Good Example Of Book Review On Oral Presentation

Type of paper: Book Review

Topic: Constitution, Law, People, Wellness, Poverty, Poor, Ethics, Aristotle

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/24

Chapter 1

Consequently, the legislators should draft and implement the constitution based on the people’s needs. Most of the proposed constitutions should represent the people’s interests and at the same time prove its usefulness to the public. The author argues that some legislators state that the constitutions are good but when asked about their usefulness, they fail to state. For instance what is the use of having the president control the foreign policies where there are people obligated with that policy? Therefore, it is essential for the legislators to draft good and useful constitutions. For this reason, all constitutions should contain easy and achievable goals thereby realistic (Aristotle 96). What are some of the unachieved objectives in the constitution? Therefore, it is the work of the leaders to educate the citizenry about the contents of the constitutions and what it expects of them to help in its implementation. In the process, people also understand the different constitutions thereby becoming easy in choosing the best that suits the region. How often does the government conduct the education on the citizenry about constitution?

Chapter 11

Nonetheless, a good constitution depends on the legislators’ ethics. Therefore, it is essential for the legislators to uphold the moral standards to help in drafting a more favorable to the citizens. The author agrees that a common challenge arises due to the different people’s social classes. It is evident that the rich consider themselves as above the law, and this makes them ungovernable. Where does the constitution state that the rich should impose rules on the poor? On the other hand, the poor become very submissive to the leaders and the rich to the extent that they forget their rights. As a result, the different social classes widen the gap between the rich and the poor. Not every leader possesses the leadership styles. What is the motive behind the rich ruling the poor even without the skills? Because the rich act like the masters, the rest should follow their directives while the poor act as the command takers where they do everything the rich asks them (Aristotle 295). However, the middle-class people are friendly, and this makes them the appropriate people to govern the country. The neutrality nature of the middle class enhances efficacy in the administration. What has the legislators done to portray their moral ethics?

Chapter 12

In most cases, the constitutions are either democratic or oligarchic. It is because, the societies are either dominated by either the rich or the poor and the middle-class consist of a small percentage. The author states,” democracy arises as a result of the poor while rich give rise to the oligarchic governments”. Which type of the constitution yields the best results? The wide gap between the rich and the poor also contribute to inequality in the constitution (Aristotle 242). For this reason, each member drafts a constitution that favors them to extend their oppression and intimidation against the others. Shouldn’t the constitution legislators be drawn from all social classes for representation? Consequently, the best and the fine products belong to the rich due to their high purchasing power. Therefore, the legislators are advised to draft laws with the middle people in mind. It brings out neutrality in the laws that do not overpower one group thereby ignoring the other at the expense of the favored one. What research or study shows that the middle class people are always neutral and that they never take sides?
In conclusion, people usually rely on arbitrators when disputes arise, and the parties do not opt to go to the courts. People regard an arbitrator as neutral person who should not take sides. In this case, the middle-class people are the neutrals that would help bring equality in most constitutions. Therefore, the middle class should determine the constitution contents.

Work cited

Aristotle, .Politics. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Pub, 2004. Print.

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