Good Example Of Critical Thinking On Art & Architecture

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Painting, Artists, Art, Vision, Eye, Color, Design, Human

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/01/02

Monster or Hybrid

Chris Ofili’s Third Eye Vision is a cultural art work. It is indication of the hybridity because in it the virtual and the physical worlds are entangled. Considering Hayles’ Post-Human theory , in which the idea of the randomness and pattern is used, and indicates that the digitalization has now become a style, and also a source that helps people in expressing themselves in the culture. Post-human explains that the things are not monster instead they are the representation of the amalgamation of the opposites. This paves the way to the creation of a position where difference can be observed as decisive for the development. In the same manner, the painting ‘Third Eye Vision’, represents kaleidoscopic painting having an abstract pattern and different colors. The painting is indicating that the things not monsters and they are combination of different facts. It is indicating that the things keep on moving and do not remain constant and static. Considering an example, the people move from one place to another and from culture to another. In the same manner, the things keep on changing their location. The emerging technologies are enabling the hybridity and movement of the things. In the Third Eye Vision, the artist has tried to show the nature, world of the art, and the heritage. It represents the African as well as Asian Diaspora. Chris Ofili has used different colors in order to show the hybridity that it is the combination that makes the image somewhat confusing and not the monster. The pattern of the painting is also an indication of the hybridity.
The hybrdity of the image can also be analyzed from the fact that there are many artists who have continued the use of the traditional media such as painting etc, but they keeps on using different techniques in order to enhance the appearance of the image. Same is the case with the Chris Ofili’s painting In which traditional method is used for painting the picture. Now, in this advanced era, digital media, moving images and still images are used in order to make new hybrid forms of art that are far more advanced than the traditional images and paintings. The artists are now using different methods in order to express their paintings in different manners. They are conformable because they can now use different methods for reflecting the hybridity. They are mixing different characteristics for creating a better and a stronger image. Hybridity is adopted in order to loss the sense of purity and just to give an idea of the thing (Harris, 2003). Sometimes the artist wants to conceal the originality of the painting that is why they use different colors as well and techniques. Similarly, in the Third Eye Vision, Ofili has tried to give an idea by hiding the facts in order to enable the view to perceive according to their own thinking and observation.
In a nutshell, Chris Ofili’s Third Eye Vision is an effectual representation of the hybridity because the artist has used different colors and themes for indicating different things in a single painting. Most of the artists want to show the various things in one image so they use to prefer the hybridity. Hayle’s Post Human theory also indicates that the things are combination of different factors and they are not monsters.


Harris, Jonathan. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Painting: Hybridity, Hegemony, Historicism. Liverpool: Liverpool UP :, 2003.

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