Good Example Of Essay On Customer Inspired Award

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Customers, Company, Internet, Award, Time, Skills, Website, Present

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/09/29

I am delighted to present this letter to nominate my colleague John for his outstanding performance in the company. John’s outstanding work caught not only the eyes of his fellow colleagues but also the eyes of the company leaders. In this short letter, I would like to present his amiable qualities so that he can merit the Customer Inspired Award. A company needs customers for its growth. The Customer Inspired Award is a reward given to outstanding employees whose caliber exceeds the expectations of the company. First, John is a businessman at heart. I strongly believe that he deserve this award because of his commitment towards the company’s improvement. He is knowledgeable on new business marketing strategies and technical problems. It is because of his skill and talent in web developing that most customers are attracted to buy online. In one of our surveys, customers stated that the website’s attractive, simple, and easy-to-use and understand features made their lives easier. Compared to other online shopping sites, John demonstrated his creative skill by designing an interactive feature which allows customers to communicate directly with the buyers, sellers and even other customers within the website. Aside from his responsibilities, John is a person noted for his multitasking efforts. He uses his time effectively and wisely. One might say that he can be a great leader someday because of his efficient time management skills. Moreover, aside from the tasks given to him, he also helps his colleagues to do their assigned tasks so that they can complete it within the deadline. Among his colleagues, John is the epitome of a good customer service associate. He is patient, diligent and hardworking. He works in accordance to the standards of the company and follows them with integrity. Votes amongst his colleagues and supervisors also concluded that John is truly among the gems of the company and in closing, I am confident to recommend John for the Customer Inspired Award for I strongly believe that he will give all of us positive merits in the future.

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Good Example Of Essay On Customer Inspired Award. Free Essay Examples - Published Sep 29, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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