Good Example Of Trader Joe’s Marketing Report Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Trader, Trade, Food, Marketing, Store, Sociology, Whole Foods, People

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/02/11

Trader Joe’s is a small chain grocery store. The company focuses on selling food that is organic, healthy, vegetarian, and gourmet food at a price point that is generally affordable for a younger crowd.
Trader Joe’s is different from its main competitor, Whole Foods, primarily because of its business strategy. Where Whole Foods chooses a large format store with a lot of floor space, Trader Joe’s has sought to create smaller format stores, with less floor space, and more focus on a market feel. Trader Joe’s is meant to be a quirky, hip type of health food store, where people can be certain that they are getting good food at good prices. Its main competitor, Whole Foods, focuses on a more upscale clientele.
Trader Joe’s uses marketing materials to communicate with its target market, including a heavy social media presence. Essentially, the store is marketing its materials towards hippies and young people.
This method has proven to be very effective. Trader Joe’s needs little outside marketing because it has developed a cult following.
Trader Joe’s should continue having a strong social media presence and reaching out to communities in positive ways, as it has been doing. Trader Joe’s stores are often involved in community events, and corporate should continue to encourage this.
This encourages the perception of Trader Joe’s as a community-centered, environmentally friendly store that people can feel good shopping at. It is an excellent business model.
Higher levels of advertising in traditional ways may not be the most effective way forward for Trader Joe’s. Marketing should be focused on non-traditional methods like social media marketing and community involvement.

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