Good Example Of The Relationship Of Irrelevant Distracter With Specific Task Performance: Mediating Role Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Research Proposal

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: ADHD, Children, Family, Education, Psychology, Disorders, Performance, Attention

Pages: 9

Words: 2475

Published: 2020/09/23


Children with diagnostic ADHD often present a wide range of problems and characteristics. Some of the problems presented include underachievement and learning disabilities in academics (Corkum, McGonnell, & Schachar, 2010). Approximately, up to about 80% of ADHD children experience underachievement in academics, and about a third of the affected children have specific learning disabilities (Carroll, et al. 2005). Children who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) do not possess the ability to focus on particular tasks because their proneness towards being distracted is much greater than that of the normal kids. The specific task performance is the competency that differentiates the delinquent from a well groomed professional. The children with above mentioned psychomotor problem have an external locus of control, and therefore, they need to have mentors and good teachers in order perform adequately throughout their academic and professional careers. However, they experience a significant level of emotional trauma when they had to go through failures (Biederman, et al. 2004). They require constant attention and love to live effectively.
The affected children respond towards their material environment, and if it is conducive with reference to their learning then, they will take a lead from their peers. Such directive is followed because the kids suffering from ADHD are eager to please, and are true followers of prophecy fulfilling theory (Barkley et al. 2006). This study will provide conceptual framework to support linkages between various variables that are relevant to the academic performance of kids who suffer from the aforementioned psycho-medical condition. The educationalists will be helped in terms of devising the interventions that can aid the students experiencing problems during their studies. Future research seeks to clarify the relationship between poor academic achievement and ADHD as well as the impacts on educational programs.
This paper will firstly prove that the students with ADHD are different from others who have normal self esteem and image as well. There is a lack of academic studies that have actually linked the presence of ADHD with degrading academic performance on various levels of educational career. This study will fill the literally gap in the understanding of issues that is consuming students in all parts of the world. The developed nations have the educational systems that value creativity and personal freedom of students, and there are minimal levels of social pressures that can negatively influence the academic performance of students. However, in collective societies, the disease is more strongly prevalent because the students have to face judgmental attitudes and behaviors so they get tied up from the inside (Biederman et al 2006). They lose the energy to do what they want and need to do, and that lead to development of discontentment in their personalities that keep haunting them for rest of their lives.

Literature Review: Irrelevant Distracter and Specific Task Performance

The irrelevant distracter is a term that is used in order to refer to a mental condition that causes hindrance in one’s personality space that does not allow him or her in effectively prioritizing the actions, and a person suffering from the condition engages in irrelevant and trivial perspectives that serve no practical purpose and objective (Carroll, Maughan, Goodman, & Meltzer, 2005). Additionally, a specific task performance is a construct that defines one’s ability to do his or her work by keeping the effectiveness, and efficiency of the task intact. The human psychology works to impress the people to consider pleasure as a secondary objective in their lives, and they have to take and treat their profession and education as the top priority.

Hi: There is an inverse relationship present in between Irrelevant Distracter and Specific Task Performance of Students

Irrelevant Distracter and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a phenomenon that operates in order to internally motivate students towards attraction to different unproductive endeavors (Biederman, Monuteaux & Doyle, 2004). Therefore, the influence of Irrelevant Distracter is going to be manifold in nature on students who have a particular psychomotor condition. The presence of Irrelevant Distracter can fire internal psychological need to find some excuse to seek an unproductive adventure in the externalized environment (Castellanos, & Tannock 2002). The presence of ADHD acts as an accelerant in order to fire the influence of Irrelevant Distracter on quality of life in students who suffer from ADHD. However, all students who experience Irrelevant Distraction of some sort give into the wishes so that they can relax and unfold (Biederman et al. 2004). Most intellectuals overeat, and sleep long hours in order to overcome their stress. The difference between Irrelevant Distracter works during the period when a person is engaged in task, and that is the most destructive force one can face while trying in order to develop as an effective professional.

Hii: The Irrelevant Distracter has a positive linear relation with the presence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Specific Task Performance
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder attracts the attentive capability of a student towards intellectual noise in the external environment, and therefore, his or her ability to focus on Specific Performance decreases. The pupils who have the featured psychological problem do not have the competency to focus on the specific task because they are socially active, and directly receive powerful impact from the theory of prophecy fulfilling, and they tend to try to win the hearts and minds of people around them. These students emerge as individuals who attempt to make everyone happy, and live miserable lives in the process.

Hiii: There is a negative relation present between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Specific Task Performance

Irrelevant Distracter, Specific Task performance and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
The negative relation between the Task Performance and Irrelevant Disorder is a well documented one in the research literature of psychology. However, the presence of ADHD channels the impact, and increases it to a significant degree as well. Based on the above case, one can assume that ADHD plays the role of an accelerator in the relation of independent and dependent variables of the study. Substantial evidence of improvements in ADHD symptoms is important in the underlying cognitive process (Carroll et al. 2005). Most reviews show that accuracy and academic productivity in classroom varies based on the ADHD factors.


Following are the highlights of methods that this study will use in order to meet its objectives: -
The participants in the study would include children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, based on diagnostic interviews. Inclusion will involve children with observable symptoms of ADHD both at school and at home. The child should be between the age of 5 and twelve years and the parents should have the ability to speak and participate in a clinical trial.

Testing Mediation and Other Linear Linkages

The first method to be used in this research process would entail the testing mediation and other linear linkages. Testing mediation effect incorporates application of theories to test on the hypothesis of research. The theoretical and statistical nature of the philosophical adventure is quit challenging, and entails a series of journeys meant to enhance knowledge in the field of science. This study will run the simple linear regressive analyses to find out that each theoretical linkage developed amongst the key variables is statistically significant or not. The theoretical linkages will translate into a simpler statement for investigation to test the relationship between IV and DV, IV and MV, MV and DV. The final outcome will realize the possibility of testing mediation effect of ADHD between Irrelevant Distracter and Specific Task Performance. Upon finding each linkage to be mathematically notable then, the researcher will be free to test the mediating influence of ADHD by running a multiple regression analysis in order to control the impact of ADHD. If after doing so, the relationship of IV and DV suffers through a significant loss of power, it would be inferred that, there is a process of mediation going on emanating from ADHD between Specific Task Performance and Irrelevant Distracter in students.

Measurement Instruments

The study will apply various instruments in order to measure multiple aspects of the target phenomena. The questionnaires developed by Adler, Kessler, & Spencer, (2003), Feng, Marulanda, & Donmez, (2014) will be used to measure ADHD and Irrelevant Distracter in the target sample. Secondly, the overall cumulative grade point averge will be considered as the means of knowing the general ability of the students to remain focused on particular task. The academic performance measures the time mangement skills, and intellectual capability of the pupils in various academic fields, and therefore, one can treat the relevant figures in this regard as the meaure of mental efficiency of the students.

Analysis of ANOVA: Mean Differences

The measure of ADHD will be critical in terms of determining the overall and applicable success of this project. The measure will assist in the process of differentiating students who do not have ADHD from those subjects who do. Additionally, the hypothesis of means’ inequality will be tested via usage of ANOVA, and significant results of test will stand in the favor conjuncture that there are notable gaps present in the performance of both the groups.

Recommendations and Suggestions

The research process is likely to result into various impacts on the general medication process subject to ADHD students. The results would draw the medication effects on subjective and objective measures. On the same note, the baseline and IQ performance would be realized with control on performance .Additionally, a significant difference would be noted between academic and medication support attribution to ADHD students. Capitalized on the two forms of support, absolute prediction would be drawn over the IQ and baseline performance. Essentially, the research is likely to draw a distinction between objective and subjective impacts of medication. Disassociation and correlation analyses would be studied based on the medication impact on standard assessment and questionnaires. Conclusively, the study is deemed to reap a lot of positive impacts on both the academic and medical fraternity. Those who have ADHD cannot develop their powers to remain in present, and they continue to dwell about their pasts, and keep on second-guessing about their actions in the time that has passed away (Mathers, 2005). The study is also limited in terms of sample size, and it is going to be conducted in one or two educational institutions.
According to the parent and teacher ratings on the academic performance, positive results are likely to be realized in the cause of medication. The applied methodology in the study is characterized with a number of limitations and strengths. Bases on the strengths, the application of both the subjective teacher and parent ratings as well as objective standardized achievement are allowable. Such a strategy would allow for direct comparison of the academic achievement results. The limitations of the study would result from the two primary factors in the methodology. The first limitation is based on the uncontrollable naturalistic design variable. The observable limitation at this stage is that no significant improvement can be noted on standardized measure. Additionally, in- school intervention is likely to yield no observable academic improvements on children with ADHD (Kessler, Adler, Ames, 2005).
The ADHD causes people to grow into individuals who sabotage their own achievements because of the prevalence of guilt in their psychomotor personality space (Makris, Biederman, Valera, 2006). The teaching staff and parents have to treat their students and kids as if they are suffering from the tendencies to operate under the influence of irrelevancies in their lives so their natural and academic leaders have to come forth in order to motivate the kids to have normal self esteem. Additionally, the socialization skills of the children carry a dullish outlook because they spend too much time with the technology, and that causes them to lose their humanistic values with the passage of time. However, human development and growth occurs as a result of social exchange, and the next generation is growing up in the shadow of machines, and therefore, they might develop the distasteful tendencies to consider humans as machines as well. The role of teachers and parents has to be valuable in this regard. The presence of love makes a lot of difference in one’s life so he or she has to receive motivation and courage from many personal and familial sources in order to lead a wonderful life. The habit of living in the present has to be fostered in them because the problems do not exist in the present times, if one is alive then, he or she has the real chance to have a bright future, and if he or she is dead then, there is no point in worrying. The parents cannot live the lives of their children, but they can help them in order to do so. The leaders have to lighten the baggage that their kids carry on their minds, and once they share the burden then the kids have all the weapons they need to fight their way into their lives.
The study has an impressive background, and therefore, its ability to contribute towards existing body of knowledge is significant as well. However, there is an uncanny need to use its findings and recommendations in the practical sense in order to reap greater and golden fruits of the labor that the researchers will have to put in order to make this project possible. The teachers and parents have to educate themselves to consider each child as prone towards experiencing some kind of distractions. It is important to note that even the most focused children lose their minds every once in a while (McInnes, Humphries, Hogg- Johnson & Tannock, 2003). The educationalists have to develop conceptualized plan in order to apply the findings of the study. The researcher is facing financial and economic constraints, and therefore, the material sample size will be small due to abovementioned limitations.
Future research needs to clarify the relationship between academic achievements and impacts on educational programs. The study has to target the ADHD children based on the medication impacts in learning. Meanwhile, professional working needs to be done when working with children with ADHD underachievement. The investigation will cover the mediation role of ADHD, but the future investigative works should develop programs in order to alleviate the impact of ADHD with the help of applying basic and modern psychology, and motivational interviewing will also go a long way regarding fulfillment of tangible objectives of the planned studies.


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