Good Example Of Essay On First Days In College

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Students, Education, College, Life, Time, Academy, Literature, Books

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/23

Reflection #1: The First Five Weeks of the Semester

It was my first year of having entered the college level, and I was thrilled to see that there were new students whom I did not know, and I saw that the professors in the academy were more firm and austere, unlike those in secondary education. But I did not look into that yet. My main purpose was to enjoy my first days in college, and try to find other students who looked friendly and were willing to spend the day with me. One thing entered my mind within the first few weeks: college life tend to be more tricky and convoluted.

In the first few weeks since I entered college, my first priority was how to engage myself with others, to survive life in the academy. For this to take place, I tried looking for the building where my courses were to be found. Second, I looked for the room numbers where they were to be located in the building. Third, I tried to mingle with others and tried to share what I know and, at the same time, gather insights about the academy and the course that I started taking up. I did my best to stay active and alert in whichever way I can.
However, I was surprised whenever professors and instructors entered the room, and I realized that they were more theoretical and meticulous when they speak, although they remain calm and assertive. I was also surprised to see that they were very supportive of the students, especially to us who were in the first year and first few weeks of taking the college degree. I thought that they would be very demanding, strict, and repulsive; but the first thing they did was present themselves and their teaching experiences that they had had.
One of the things that really amazed me was the fact that, college students were given abundant support in their studies, although we were given the liberty to create our own ways on how to know more about the lessons, or how we can acquire new knowledge. Even the professors were kind and considerate, which I thought would not be the case, especially when I was still in secondary education. I thought that by the time I enter college, teachers and instructors would be strict and unbending, but it turned out to be the opposite.
On the other hand, there was something in college that I found to be annoying or upsetting. It was the time when I was in the third week of taking up a particular course, and I needed to have access to a particular book, which my classmate had access to. First, I requested if I can borrow it for a while, even for about a day or two. But I was appalled when she gave me a negative answer, saying that I should buy my own book, instead of trying to take away hers (which according to her was only rented). Of course, I understood that I can get a “no” for an answer. But I realized that in college education, life would be more intricate, and it is prevalent for us to solve our problems, without getting help from others.


If I were to spend some time pondering over the events that had taken place during my first five weeks in college, I can say that my experience turned out to be adventurous. There were things that were great and exciting, while there were also some things that turned out to be appalling. Still, it gave me the notion that life in college is necessary, to train the students into becoming stronger, more durable and resilient citizens. For if this is the case, then we, as students, would have the capacity to face the future with enthusiasm, as we become strong advocates of labor by facing a much more convoluted world.

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