Good Example Of Understanding The Theory Case Study

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Motivation, Theory, Incentive, Management, Behavior, Manager, Learning, Family

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/26

Incentive Theory of Motivation

The theory of incentive motivation offers a suggestion that individuals get motivated to do things due to the external rewards extended. For instance, individuals get motivation for going to their working places daily because they know that they will get payment for monetary rewards. The motivation theory on incentive entails learning concepts that the entail behavior. The learning concepts involved are reinforcement and association.

The theory is unique in comparison with other theories of motivation that suggests that internal drives cause motivation of an individual. Such approaches include the arousal theory, the drive reduction theory, and the instinct theory of motivation. However, the incentive theory suggests that outside incentives are the causal factors for motivation to an individual.
The operant conditioning is an equivalent of the theory of incentive. In the operant conditioning, a person finds himself or herself doing or indulging in some particular activities to avoid punishment or to gain reinforcement. The theory of incentive stipulates that the actions of a person get directions toward the benefit of rewards (Walters, 12).
However, one may be interested to know the type of rewards for consideration. An analogy would do much in the explanation of the anxiety. For instance, one can think about the type of things that motivate him or her in studying hard and perform extemporarily in school. An example of an incentive is good grades. Additionally, the accolades and esteem gained from a teacher or the parents for another type of incentive. Of them all, an excellent example of an external reward that motivates behavior is money. As such, the outlined external rewards motivate a person in doing things that one could have otherwise avoided. The enhanced rewards might seem unpleasant to a person on duties and responsibilities.
The categories of the incentives have no equality in their creation. As such, they entail rewards that might not be sufficient for the inspiration for another person to take action or get the motivation. The incentives found in social, physiological, and cognitive factors play a role in the incentives found motivation. For instance, there is a high likelihood get motivation from food when hungry than when you have eaten. Additionally, a boy at teenage would get the motivation for cleaning his room if promised of a video game he coveted. Another person will find, however, find such a game to be unappealing.
Psychologists suggest that the changes might occur in incentive values across situations and time (Medin, 13). For example, the praise that parents might accord to their child would have a positive motivation in some situations but not in all. Praise from parents, when alone at home creates a positive incentive while a similar recognition in the presence of age-mates would call for avoidance because the friends may tease the individual.

The application of the theory by the manager to motivate the employees

As a manager would use the incentives to get assistance of having people engage in the behaviors that will contribute to the development goals. In addition, they can help to stop people from performing actions that have no value to the company development. The manager could place the importance of the rewards for the conduct or activities of the worker to make the incentives powerful. A manager would use incentive motivation by creating and promising obtainable rewards so that they are motivating (Nagin, 16). For example, a salesperson will lack motivation after massive sales in a defying environment and encounter unrealistic payment.


Medin, Douglas L. 2011. Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory. London: Elsevier Science & Technology.
Nagin, Daniel. 2008. Monitoring, motivation and management the determinants of opportunistic behavior in a field experiment. Cambridge, MA.: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Walters, Glenn D. 2009. Beyond behavior: construction of an overarching psychological theory of lifestyles. Westport, Conn: Praeger.

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