Good Example Of The Professor's Name Report

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Witness, Human, People, Outlet, Organization, Media, Countries, World

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/29

Human Rights Media Analysis: WITNESS International Organization

The following report familiarizes the reader with one of the human rights media called
WITNESS which fights for human rights with the help of video.
The team of the media outlet consists of staff, board and advisory board members. All these
people are different fields professionals, some of them are business people, IT specialists, PR and

Marketing consultants, advocates, in particular, human rights advocates and lawyers. They come

TV, NBC News. Many of board and advisory board members are professors or hold Ph.D. degrees.

Most of them are advanced filmmakers and film industry award winners. WITNESS participants,

including the chair, the president and secretaries founded and patronize non-profit organizations, in
particular, communities that protect human rights, children and woman who need it. The last but not
the least, all of WITNESS's team members are people who do not agree with presence of violence
in the world and try to make it better place to live in.

Main goal of the outlet is to protect human rights all over the world. A lot of countries

conceal appalling things which are kept in secret on purpose. Specially trained activists travel to
more than 90 countries and risk their lives to share truth with us. They are taught to use video safely
and effectively and understand basic advocacy methods. WITNESS aims to reduce number of
human rights violence victims, accents attention of the global community on this problem and
involve them in fighting it.

Outlet is dealing with safety issues since its volunteers visit most dangerous and remote

places in 97 countries. They survive unsafe conditions literally risking their lives. WITNESS puts
great efforts into protecting its members by teaching them to deal with force major situations, basics
of law and medicine and supporting them remotely.

WITNESS spreads its message to everyone in the world. It encourages every mature person

not to ignore the problem of human rights harassment: “In this age, when the mass media rest in
fewer and fewer hands, we must have strong vital, independent voices if we ever want to hear all
the stories or seek justice. We have an incredible opportunity to change lives” (Gabriel).

WITNESSE's main target are socially conscious and responsible people who support justice and

human rights. The outlet also aims to reach supporters and larger media editions.

WITNESS encourages feedback and input of the audience. Everyone who is willing can

follow the outlet in different social networks, sign up and post blogs on the website, provide
responses or comments via email or messages. The organization also tries to recruit members very
actively. There are couple of ways to support WITNESS: donate, participate or work full time.

WITNESS is a non-profit organization, therefore, needs supporters to train activists and provide

them with necessities. Currently it receives donations from individual, agencies and big
corporations such as FordFoundation,, The Libra Foundation, Pentagram, Sida and
I believe that WITNESS communicates its message successfully. Statistics inform about

“360 organizations partnered, 97 countries worked and 260 million people reached” with the outlet's

videos. Lately WITNESS's videos from Brazil were featured in the New York Times, hundreds of
people participate in music-, film events, charity dinners and runs for human rights held by the
media outlet. Team of professional and dedicated people made WITNESS effective international
organization which broadens its influence and significance in today's world.

Works Cited

WITNESS International Organiation. WITNESS/Human Rights Video. N.p., n.d. Web. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from

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