Good Example Of Essay On What Is Natural Law?

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Law, Court, Criminal Justice, Government, Crime, Constitution, Amendment, Business

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/13

Questions and Answers-Business Administration

Those determined by nature and are therefore universal.
Describe common law legal system.
They are formed by court decisions and are drawn from customs around the country. They are only found in former English colonies and are based on Anglo-Saxon tradition. They are not as widespread.

Describe civil law legal system?

These are widespread compared to common law and are written in codes.
True or False. Louisiana uses the common the common law system. False

Will the case be heard in the criminal court or civil court?

Civil court.
What is statutory law?
b) Law that is written down.

Appellate court

What is the difference between a trial court and an appellate court? In trial courts the plaintiff and the defense present their evidence and the cases are first heard and the judges make decisions whereas appellate court reviews the decision made by trial courts.
True or False. The 10th Amendment says that if there is a conflict between state law and federal law, state law prevails.


What 2 types of jurisdiction must a court have to hear a case?
b) personal
f) Subject matter.

Legislative- oversight role on the executive, impeachment of federal officers, making and amending laws, approving appointments.

Executive - enforcement of laws, solve national and international issues
Judicial- The Judiciary explains and applies the laws. This branch does this by hearing and eventually making decisions on various legal cases.

Which branch of the federal government does article I of the constitution set up? b) Legislature

Which branch of the federal government does article III of the constitution set up? a) Judicial
What are the two parties of a civil case at the trial court level? a) Defendant
d) Plaintiff
What does it mean for an appellate court to remand a case? Taking the case back to the trial/federal courts for more actions.
What does the supremacy clause of the constitution say? That the constitution is the supreme law of land and there is no other law above it.
2. Handling issues of national emergency.
2. Serve as watchdog to the executive and federal officials and can impeach them.
Describe the evolution of commerce clause interpretation by Supreme Court. Historically, the clause did not carry much weight because commerce was done in a small way. Later congress met and passed a law that gave it powers to regulate commerce. Today, the national government also controls interstate commerce and foreign commerce.

Which constitutional amendment deals with the issuance of a search warrant? d)fourth

Under the constitution, what is the standard of evidence required for the issuance of a search warrant? Evidence based on direct information.

True or False. The 14th amendment says that all citizens must receive equal protection under the law? True

Which amendment to the constitution says the congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech? First amendment.
True or False. Commercial speech is generally afforded a higher degree of constitutional protection than political speech. False
True or False. Fraudulent advertising is protected by the first amendment and cannot be regulated by the government. False
What is obscenity? Refers to an act which goes against the moral standards of the time.

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