Good Example Of Best Practice Articles Report Report

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Effective, Feedback, Search Engine, Engine, Role, Framework, Developing, Logic

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/09/09


This paper presents a report on the contribution of various articles the understanding of Business-to-Business structuring and operations. The first part of the report provides the themes of the articles in the precise manner. The second part provides the role of the articles in understanding B2B marketing course. Afterwards, the report highlights on the concept of building long-term customer relationship in business markets. Finally, the report concludes by providing feedback about the learning experience associated with the articles.

Articles Themes

This section of the report provides a highlight of the themes discussed in the seven articles. The themes re summarized in seven sub-sections as follows:

Why B-to-B Marketers Don’t Innovate More: A Scientific Explanation

In this article, the author provides a scientific explanation on the reason why most B-to-B marketers resolve not to venture more into innovation. In the article, it is notable that several B-to-B marketers tend to remain objective in pursuance of activities that do not deliver the desired outcomes. Although most of these marketers are aware that their efforts, money, and time focus are not result-oriented, they fear the play risk-avoidance schemes.

Four Tips for Stronger, More Effective B-to-B SEO

The theme in this article is that the business world is technical and constantly changing requiring B-to-B marketers engaging in the search engine services to align their strategies accordingly. As such, the article provides four important ways of developing a stronger and effective B-to-B. The four tips for improving B-to-B SEO strategy are as follows:

Understanding the searching patterns of the customers

Expanding the search terms
Strengthening the relationship with IT
Integrating the content marketing and the social media strategies
Leveraging Millennial in Your B-to-B Social Media Marketing Plan
This article focus on millennials beyond the limits of the age brackets of 18 to 33 years. The article perceives the millennials as new graduates who are quite resourceful to the B-to-B social media-marketing program. The article primarily sheds light on the significance of having millennials in B-to-B social media marketing because they effectively build social capital, track their friends and leverage on the social networks.

B-to-B Marketing Must Focus on 1:1

The article emphasizes the need for the B-to-B marketers to focus on single meaningful connections rather than over-scrutinizing large vanity metrics. The author highlights the significance of B2B companies embracing 1:1 marketing model just like their B2C counterparts. In addition, the article provides the scope within the framework of the 1:1 model in the limelight of B2B. The article maintains that B2B needs to implement the 1:1 model by enhancing customer relationship.

How Personal Emotions Fuel B2B Purchases

The theme in this article focuses on the fact that emotions play a more central and significant role in influencing the purchasing behaviour than logic in the B2B. The article provides a research finding that shows that at least 71% of buyers make purchases on goods and services where they associate personal value. This aspect implies that the personal value has an emotional tie than logic or reasoning in influencing purchases in the B-to-B.

The Business Benefit of Digital Listening

In this article, it is clear that listening to the customers online contributes significantly to the success of both B2B and B2C in the modern corporate society. The article provides the benefits of developing uniform approach to listening across the company. In addition, the article highlights the plans the B2B companies should put in place to respond to the customers’ feedback online. Furthermore, the article also provides the various ways of empowering the employees and departments to act spontaneously to adapt to organizational change.
The articles focuses on various strategies that have enabled different B2B companies to experience substantial growth in sales. Most organizations find it difficult to handle the large numbers of customers that seek purchases from their business. Trust is the pillar that anchors sales in the B2B framework. The second thing to do is to unlock the potential of the customers and then keep the things moving forward. Furthermore, the company needs to create a sense of urgency and finally reduce the expenses in order to realize the sales increase.

The role of the articles in understanding B2B marketing course

These articles are fundamental in the understanding of B2B marketing course. From the first article, it is evident that many B2B marketers focus insignificant attention on innovation. This theme provides a clear understating the reason why most B2B companies do not innovate. As such, the topic of innovation in the B2B course comes out clearly. In addition, it is notable that B2B marketing has become more technical and challenging. As such, it is notable that B2B marketers need to embrace various strategies to enhance effectiveness and profitability of B2B. Articles 2, 4, 6, and 7 provide various ways of facilitating B2B business. These articles provide research-based evidence on ways in which B2B companies can improve their sales. Search engine optimization by understating customers’ search patterns and aligning the services to the needs of the customers.
In the B2B course, it is notable B2B companies need to listen to their customers online and act in line with the needs of the customers. The aspect of change management also comes out explicitly from article 6, which provides ways of empowering the employees and the departments to be more sensitive to the change and to the customers’ feedback. Moreover, the articles also make it easy to understand some of the parallels and variances between B2B and B2C. For instance, article 4 and 6 point out that both B2B and B2C can effectively embrace 1:1 model and focus on digital listening to enhance sales. Precisely, these articles contribute significantly to the understanding of the B2B course.

Building long term customer relationships in business markets

The success of marketing relies on establishing and maintaining a meaningful relationship with the customers. As such, customer relationship is one of the primary objectives of marketing. From article 2, this report provides the following recommendations on improving customer relationship in a B2B framework:

Understanding the customers and how they do their searching

First, a B2B SEO needs to understand the three audiences that the business must address via the website. They include the current customers, the prospective customers, and the influencers, which constitute the internet pundits, bloggers, and celebrities with a large number of followers. Marketers need to focus on the influencers in order to establish effective customers’ relationship due to their substantial influence on the potential customers.
Expanding the search terms
After understanding the wide range of customers that the B2B marketer deals with, it is important to increase the number of search phrases and key words. This way, it can accommodate the varying needs of potential, current customers, and influencers.
Strengthening the relationship with IT
It is vital to ensure that the URLs are clear to make it easier to locate the website. Establishing and strengthening the relationship with an IT technician ensures that the linking structures of the link sites flow logically making the home page easily accessible with only a few clicks.

Integration of the marketing and social media strategies

The influencers are very instrumental in sharing the content and linking back the site to improve the reputation of the website. Integrating the marketing and social media strategies provides a perfect mix to create a tech-savvy brand.

Feedback about this learning experience

A review of the seven articles provides an exciting experience in the understanding of B2B course. The report provides a clear insight of how B2B companies can improve their sales and establish effective customer relationships. Article 2 provides an understanding on search engine optimization and ways of ensuring that the business meets the needs of the customers. Accordingly, it is noteworthy that these articles have exposed the various concepts of B2B business in a more practical manner.

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Good Example Of Best Practice Articles Report Report. Free Essay Examples - Published Sep 09, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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