Good Example Of Project Proposal Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Health, Health Care, Information, Psychology, Public, Sociology, Confidentiality, Policy

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2020/09/23

1. Clearly define what it is that you want to find out
The main purpose of this investigation is to define private health care in terms of psychotic disorders that can impact public health care and social policy. Further it is important to find what documentable impacts of private healthcare there are on the treatment of psychotic illnesses. The goal is to achieve significant results on how these influences change community health care on a whole.
The study is significant since it helps solve the problems in the society associated with the well being of the public. For instance, through solving the problem statement, the society is now able to determine the issues behind the failure of the social policy. By finding out the impact of Private Health Care (Mental) on Public Health Care and Social Policy, medical practitioners are now able to determine how to handle private health care using social policy and public health care. The study was also able to explain the strategies that most health care providers use in order to depict how it affects the public health care and social policy.
Based on the contextual research within the field, there are several things that the study aims at finding out. These are mostly related to the complex relationships between government and social organizations with respect to the quality of services implemented for healthcare. As illustrated through the research of personal encounters with officials, patients, and research about each health care setting, it will become clear whether there are verifiable trends between the way social policy defines care at an integral and holistic level. These results are utilized by the patient and will be beneficial for creating suggestions to integral structures in the future. It can also assist in benefiting the progress of medical establishment on a whole within the US, or at least define parameters for achieving such success in the future.
2. Examine the relevant literature and write a chapter that not only describes what others have said and done, but critiques their work and define the gaps in the research.
An analysis of mental health care system operating in the United States was conducted by Trotta, Lang and Schneeberger (2013). In both U.S. and other developed nations, the majority of the mental health illness are covered through private health care system operating in these countries. However, exemplary health care systems like that present in Switzerland has been more effective in delivering the outcomes as compared to that of U.S. The researchers have suggested that not everyone can afford to have treatment from private health care centers. The U.S. government can create legislation to formulate an effective public health care system that can satisfy the general public to a large extent. In this way, the gaps among different social classes can be reduced to promote equality in the societies.
Martins (2008) conducted a study to recognize the involvement of homeless individuals with the public health care system. The research designed used for this purpose was descriptive in nature. Interviews were conducted from a sample of 15 homeless individuals. The result of the research stressed that the displaced people do not have the same access to mental health care units. They face discriminatory behavior from the public and private health care units. Because of it, they try to delay the treatment unless it became extreme severe. It can lead to a feeling of social inequality among the poor people. The research was accompanied with a subtle sample size of homeless people that might not represent the actual scenario. The large sample size of homeless people along with the point of view of the representatives from the public health care organizations can present the exact outcome desired in this research.
It is considered as the responsibility of the states to provide healthcare facilities to its residents. However, in present-day health scenario, majority of the health services are provided to inhabitants through private healthcare. States lack resources to control over health structures present. Mental healthcare systems are often neglected by the states and majority of the patients have to use private healthcare. It has also raised social policy issues for countries. Patients suffering from mental disorders believe that they are being neglected by their government. It is recommended that states should spend equally on all areas of healthcare and special attention should be given to mental healthcare (Chapman, 2014).
3. Define the subjects or objects of your research study both in broad terms and in specific terms.
There are several objects to this research study. These include determining what factors have an impact on public policy and social health. This means assessing the different aspects of litigation and legislation construction through review and interview in order to gain insight on the policy forming process. This will be tied to initiatives led by health professionals in order to document the best practices. Additionally, we will correlate information regarding psychotic disorder treatment and private healthcare facilities to conclude whether there are relevant trends between data. Through realizing intake and relevant qualitative data about each interaction with the healthcare facility it may be possible to understand the relationship of care facilities and subsequent disorders. Finally, the objective is to be able to create recommendations or suggestions to increase the efficacy of operative public health structures related to mental illness. This goal will rest on the assessment of each particular structure analyzed. It will assist in creating a context for the suggestions and provide significant evidence of the best methods to create effective results for future investigation in this area.
The study has a direct relationship to the literature in the field. It is now evident that health is now regarded to be more than disease and illness. It has to include the concepts of mental, physical, spiritual and social welfare of the people. The issue of health and factors that affect health make up the social model of health.
The main objectives of the study include finding out the impact of private health care on public health care and social policy. For instance, it is clear that changes in public health insurance benefits are likely to affect the market for private health insurance and thereby influence total and public sector health costs in unforeseen ways. Also, it is broadly acknowledged that physicians have a large influence over levels and costs of medical services due to such factors as the limited information available to patients on services and prices. Therefore, it is important to consider physician behavior in evaluating alternative health care financing and payment policies.
4. If you are doing a thesis, identify the first and second reader;
This is not a thesis project and therefore the first and second reader will be negated from research descriptions and observations.
5. Define what it is that you want to measure or observe;
A study on this subject has been done by using both primary and secondary research. Primary research encompasses questionnaire and interviews. The data for the research will be carried out by using the two sources primary and secondary. He primary sources will be the questionnaires which will be distributed among the respondents and the results will be represented quantitatively through the use of graphical presentations. . The respondents of the questionnaire will be the people who have suffered from psychotic disorders. It will help us to understand the problems they have faced during treatments from either public or private healthcare facilities. Interviews will be conducted from people associated with healthcare profession and government policy makers to understand their point of view with respect to this issue. Secondary research will be performed through articles from known journals, reports, and cases The literature and evidence will be gathered and analyzed and extracted to form opinion and support our research questions and objectives. The factors that impact the public health care and social policy will be researched through the secondary literature. More than 30 articles for.’’ renowned journals along with Harvard business review articles and cases will be studied for the research. This approach is called the case study approach throughout which the data will be studied.
6. Explain and defend your research design;
As stated before that both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in conducting this research. The following framework outlines the basic methodologies employed for conducting and concluding each segment of this study. Literature review was performed to analyze the impact of private health care for psychotic disorders on public health care and social policy. Concurrent to the literature review, a set of indicators will be developed to measure the concept through a framework based on a survey questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was performed to set a base for answering research questions. This method allows logical, quantitative and objective research to capture stresses on filtering the information from the content and data significant to the concept being analyzed (Altheide, 1996). Interviews will be conducted with representatives of government officials, health care sector, and community members. The interview questions will be of structured nature, allows better understanding of the questions and issues regarding the topic of study. Ofori-Atta (2010) and Fournier (2011) has used both qualitative and quantitative set of techniques to analyze the mental health care issues in Ghana. The data will be collected through random sampling. The information will be gathered in two phases. In first phase data collection of qualitative technique will take place followed by the quantitative data. The methods of collecting the data will include individual interviews for the qualitative part. For the quantitative data, methods of collection will includes a surveys method by using questionnaire.
The reason behind using questionnaire and interview methods is to try and get the maximum output from the respondents. A questionnaire will be designed for the patients who have used public and private health care for psychotic disorders. It will be feasible to ask them short questions with simple answers rather than conducting an interview. On the other hand, the best way to get the information from the medical professional and government policy makers is to have a detailed interview with them by using a well-structured questions.
These mixed methods will provide the most coherent and variegated accounts of information regarding the officials, patients, and settings involved. They will ultimately assist in drawing meaningful conclusions while creating a clear picture of what is actually transpiring from an observational perspective. This is the best way to create a dynamic illustration of the relationship endured between those suffering with particular psychological conditions and the subsequent environments they are in. Ultimately the rationale for these methods was designed for the best results and means of analysis.
7. Explain how you will gather and analyze your data, or research method(s)
For the quantitative source part, there will be a collection of statistical data in the form of numerical data. For the qualitative part, there will be the identification of the phenomenological aspects of the project. This identification will include the perspectives of individuals concerning the impact of the private health care on the public health care of psychotic disorders and social policy.
The use of combination of methods in research is also termed as triangulation. This method has certain advantages associated to it. It makes the researcher mode confident of his results, encourages growth of creative ways of gathering data, helps in collecting a richer and reliable data, and discloses any contradictions (Jick, 1979). The use of mixed research methods neutralize the weaknesses of one methodology and support the benefits of the other in order to achieve better quality research outcome. The use of both qualitative and quantitative methods increases the aptitude to rule out conflicting explanation of observed data and minimizes doubts about data reliability (Hussein, 2009). The use of triangulation methodology in this case will provide more convincing outcomes. Besides, for justifying the influence of private health care for the treatment of mental disorders on public health care and social policy. The used of mixed method will also confiscate the restriction of dependence only on either qualitative or quantitative methods. De Lisle (2011) stated that complicated social issues have a tendency to be challenging for the rigid investigations by traditional researchers.
The labeling theory will best support the research goal for my project. This theory is elemental in explaining the origin of psychotic disorders. This theory postulates that other people who formulate regulations and laws that regulate human behavior determine actions and behavior of people with mental issues (Link, Cullen, Struening, Shrout, & Dohrenwend, 2009, p. 16). Therefore, the theory establishes a characterization and definition concerning psychotic disorders. Therefore, the acknowledgment of psychotic disorders initiates the desire and need for treatment and care to relieve people with the disorders in the social environments. With reference to the project topic, many private health care institutions rival the public health care institutions, like in the American healthcare system. This is the best system for conducting future investigations because it allows for a clear and coherent means to investigating psychoactive conditions within a patient. Since studies have been conducted in the past with this framework it will be easier to compare results from this trial to those of previous experiments. This will not only make the data more valuable, but also pertinent to the field of psychological illnesses. It is also efficient in terms of comparable language that will be used in interviews for other officials and in creating meaningful trends or relationships.
The project will use mixed methods of research, which will be used to probe through the multiplex functions in our health care systems. The research will provide deep coverage of my topic through four frameworks; multistage, intervention, case study and participation. The construction of one level of the database will contribute to the data formation of the other. When both results are in, analysis is then carried out. The cohesion of results will help in the clarification of the data transformation and joint display. The use of this method will help with the formulation of research questions, research design, project parameters demographics, measurable variables-gender, economic, regional, linguistic – limitations.
Sampling procedures will include both systematic and random sampling with cases for the project including statistical data concerning the presumed increase in costs of health care services on psychotic disorders in the public healthcare institutions. Data collection will occur in two phases starting with the collection of qualitative data followed by the quantitative data. The methods of collecting the data will include individual interviews, focus groups, observations and action research for the qualitative part. For the quantitative data, methods of collection will include questionnaires and surveys.
Data analysis will first include the evaluation of the qualitative data to determine phenomenological aspects of the project. Secondly, the analysis will involve the evaluation of the quantitative data to establish a clear pattern in the data. Permissions will include seeking consent of the respondents of the study before asking them questions concerning the subject. Both qualitative and quantitative results will provide evidence for the hypotheses.
Approaching my topic using this method will help cover all parameters and will come up with an effective theory and proof of how best to tackle and solve the issue of the effect of mental care on the public while also keeping check on both public and private sectors.
8. Discuss the implications for doing research using human subjects.

There are certain limitations that can be faced while working this research study. These includes:

Reporting biases on the part of respondents of the questionnaire.
Time limitation can restrict the scope of the study and sample size
The sample size and distribution of gender might have an influence on the consequence of the results.
Aside from these problems, it may be difficult to ascertain bias free samples from authorities or government representatives. Similarly, any interview that an official is subjected to is based on their time availability and interest in the project. While precautions will be taken to assure the most interested officials are selected for this process, it is difficult to previously know the quality or nature of their intentions as represented during the interview. This is a human condition that can be assessed and documented throughout the research process.
9. Finally you will make a schedule so that you can finish your work in the next term
Until this point, there have been significant steps towards this completion date. The data collection as designed can be completed by the above-mentioned date in order to contribute to the continued success of this project. Future help may be enlisted in order to complete the project within the required amount of time.


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