Good Example Of Essay On A Species Whose Population Is Threatened In Southern Nevada

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Species, Desert, Tortoise, Internet, Fish, Wildlife, Services, Government

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/17


All living beings evolve over time to adapt to the dynamic environment around them. While some species are successful in this adaption, others get extinct as they fail to survive. The objective of this paper is to study a species whose population is threatened in Southern Nevada. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section discusses the species that is endangered in Southern Nevada. The desert tortoise has been identified as endangered species for this purpose. The second section of the paper talks about why this species has become threatened in Southern Nevada. The third section concludes the paper.

Desert Tortoise - An Endangered Species in Southern Nevada

As per the Federal Endangered Species Act, desert tortoise is one of the endangered species in Southern Nevada (Chris Clarke, n.pag). A type of desert tortoise, Mojave Max, is found in Southern Nevada is a ground digger (Clark County Desert Conservation Program, n.pag). It hibernates in the winter season and is active during the summers. It is easy to identify and differentiate this species from turtles as the latter has domed shape shell and elephant like legs (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, n.pag). The size of this species ranges from 2-15 inches. The average age of this species is about 50-80 years. Desert tortoise generally eats cactus and wild flowers. It reproduces between the ages of 12-20 years. At times, when there is no rainfall or very little rainfall, they lay few or no eggs. To avoid the extreme temperatures of summers and winters, they stay in burrows which range from eighteen inches to five feet.

Why Desert Tortoise has become threatened species in Southern Nevada?

There are many factors responsible for reducing population of Desert Tortoise in Southern Nevada. Environmental factors like flood, famine, disease and predation cause threat to this species. Some of the human related factors include road construction and agriculture, which leads to reduction in habitat space, and hunting and trade. To avoid this, government has been attempting to make and implement strict rules. As per the California Endangered Species Act, no import, export, sale or purchase of desert tortoises are allowed without the valid permission from the authority. Such laws will safeguard the endangered species, if implemented effectively.


Human intervention is instrumental in endangering the desert tortoise. However, government is making efforts to form regulations and implement it effectively to save the species from getting extinct.

Works Cited

Clarke,Chris. “Nevada Officials Target Desert Tortoises”, 27. Nov. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
Clark County Desert Conservation Program. “Hi, I'm Mojave Max!”., N.D. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office”., 16. Apr. 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.

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