Good Example Of Report On Smart Parking System

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Parking, Vehicles, System, Technology, Space, Management, Evidence, Traffic

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/03/03

Parking technology has been recently employed to ease parking in the most challenging infrastructures. Smart parking sensor system SENSIT is considered to be the most recent technological invention in parking. This parking of technology is integrated with parking management software for parking. It contains SENSIT technology of wireless parking system which detect in real-time and availability of space. These sensors are operational in all weathers under dusty, wet and snowy conditions.
Typically, it is evident that cars park for several hours in a day and thus more parking spaces needed. Car parking has been and is still a primary concern with the increasing number of vehicles in the luxury segment. Due to the propagation in the number of vehicles on the road, problems associated with traffic are bound to happen. In most developed cities, for example, increase in population has led to scarcity of land and congestion. For this matter, space need to be utilized by designing effective smart parking systems. To alleviate the issues as mentioned earlier, the smart parking system has been designed.
Recently, there have been contributions to broadly innovate parking systems that are technologically efficient; smart parking systems. Often, this system enables more than 100 vehicles to be parked at a go. Ultimately, by designing smart parking systems where vehicles are parked in an orderly manner provides for effective entry and exit. With the onset of the smart parking system, people can easily secure and locate a vacant parking space convenient to them (Kumar, Chilamkurti & Soh, 2007).
In addition, vehicle egress and ingress are made more comfortable with the creation of hassle free payment mechanism. Smart car parking embraces the use of sensor systems that plays a crucial role in car detection. Thus, smart car parking can be a remedy for traffic menace. In addition, smart parking systems guarantee the security of the car owners as technology is employed to enhance safety. As such, it is evident that smart parking system is a rational alternative to ensure that parking spaces are adequately utilized and space wastage is minimized.


Idris, M. Y., Leng, Y. Y., Tamil, E. M., Noor, N. M., & Razak, Z. (2009). Car Park System: A Review of Smart Parking System and its Technology. Information Technology Journal. doi:10.3923/itj.2009.101.113
Kumar, R., Chilamkurti, N. K., & Soh, B. (2007). A Comparative Study of Different Sensors for Smart Car Park Management. doi:10.1109/IPC.2007.29

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