marketers can use social platform to communicate with those inside the building and provide them with ideas on how to manage the situation such as how to react. Social marketing principles can be applied to benefit the society in general through injury prevention and related behavioral issues. For example, emergency department can apply social marketing to caution drivers against drinking and driving, create awareness on need to use safety belts to minimize injury in case of an accident, and warn against school violence among other issues (Cheng, Kotler, & Lee, 2008). Further, the department may initiate corporate social marketing in a bid to support behavior-changing campaigns.
As a manager, I would use social marketing campaign to increase awareness of need to observe public safety. This can be achieved through the use of special events, public relations, sponsorships, public service advertising, and personal communication. The success of this campaign will be determined by how effectively I utilize these tools for communication. As such, applying the proposed social marketing principles, the campaign will be a success.


Cheng H. Kotler P. & Lee N. (2008) Social Marketing for Public Health: An Introduction. Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Walter W. (2011). Developing more effective social marketing strategies, Journal of Social Marketing, Vol. 1 Iss: 1, pp.17 – 31

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