Good Example Of Research Paper On Qualitative Analysis

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Middle East, Emotions, Workplace, Literature, Relationships, Human, Quality, Juxtaposition

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/13

The research paper entitled "When it can be good to feel bad, and bad to feel good – Exploring asymmetries in workplace emotional", authored by Dirk Lindebaum & Peter Jordan, aimed to disprove the "neat juxtaposition" that is believed to be apparent. This "neat juxtaposition" refers to the symmetrical assumption between emotions and outcomes, i. e. positive emotions and positive concepts result to positive outcomes, while negative emotions and negative concepts result to negative outcomes. As declared by the authors, negative aspects in the workplace could somehow produce positive outcomes. Moreover, some attributes are categorized under the positive psychology domain, where in fact, some of them are related to deviant work behaviors. With this, the researchers aimed to disprove the connotation that such symmetries exist by involving high quality researches and integrating them into one bold research (Lindebaum & Jordan, 2014).

Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Method

The research was performed by collecting manuscripts from other researches. In addition, the manuscripts must be original and are not yet published. All those manuscripts that were submitted were reviewed in-depth by professionals. All of the manuscripts were considered, but only those with high-quality and fit with the aims of Human Relations will be included in the research. However, some will be considered in the next issues of the journal (Lindebaum & Jordan, 2014).

Critical Evaluation

The research design was very simple, yet very specific. The thesis was broad, but the authors provided parameters for the researchers who considered submitting their manuscripts. Moreover, the researchers also considered all kinds of research including quantitative ones. In addition, the authors noted that the manuscripts that are included in the research were of firm theoretical grounding that is relevant to this specific literature (Lindebaum & Jordan, 2014).


Lindebaum, Dirk & Jordan, Peter. (2014). "When it can be good to feel bad and bad to feel good: Exploring asymmetries in workplace emotional outcomes." Human Relations 67(9): 1037-1050. Print.

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Good Example Of Research Paper On Qualitative Analysis. Free Essay Examples - Published Dec 13, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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