Good Example Of Thesaurus Assignment – To Become Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Development, Turn, Difference, Synonym, Suit

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/02

There are many possible synonyms of the verb “to become”, and under certain circumstances they are not interchangeable. However, sometimes one can use “turn into” or “change into” instead of “become”, and their meanings will be absolutely the same.
It is of the greatest importance to understand the difference between “become”, “develop into”, “change into”, “transform into”, “grow into”, etc. In some situations these words will not be synonymous, and their use will be inappropriate.
For example, the most significant difference between “become” and “turn into” is that “become” can be used with both nouns and adjectives, while “turn into” can be followed by the nouns only.
As for “to change into”, it has the same meaning as “to become” when these verbs stand for the transformation from one state to another. However, “to change into” can also have a meaning of putting on some other clothing. In this case, “I will change into a suit” makes sense and “I will become a suit” does not.
The same can be mentioned about “to grow into”. When it means “to develop so as to fit something”, “to become” cannot be used as a synonym. At the same time, “grow into” can mean the same as “become” and these words can be used interchangeably.
When comparing “develop into” and “become”, the main difference is that “develop into” has a meaning of “evolve” or “to grow from something into something better”.
When it comes to “transform into”, it basically means “to change the appearance of the form” and can be substituted by “become”. However, when the original verb in the sentence is “to become”, it will not be always synonymous to “transform into” as it has some meanings that differ from “to transform into”.
Thus, synonyms should be used very carefully as sometimes they are not interchangeable and have unquestionably different meanings.


Become. (n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from
Become. (n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from

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