Good Example Of Critical Thinking On New To Healthcare

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Health, Health Care, Technology, Information, Business, System, Products, Quality

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/24

Healthcare is an important sector that is increasing costs to t the economies. Therefore, the technological driven strategies are required to help the sector be cost effective and foster the provision of health products. For instance, as discussed in the article, information system (IS) improves not only the quality of the health care but also reduce the healthcare costs. In addition, the IS are required to collect, store and process and communicate appropriate information to the decision makers. As a result, this technology improves the health care coordination in both the population and individual level. Therefore, technology in the healthcare is an important concept that is anticipated to improve the quality of the products offered in the healthcare sector and reduce cost.

Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because Information System is one of the technology-driven resources that is required to facilitate the provision of the healthcare services and products. The IS provides the solution for the various challenges that face the healthcare sector. The concept of the information technology is interesting because it is anticipated to revolutionize the healthcare products and to affect the healthcare processes and systems positively.

Summary of the article

The article identifies the potential importance of integrating information system into then healthcare sector in order to improve outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. The article provides an insight of the IS role in the provision of the healthcare products in its diverse regulatory and organizational environments. Fichman et al. reveals six theoretical distinctive factors that affect the adoption of the technology in the health sector. The authors also highlight the recommended future of the IS that focuses on the three areas such as evidence-based medicine, social media, and personalized medicine.

How the technology will change the health care?

Although there are various disadvantages that are anticipated in the adoption of the technology in the healthcare, it is expected to have a beneficial impact on the health care. Some of the disadvantages highlighted by the article are the resistant to technology and lack of confidentiality when sharing information with electronic devices. However, the technology is anticipated to help the healthcare sector to deal with various challenges that they face in their daily activities. Such challenges include medical errors, inconsistent quality, rising costs, mounting staff shortages, and inefficiency that challenges the doctor satisfaction. Therefore, although the integration of the technology into the healthcare arena is a complex process, the urge for technology is favored by increasing demand for efficiency and cost effectiveness. This illustrates that the technology will provide a solution to many shortcomings in the healthcare sector. With the implementation of the technology, key healthcare processes such as monitoring, sensing and controlling are expected to be efficient. The information technology will, therefore, enhance not only the easier and convenient retrieval of information but also quality of healthcare products.

Terms from the article I was unfamiliar with

Personal health records (PHR): this is an information technology that gathers information from various sources and gives the individual ability to manage their PHR. Such platform does not enhance services to patients but also enhance incentives for providers to share Electronic Health record data.
Unity in diversity: according to the article, the unity of diversity is the “process of coordination and alignment of healthcare information technologies in use” (Fichman et al. 2011). This involves how the individuals align and coordinate their application of technology with other people across diverse practice.
IT-PRS (IT-enabled physician referral system): the article defines this term as a system that enhances the care transfer among the physicians. This system requires major financial support and extensive coordination to promote continuity and quality of care.


Fichman, R. G., Kohli, R., & Krishnan, R. (2011). The Role of Information Systems in Healthcare: Current Research and Future Trends. Information Systems Research, 22(3), 419–428. Retrieved from

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Good Example Of Critical Thinking On New To Healthcare. Free Essay Examples - Published Nov 24, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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