Good Example Of Cene 225 Spring 2015 Hw#1 Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Information, Material, Correlation, Probability, Literature, Writing, Writer, Investment

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/01

Statistics From Your Interest Area

You are all interested in something. Explore the literature (magazines, books, web sites, etc) for your interest area and look for example of the use of graphic statistics. I suggest a Google search using the Images option. Select some interesting and visual display of data. You are to review the related materials of interest to you that support the graphic and contained some form of statistical analysis and/or display. You will review your materials using the framework offered below.Attach copies of the material and highlight material which supports your analysis below. Attach screen shots or print outs of enough of the material to support your analysis. Include a cover sheet (you may use and modify this page as necessary).No credit for just the web material. You must show that you have taken it apart enough to answer the questions. Please don’t copy more than a 2-3 pages of web material.Add your answers to the blank areas below. Add more lines as necessary
1. In a word or short phrase provide an identification (name) and brief explanation of the “random variable” (or variables) considered in your statistical example.

Random Variable(s) Considered:

With random variable analysis is done with the help of numerical values that provides outcome through probability procedures. In analysis, X is used to represent random variables and x is used to represent single variable. Here in this representation the variables derived by the correlation of the variables are the random variables described in the statistical data.
2. For each of the random variables considered identify its type:
(Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio) (see appropriate references for definitions)
Here the data variables are of nominal types were the variables are differentiated from each other and the variable cannot be ranked. The variables have more than one categories or level and are used to expression the probability analysis of the data.
3. How was the variable or variables analyzed? (See appropriate references for definitions)
(Descriptive-Quantitative or Graphical, Inferential, Explorative, Bootstrapping, Probability, etc.)
The variables are analyzed in this statistical data representation with the method of probability and quantitative analysis. Here in this statistical analysis the quantitative analysis is done with the help of mathematical functions and random variables are obtained from the analysis.
4. Was the variable (variables) considered individually or compared to others or each other? If yes explain.
The variables in this analysis are compared with each other to find the correlation of the data. Correlation is the method through which the relationship of the data is derived with the help of probability analysis. For this the standard deviation of the variables and central tendency of the variables are found to derive the comparison among the variables.
5. What was the nature of any conclusions drawn from the analysis of the data? What did the writer intend the reader to learn or conclude from the data? Were you convinced???
The writer here in the data shows the correlation between the variables described in the material provided below. The writer here represented the statistical data, but its need descriptive analysis for making the work easier for the people to understand. Yes, I am convinced with the work of the writer because it is helpful to understand the correlation between the variables.
6. Other commentary:
The variables described in this statistical data are useful for the analysis made to describe the correlation among the variables. Here in this I have provided only the statistical analysis but it would be more useful if the descriptive analysis is also represented.
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"Good Example Of Cene 225 Spring 2015 Hw#1 Essay." WePapers, Oct 01, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.
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"Good Example Of Cene 225 Spring 2015 Hw#1 Essay," Free Essay Examples -, 01-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Good Example Of Cene 225 Spring 2015 Hw#1 Essay. Free Essay Examples - Published Oct 01, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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