Good Example Of The Importance Of Hand Hygiene In The Prevention Of Surgical Infections Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Hygiene, Nursing, Vaccination, Viruses, Patient, Conformity, Compliance, Evidence

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/11

[Institution’s Name]


The presented literary sources are evaluated with relevance to the research solutions in order to achieve a conclusion of the research study that supports improved hand hygiene to decrease post surgical infections.

Literature Evaluation

Most of the major problems have to be controlled by measures installed in the rudiments of the root cause of implication. The very rule implies over the surgical infections as well. Ample evidence has been provided by literature and empirical researches that support the importance of hand hygiene in the prevention of surgical infections..

Article 1: Surgical hand antisepsis:the evidence

The matter is addressed by Tanner (2008), and one of her article in which she achieved the conclusion and exhibited evidence of colonial units of bacteria over the hands of the practitioner rather than the surgical location of infection. Hence, the article establishes the finding that in parliamentary procedure to insure the patient from any potential complication of surgical infection, the use of vigilant approach to hand hygiene is essential.

Article 1: Hand hygiene compliance for patient safety.

Aziz (2014) referred over the target in her inquiry, providing evidence that incompetent hand hygiene is the most common reason of incidences in surgical patients. She presented an elaborated study determining the ratio of control of infection of surgical patients with contextual compliance with hand hygiene in patient care activities.

Article 3: Hand hygiene compliance: is there a theory-practice-ethics gap?

Well, apart from the illustrated theoretical and practical supports illustrating significance of hand hygiene, the writings of Mortell, (2012)could also be cited. His findings determine hand hygiene compliance as an essential theory of practice and ethic that should be considered and followed as a responsibility.

Implication to Practice:

The necessity of the hand hygiene is established with literary researches and empirical works. Making it evident that improper or poor hand hygiene when caring for post patient increases the risk for post op infections. Poor hand hygiene could increase the risk for infection, which could lead to a prolonged recovery period and poor quality of patient care. Invention of gloves and use of antiseptic scrubs by the practitioners are the sequential progression of the same. More ever, literary researches pondered over the necessity of the use of hand hygiene despite the use of gloves. Essential measure should be implemented to secure the negative implications with educating the patient and families on the importance of hand hygiene, educating the staff on proper hand off.


The obvious is the facts that the safety and care of the patient is the responsibility of health care profession and the research have provided copious evidence of infection in surgical patients due to incompetent hand hygiene. Thus, education, training and implementation of hand hygiene compliance should essentially be established at institutional level to control the surgical infections.


Aziz, A. M. (2014). Hand hygiene compliance for patient safety. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 20(9), , 428-434.
Mortell, M. G. (2012). Hand hygiene compliance: is there a theory-practice-ethics gap? Health Technology Assessment, 15, , 30.
Tanner, J. (2008). Surgical hand antisepsis:the evidence . Journal of perioperative practice, 18(8),, 330-340.

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