Good Example Of Research Paper On Healthcare

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Nursing, Medicine, Health, Hospital, Quality, Health Care, Improvement, Initiative

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/11


This paper is about a healthcare organization. The case being analyzed here is the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. This article shall evaluate the organizations growth, services provided to the community, quality improvement initiatives, impact on healthcare delivery, emerging trends, standards, clinical quality, reimbursement, patient access and the workforce.

John Hopkins Hospital

The hospital is a privately owned research university that was founded in 1876. The hospital is based in Baltimore, Maryland. Research and teaching was integrated into the university by it6s first president in 1876 in a bid to revolutionize higher education in United States. Throughout its existence, John Hopkins has been ranked as one of the best universities. It was founded by famous philanthropist, entrepreneur and abolitionist John Hopkins. He used half of his seven million dollar bequest to establish the hospital.

Impact on Growth

The Maryland’s arrangement on capping hospital spending by pegging spending to economic growth has had a positive effect on the growth of the hospital. The arrangement stipulates that hospitals should tie their spending to economic growth. The impact of this is that the hospital can cater to more patients because the prices charged are in line with the economic conditions at that time.


The mission of the John Hopkins Hospital is "Knowledge for the world." The hospital has managed to effect its mission through the active role that it plays in research, teaching and training. It is one of the largest research institutes with reference to healthcare. Every year, the hospital receives the largest amount of funding than any other medical research institute or university in the United States. The research that is carried out in the university hospital has expanded the knowledge boundaries and will be sources of economic growth and innovation in the coming years.

Quality Improvement Initiatives

John Hopkins has been on the front line with regard to quality improvement initiatives in the healthcare sector in the United States and around the world. One of such initiatives is the National Parkinson Foundation quality improvement initiative. Parkinson disease is a huge challenge as far as public health is concerned. It has no cure and no appropriate measures to prevent it. The foundation is dedicated to assisting patients through carrying out research, increasing patient access to expert care and improving the general care given to patients.

Impact on Healthcare Delivery

Healthcare informatics is considered the newest currency in healthcare. The advanced tools of analysis assist with data collection and storage of a wider range of data. This data can be used as intelligence especially in the diagnosis of diseases and also analyze the healthcare landscape. John Hopkins’ use of health informatics has enabled it to perform much more thorough research and also more accurate diagnosis and thereby improving on its delivery of healthcare to patients and other stakeholders.

Emerging Trends

At John Hopkins Hospital, the use of the electronic health records software has enabled doctors to be able to assess their performance and their effectiveness. Doctors can evaluate the quality of healthcare they offer their patients. John Hopkins also has continuous wireless connections in the whole hospital. Due to the fact that patients are the core concern at John Hopkins, therefore the hospital has installed a robust network solution. This ensures collaboration of various staff applications, transfer of critical patient data and the connection of medical applications including heart pumps wirelessly. John Hopkins also uses the Cisco Mobility Services Engine to track rogues, WIPS, and other interferers in real time.


The accreditation of the National Parkinson Foundation quality improvement initiative was not too tedious because it was done an already established institution, John Hopkins Hospital. All that needed to be done was to ensure that the initiative met the health accreditation standards to be operational. The initiative has an Advanced Certification in Disease-Specific Care Certification.

Clinical Quality

The National Parkinson Foundation quality improvement initiative influence clinical quality by ensuring that patients have increased access to expert healthcare and also doing research on how their lives can be improved.

Patient Access

The National Parkinson Foundation quality improvement initiative influences patient access through offering home based care. The initiative also works towards educating the patients and their families on how they can also give care to their loved ones.

Roles Performed

The roles performed by the health informatics professionals is to ensure that data is always streaming and also to analyze it and present it in a manner that is useful for to the healthcare givers. Ensuring that data is processed and availed to different stakeholders including the patients is also a function of the health informatics professionals.

Impact on Workforce

The National Parkinson Foundation quality improvement initiative affects the health informatics workforce in that they are at a greater pressure to provide information to the relevant parties. Because the main aim of the National Parkinson Foundation quality improvement initiative is to provide better quality care to patients, research is an ongoing agenda. For research to be effective, information is very key.


John Hopkins Medicine: John Hopkins Hospital. (2015). Retrieved from

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