Good Example Of Research Paper On  internal Hiring And Promoting Of Employees Is More Beneficial Than External Hiring

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Workplace, Company, Employee, Human Resource Management, Employment, Politics, Organization, Elections

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/11/22

Internal Hiring and Promoting of Employees is More Beneficial than External Hiring

For a successful hiring and promotion program, the company needs to follow the open guidelines to ensure that all the applicants understand the process of recruitment. As a result, company can expand by having the ability to expand the current roles using recruitment. Creating assignment of new jobs within the enterprise, it is essential to the overall success of the enterprise (Bidwell & Keller, 2014). When this opportunist comes, the company may be forced to either employee new workers with new talents or promote from within the organization. This can be challenging decision especially when the enterprise is having highly decanted and skilled. In most cases, these internal employees are often competing for the rank in the company positions.
On the other hand, the company may have another alternative of resulting from new talents from external since this new talents may be of more value to the enterprise than the internal abilities. However, hiring and promoting internally it has several benefits as compared to external recruitment (Lauterbach & Weisberg, 1994).
For instance, the cost associated with resulting excess, more so when searching the right candidate outside the company talents is expensive. The external recruitment budget may include the fee paid for recruiting committees, advertising cost, and background checks of the applicants. Therefore, hiring and promoting internally candidate will reduce all the expenses associated with recruiting of new candidate. The potential internal candidates might not be interviewed by the interviewing committees of hiring firms since they want to avoid means of overcoming counteroffers and bidding wars between the company and the hiring firms.
The internal promotion and recruitment is more efficient than external resulting from other employees. Instead of sorting and screening of the entire candidate, the managers will just need few staff reviews that will be enough to judge the candidate. The company can use its unique priorities and structures to examine the candidate. Thus, it saves time and resources. Rather than trying to hire other firms to carry out the excess of employing the new employee for your company, the managers will just use the tracking records of the internal employee and make the judgment. Similarly, the managers do not have to worry about the reference since the employee is within the organization.
Equally important, when the organization is using the internal option of promoting or hiring the candidate it has several benefits to both the organization and the employees. There is increased effectiveness within the company. The employees will be motivated and free they are recognized, hence, rewarded by their employers. This strategies of paying and promoting internal talent will make the employees give full potential performance at work since they feel are achieving the goals of their career in their life.
Just as important for the company, promoting and hiring internally it will increase the retention of the important talents within the organization. The working staff is more likely to continue working with the company if they see the organization is giving the better opportunities for their career advancement (Bidwell, & Keller, 2014). Likewise, the group will benefit from the employees who have more experiences on jobs of the company since the time and resources invested in those promoted workers will be fully unitized. Nevertheless, hiring from within the enterprise will foster profound sense of stability and loyalty among the staff. This will make the staff feel part of the company family and in turn encourages the workers to own the tasked duties and work with minimal supervision.
As a result, the working model of the employee in increased that translates to increased productivity of the company. Equally important, when rewarding the internal worker with promotion, it portrays the good example to other staff workers with handwork upward improvement is real and possible. Therefore, the internal development will encourage other staff workers to work hand, efficiently and increases the performance of the company.
The internal recruitment and promotion significantly reduces the time for training, cost associated with training than external recruitment. The interior applicants do not need orientation since they already know the environment of the company. They only need specific training for a new responsibility that the company has introduced the new opportunities. On the other hand, the external candidate will need more time for training and orientation. In addition, they will take long before adapting the culture of the company, environment, and operating procedures. Therefore, it is advantageous to the organization to promote and hire internal workers since it reduces the expanders associated training of new employees (Bidwell, & Keller, 2014).
Hiring of external workers can be risk sine the mistakes are costly. The company, can not only truth the new employee using the written documents such as the curriculum vitae but also they need to observe the real character of the new employee. If the newly employed worker does not meet the standards of the organization, then the organization could have made the costly mistake in the process of recruiting of that employee. On the other hand, the internal hire typically well has the established records in the organization enhance, reduces the costly mistakes of promoting that staff worker to a different position in the company. In addition, the organization has the trust with the internal candidate since the group already knows the character of the domestic employees (Lauterbach & Weisberg, 1994).
Nevertheless, hiring and promoting internal employees will reduce the expanders of the company on the workers budget (Bidwell, 2011). The promoted employee has an added advantage of multitasking of the jobs within the enterprise. As a result, the benefits of the promoted worker are lies cheap than hiring and maintaining of the new employees. Addition, the supported employee, can offer leadership to both other workers from different department since he has the experience in both jobs within the same organization. However, the external who is the new employee it will take him time to adjust and start multitasking of jobs. Similarly, the new employee may demand more benefits than the internal employee may. Therefore, it is advisable to promote the internal employee than employing the new employee (Bidwell, 2011).
In conclusion, when it business can expand by having the ability to expand the current roles and creating assignment of new jobs within the company it is essential to the overall success of the enterprise. When this opportunist comes, the company may be forced to either employee new workers with new talents or promote from within the organization. Promotion and hiring within the organization have several benefits such as significantly reduces the time for training, cost associated with training than external recruitment. Similarly, it will increase the retention of the important talents within the organization.


Bidwell, M. (2011). Paying More to Get Less: The Effects of External Hiring versus Internal Mobility. Administrative Science Quarterly, 56(3), 369-407. doi:10.1177/0001839211433562
Bidwell, M., & Keller, J. (2014). WITHIN OR WITHOUT? HOW FIRMS COMBINE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL LABOR MARKETS TO FILL JOBS. Academy Of Management Journal, 57(4), 1035-1055. doi:10.5465/amj.2012.0119
Lauterbach, B., & Weisberg, J. (1994). Top management successions: the choice between internal and external sources. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 5(1), 51-65.

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