Good Example Of Report On How The Subduction Begins:

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Geology, Lithosphere, Zone, Ocean, Plate, Density, Volcano, Crust

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Published: 2023/04/10

[Subduction Initiation]


The major purpose of this report is to explore the process of subduction initiation by looking at its implications. The initiation of subduction is among the main plate tectonic process hence it comes out as an important subject of study when exploring the geological structure of the Earth. In order to explore all the elements associated with this, the paper is categorized into topics that cover important aspects. First, it is important to study when and why subduction initiation begins since this will give a picture about its relation with plate tectonic movement. It comes out that there are two forms of nucleation of the subduction zone: spontaneous and induced nucleation Spontaneous nucleation is an important aspect that is evident in the subduction zones. This allows for discussion of how the subduction zones relate to collapse of passive margin along and the change in plate motion coupled by the submergence of the old, thick lithosphere. The induced nucleation features induced transference and polarity reversal. From this study comes the knowledge about coupling occurring between tectonics of plate and the mantle beneath.


The initiation of subduction is among the main plate tectonic process; though its nature is not yet fully understood. The resulting evolution of the process (subduction) is highly dependent on the geodynamical environment where it initiates and lithospheric heterogeneities where its takes it course. Specifically, these two aspects have influence on subduction vergennce as well as defining the nature of initiation as intraoceanic or subcontinental. The occurrence of rupture is an implication that the stress of compressive nature levels up with the lithosphere’s yield limit. It is worth noting that subduction assist most of the contemporary plate tectonic processes in oceanic crust formation and oceanic crust recycling. As the result of its subduction initiation complexity, two theoretical models have been formed to help in exploring the aspect.

The movement of the plates occurs as the result of their dense nature that allows them to go under in subduction zone. The plates are dense because of their coldnesss. Then, the overly greater heat flow featured in the Archean needed relatively more time to allow for cooling of the lithosphere. Further, the concept held about the buoyancy of Archean lithosphere is much supported by the reasoning that the presence of the higher heat flow is a prerequisite for amplification in melting and thickening of oceanic crust. oceanic crust of Pre-1.0 Ga is recognized to be of more thickness than the today’s oceanic crust. Another important aspect with regards to this is that the less dense nature of the crust when compared to the asthenosphere implies that thicker crust powerfully counteracts the excess density resulting from lithospheric mantle. According to the ophiolite record, spreading of seafloor coupled by the formation of oceanic lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere convergence could have been briefly witnessed at the period when Archean was ending and during the Paleoproterozoic. However, there is inadequate evidence, held by a larger proportion of the pre-Neoproterozoic geologic record, for subduction and tectonics. Based on simple physics, Davies argues that until around 1 Ga the cooling of the Earth was not enough to facilitate the subduction of the lithosphere.

Spontaneous nucleation of subduction zones:

The subduction zones begins to undergo spontaneous nucleation at the point where lithosphere, that are dense and of old age, suddenly sinks right into the underlying asthenosphere. Initially, collapse in the lithosphere does not trigger any effect on motion of plate. However, the situation changes when there is development of a down-dip form of motion, within the lithosphere, that in turn triggers motion by the plate towards the direction of subduction zone; This denotes the real starting point of subduction and change in plate motion. Regions of formation of spontaneous nucleation witnessed by subduction zone include along inactive margin and faults of transform types.

Collapse of passive margin

The significant change of the passive continental margins leading to the formation of the active plate margins was highly unlikely. This is because as soon as the adjoining lithosphere turns out to be sufficiently dense to sink, it becomes significantly strong to fail. The models revealed that overall force of the old oceanic lithosphere is often difficult to overcome at passive margins. This is even not possible with increased stresses, which are mainly attributed to sedimental loading. Alternatively, this particular conclusion ought to be revised since water is a known destabilizer of the lithosphere. Indeed, according to the elastic plate bending theory, the circumstances where the forces of the old, dense passive margin lithosphere may be prevailed over by loading of sediment might result in the collapse of the oceanic lithosphere should an earlier point of weakness, including a fault reactivate. This could possibly be because of an alteration in the plate motion (figure 1A and B).
On the other hand, another model reveals that the overcome lithosphere is considerably weaker under extension than it is under compression. Moreover, the models also show that both the oceanic and continental lithospheres can be extended or stretched with moderate compression (as a result of ridge push).This particular action is made possible owing to the superior subsidence of the oceanic lithosphere, which is immediately outside the continent-ocean lithosphere boundary. Alternatively, tensional stress might result in the rifting between the oceanic as well as the continental lithospheres so as to enable the old, dense oceanic lithosphere to founder not only asymmetrically, but also the asthenosphere to effectively fit underneath rift and flood over the foundering oceanic lithosphere (figure C and D).
Figure 1: (caption A) is a representation of a passive margingn containing oceanic lithosphere which are old, thick and dense. (caption B) illustrates the situation where loads of sediments and water have the chance of wearying the oceanic lithosphere especially in the presence of a pre-existing fracture zone. This points at the beginning stage of the early subduction stage. (caption C) This points to where the subducted oceanic crus triggers lithosphere extension. The extension therein is what leads to weakening of the lithosphere. (caption D) This indicates subduction initiation at tis final stage occurring along inactive margin whereby the oceanic sphere, which are old and dense, begins to sink under continental margin. This process is mainly triggered by tensional stress as discussed above.
Models formulated by xxx indicates that subduction initiation can be controlled by angle of curvature (β); in which case, a greater β is an implication of a relatively harder subduction initiation. It comes out that subduction initiation is driven by pressure gradient given by density difference occurring between continental and oceanic rocks. They also found out that the pressure gradient strongly affects timing. The curved margin is different from the straight (cylindrical) margins because of the pressure gradient, taking the form of 3-D, ceasing to be constant; this results to a component of flow taking horizontal and along-maring form. From this, the model reached a conclusion that deterrence of subduction initiation comes from the vertical component partitioning process into a horizontal process; consequently leading to decrease in the effective pull of slab.
Figure 1. (A) denotes the initial stage while B-D are indicative of final results from modeling. In whihch case, initial stage indicates a pattern taking a zig-zag form to act as a simulation of curved margins and lengths depcted in ocean and continent, besides angles α and β. α, depicted as 45° for all the samples, represents continent-ocean dip featured in the surface of lithospheric boundary; β is representative of the angle formed between surface of the earth, with featured curvatures at the margins, and the Z-axis; it is recorded as 0° for model 1 (B), model 2 records 20° (C), or model 3 40° (C). The t symbol represent the duration to subduction initiation.
4.2 Lithospheric collapse along transform fault:
Study of digital models indicates that juxtaposition of two lithosphere, having non-similar density, occurs across a weakness within lithosphere, taking the form of either fault (transform type) or fracture zone as shown in figure 3A. The zone of intersection of the transform, facilitated by a spreading ridge, results to maximization of the density differences, seafloor elevation and asthenosphere depth that are featured in the juxtaposed lithospheres. The occurrence of asymmetric (hinged) subsidence leads to submergence of the lithosphere, considered old and dense. The subsidence is facilitated by wasting, in masses, of the crust of shallower nature existing end-to-end to the transform. This occurrence is featured by increase of structural relief found alongside the feature (figure 3B).
The depression occurring at the thick lithosphere occurring adjacent to the existing fault is accelerated by the transmission of increasing ridge featured in the transform fault. In the event of depression of the sinking top of lithosphere under the asthenosphere, coupled by latter floods, acceleration of the process will occur. There is observed increase in the spread of asthenosphere’s pool, occurring laterally while it advances right above sinking lithosphere. The direction taken is in the form of orthogonal to that of the initial trend exhibited by the transform zone and also parallel to the pool of asthenosphere. Geodynamic model indicates that the pervasive sinking of the lithosphere triggers the asthenosphere to spring up (Figure 3C).
Decompression in its own can cause melting of the upwelling asthenosphere especially, with the process stimulated by water contained in the submerging lithosphere. A massive water ejection occurs due to the upsurge in temperature and pressure within the sinking lithosphere plate. Boninites (harzburgite melts) and the extraordinarily removed arc theoleites (lherzolite melts) and their smaller parts are the major parts of this phase. The hinged collapsing phase of dense lithosphere that is found under the growing block of the outpouring asthenosphere collaborates with seafloor spreading, which describes the infant arc phase. The organization, scattering, and spread of ridges associates them with the proto-fore arc that are clearly shown in fig. 3D. This is aligned indirectly to the evolving channels and in patterns accounting for the continued strike expansions of the infant arc or proto-forearc. The infant arc phase have the possibility of remaining in progress for about 5-10 million years. With the continuous retreat of the lithosphere, great extensions have continuously existed. This will go on until the sinking lithosphere has created important components of down-dip movements, the down dip movements will later cause the true subduction to start.
At the beginning of subduction, hinge line will quit waning, and standard extensional forces of in the forearc will also stop after that as shown in fig. 3D. The seaflow will cease spreading when the asthenosphere is no longer advection down the proto-forearc. Therefore, the subducted slab that later on becoming the lithosphere will cool the adjacent mantle. The asthenosphere flow will automatically reorganize during the transition. Movement of the asthenosphere under the sinking lithosphere is cut off and later be provide from the convection introduced under the dominant plate. The magmatic axis moves away from the trench, which forms a fixed (but about the trench) magmatic arc and the vertical edice building, will replace the spreading. The mantle in the forearc will rapidly cool following the introduction of particular subduction establishment
Figure 3: (A) the caption depicts two lithospheres that are of different densities and ages lying side by side to each other and occurring along a zone of fracture. (B) The arising difference witnessed in density, seafloor upsurge and asthenosphere’s depth that are found within the juxtaposed lithosphere undergoes maximization in the zone of intersection of the transform by the increasing ridge. (C) The upsurge in asthenosphere as well as the sinking of the lithosphere. D) The hinged collapsing phase of dense lithosphere that is found under the growing block of the outpouring asthenosphere collaborates with seafloor spreading, which describes the infant arc phase. The organization, scattering, and spread of ridges associates them with the proto-fore arc

Induced nucleation of subduction zones:

In the case of the induced nucleation of the subduction zone (INSZ), the tectonic plates are often on a continuous converging process prior to the formation of subduction zones. In its simplest form, the subduction zone (INSZ) originates from continuous plate convergence following a subduction zone failure attributed to collision, which refers to the failed subduction of the floating crust. On the other hand, deviation from this principle is during the period where the component of convergence starts along the transform tectonic plate boundary owing to an alteration within the location of associated tectonic plates. Often, there exist two basic ways to initiate new subduction zone through induced nucleation .These include polarity reversal and transference reversal.
induced transference:
Induced transference often arises when a crustal block penetrates the subduction zone, as a result, causing it to break down (figure 4A). Simultaneously, the crustal block becomes sewed up to the original hanging wall of subduction zone. Proof of this particular occurrence is sustained as an accreted terrane and a tectonic suture. The possibility of plate tectonic convergence continuing may be due to the lithosphere foundering elsewhere alongside the convergent tectonic plate margin. The result of this is that the oceanic lithosphere outside the collision zone will eventually rupture, forming a new subduction zone (Figure 4B). The new subduction zone site is often relocated way from the collision site. A significant and popular example of this particular process may be noted in the formation of Mussau Trench, a trench separating the Pacific Plate and the Caroline Plate within the Western Pacific.

A good example of this process can be seen in the formation of the Mussau Trench in the Western Pacific.

Figure 4: (A&B) shows the initiation of subduction zone by induced transference. (A) Induced transference often arises when a crustal block penetrates the subduction zone, as a result, causing it to break down. (B) the oceanic lithosphere outside the collision zone will eventually rupture, forming a new subduction zone. (C) covering of the whole subduction zone by crustal block leading to failure (D) nucleation to the newly formed subduction zone in the superseding plate.
polarity reversal:
Polarity reversal is another form of INSZ. It is initiated by the resistant crust that enters the trench. However, it is different from transference, since the new subduction region forms nucleus in the formerly overriding plate. Solomon arc is the optimal Cenozonic illustration of INSZ polarity reversal that is results due to attempted subduction of OJP (Ontong Java Plateau. OJP represents the largest igneous provinces of the world, and is almost the same size as the Alaska. Its crust averages 36 km thick (32). Its thickness exceeds the ~20 km that could result in failure of the subduction zone (32,33). The OJP first reached at the Vitiaz Trench, on the upper side of the Solomon arch about 4 and 10 Ma ago (34, 35), resulting in the failure of the south-dipping subduction zone. The sustained convergence between the Pacific and the Australian plates led to the formation of a new subduction zone along the south fault lines of the Solomon Islands about 4 Ma ago. It has not been easy to quantitatively model the INSZ arcs’ reversal’s geodynamics. Nevertheless, upper responses of the plate are thought to be rather similar to the ones modeled for INSZ transference. In which case, polarity reversal INSZ is considered to associate with compression that is less than that exhibited by INSZ. This is because a lithosphere that is young and thin as depicted in bark-arc regions will fracture easily when compared to that which is thick and strong. This idea is much advanced by the reasoning that subduction witnessed in Solomon’s south side began immediately as the result of OJP arrival; whereas Musau Trough still exists in its early stages of formation of subduction zones.

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