Good Example Of Sociological Perspectives Analysis Research Paper

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Love, Marriage, Relationships, Social Issues, LGBT, Gay Marriage, People, Homosexuality

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/10/15

Functionalist Perspective

Directions: Develop at least 10 functions/dysfunctions for your topic. Include in-text citations for ideas taken from different sources. Include appropriate reference citations at the end of this document.

Reminder: Manifest Function: Intended, positive consequence or result.

Latent Function: Unintended but positive result.
Manifest Dysfunction: Apparent/obvious negative consequence.
Latent Dysfunction: Unintended but negative result.
Conflict Perspective
Directions: Using the same topic as you did for the Functionalist Perspective, analyze your topic by answering the following questions from the Conflict Perspective. Remember to include in-text citations for ideas that are not your own, and appropriate reference citations at the end of this document.
Who are the "winners;" that is, who benefits and has the power to dictate how society will operate and explain why they have that power.
Gay marriage will drastically alter social norms and traditions and by allowing homosexual to marry, the government gives them an ultimate right to assert the amendment of constitutional provisions . Evidently, it is the homosexual community that has an edge in this issue. Also, the notion of equality gives the homosexual group an emotional and perhaps ethical conflict that they can use in their advantage against those who are against gay marriage.
Who are the "losers;" that is, who does not have access to the resources to "win" or control the situation. Explain why they are the “losers.”
Religious people, traditional families and those who believe in traditional marriage are at the losing side. According to research, support for gay marriage is increasing and with the media attention that homosexual groups get, some neutral people are being slowly diverted to their cause .
Explain how the facades of legitimacy are used to maintain the status quo; that is what reasoning is genuinely unsound yet is designed to get "the masses" to go along?
The confused notion of gender equality is what drives the ‘gay marriage’ argument to become legitimate although by scrutiny, it is not. As observed by Hunter, allowing homosexual to marry would raise more questions than provide answers.

Interactionist Perspective

Directions: Using the same topic as you did for the Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives, analyze your topic by answering the following questions from the Interactionist Perspective. You can use yourself as a source for this analysis or you can use individuals you are aware of and how they perceive the topic, or you can answer the questions regarding people in general. Remember to include in-text citations for ideas that are not your own, and appropriate reference citations at the end of this document.

What actions (relevant to the topic) do people attach meaning/significance to? Why?

Gay marriage is obviously an effort of the homosexuals to assert gender equality. With their increasing influence and acceptability, homosexuals are becoming more assertive and demand that society should afford them with equal rights.

What symbols (concrete, verbal and/or nonverbal) ---- relevant to the topic, do/did react to? Why?

The campaign to legalize gay marriage is, in itself, a concrete gesture of challenging the traditional norms and ethical standards of society. Traditionally, gay and lesbian relationships are despised because of the strong Judeo-Christian orientation in the past that translated to modern society. To show their defiance to the established anti-homosexual orientation of society, gay marriage becomes a battle cry, a symbolic and concrete gesture of challenging traditions.
How have/do people reevaluate their knowledge and experiences and change their behaviors and attitudes as a result of interactions pertaining to the topic?
The issue about gay marriage is perhaps the most controversial social issue today. For the same reason, this issue has gained enormous media attention. As a result, people become exposed to both sides of the argument. Research suggests that there is indeed evidence that people are becoming less stringent toward homosexual relationship. In fact, according to PEW research, support for gay marriage is growing. This observation could imply that people are becoming more liberated or even open-minded by entertaining ideas. However, being liberated or open-minded does not imply that they are attaining the right decision. Evidently, there is a lot more to gay marriage than just gender equality as most homosexual groups suggests. Gay marriage should be scrutinized further before any conclusion is made since it could have drastic consequences that may not be reversed.


Eskridge, W. (1993, January). A History of Same Sex Marriage. Retrieved December 2014, from
Hunter, N. (2012). The Future Impact of Same-Sex Marriage: More Questions Than Answers. Retrieved December 2014, from
Pew Research Center. (2013, March). Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds and Changing Demographics. Retrieved December 2014, from
Sprigg, P. (2011). The Top Ten Harms of Same-Sex “Marriage”. Retrieved December 2014, from

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