Good Example Of Essay On Mississippi Rivers

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Water, River, Control, War, Union, Civil War, United States, America

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/29

When Vicksburg was captured by Union, the North restricted the whole length of the Mississippi which divided the Confederacy. There was only one line of attack for Union forces to go into the land of Confederate. The victory of grants brought to him national approval and consequent advancement to head all Union powers. The fall of Vicksburg in the mid-year of 1863 brought the Mississippi altogether under Union control. Control of the Mississippi River was essential to both sides amid the American Civil War. The North needed to control the waterway and part the Confederacy in two. The South needed to keep up control and guarantee the stream of supplies over and over again over the waterway.
In the middle of the American Civil War, the Control of the Mississippi River was a monetary and essential component for both the North and the South. During the nineteenth century, the river of Mississippi was a major source of traveling, trading and supply of food. It is uncrossable from the Falls of St. Anthony in Minneapolis to its mouth. Freight ships, scows and even oar steamers transport both loads (grains, cotton, fruits, paper, iron and steel). It was also used for transportation by the individuals along the Mississippi. Urban areas and commercial ventures have grown up along the banks of the Mississippi on the grounds that it is a characteristic conduit for transporting products. For the Confederacy, control of the lower Mississippi River was imperative to the union of its states.
The capture of Mississippi ended up the Confederate being a critical element of the Civil War. The Mississippi River served as an opportunity of attack into the South. Certainly, Mississippi River was the major and principal river for controlling the Confederacy.


Arnold, James R. Grant Wins the War: Decision at Vicksburg. Wiley, 1997.
Dana, Charles Anderson. Recollections of the Civil War. Collier Books, 1963.

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