Good Example Of True Love Waits Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Time, Project, Family, Love, Home, Telephone, Construction, Phone

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/16


It is a sunny day! It is a good weather to play and have a break. Jenny and John decided to go to the park. The foods in the picnic basket are all ready. Something has been bothering John lately though. Along the ride, John held to the brakes, and gathered his strength to say to Jenny that there is a possibility that he would be temporarily assigned to Singapore for a year to work on a special project. John is a structural engineer at a construction firm, and the project is a good opportunity for his career growth. Sigh! Jenny reminisced the past. They were all together in those memories. There were sad ones and there were happy times too. The day continued with Jenny and John enjoying their time together. They accepted the challenge, though it was altogether difficult. They want to hold on because they love each other.
It has been a week since John left, but Jenny already missed him. Thanks to technology, she can contact him readily face-to-face whether through phone or laptop. They’re technically seas apart, yet the sight of each other through Skype brings a sense of happiness to each. John’s physical absence though has affected her in more ways than one. Time passed by fast. Jenny has learned to bear her sadness, and devote her time to learning how to bake. She bought some new baking wares for her experimental recipes. She wants to surprise John by the time he comes back. She is waiting then, patiently waiting.
In the construction site, John was busy. Except for some delays in the delivery of materials, he has managed to complete the project milestones in time. “We’re on track” said John to his director through the phone. His boss has been citing him for his exemplary work ethic, although John, at time, has felt the effects of homesickness. There will be a few months more, and he’ll be going home. He called Jenny. “I miss you Jen. I love you.”


It is another sunny day! Jen was surprised to see John in her doorsteps. It was barely nine months since they last met. Jenny and John hugged each other. “Why are you here?” “I managed to leave the finishing touches on the project to an apprentice” “Thank God you’re home.” Jenny and John married a week after. Guess where? They had some special arrangement for their wedding at the park. It was a lovely sight. They promised to each other never to part again. They want to stay by each other’s side until their hairs turn grey.

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