Good Example Of Wireless Mobile (Smart) Phone Charger Creative Writing

Type of paper: Creative Writing

Topic: Telephone, Customers, Market, Wireless, Radio, Technology, Company, Mobile Phones

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/02/02

Part 1

My Idea
My ideas is a wireless charger for the smartphones. The charger will integrate the current technology to utilize the modern features that enable the smartphone owners to charge their phone in more smart and convenient manner. The charger will not only apply the technological know-how but the state of the art technology when recharging phones. Moreover, production of the wireless chargers integrates visual appeal and innovation, technological know-how, and updated software. The production also involves a partnership in order to reduce risk and uncertainty as well as cutting the cost of production. The partnership will help our company to induce economies of scale hence produce more product at an effective price (Osterwalder, Pigneur, & Clark, 2010).
In the contemporary world, the smartphone market is challenged by the problem of maintaining charged batteries. Some smartphone, regarding the user’s application only last for six hours hence limiting the user capability of enjoying the benefits associated with the smartphones. Some companies such as Sony and Techno has developed a portable charger that can enable the users to recharge their phone in outdoors. However, this innovation has not sufficiently meet the need of the users since the portable charge needs the power backup too. Therefore, with the introduction of the wireless chargers people will be able to recharge their phones more conveniently without the need to plug their phones to the cables. In this case, the users can recharge their phone while moving and yet enjoy benefits of the smartphones such as listening to music and playing games while their phone are charging wirelessly. Therefore, the wireless chargers for smartphones are not only important but also necessary to meet the convenience needs of the prospective consumers.

Value Propositions required

We are providing a solution to the problem of low-battery smartphone through the application of wireless technology that integrates visual appeal and innovation. The wireless chargers provide the avenue for the true mobility issue by ensuring that our potential will enjoy the newness of our service, “recharge on the air.” The wireless technology will help our company to satisfy the customers need for fashionable, up-to-date, superior, and convenient recharge for their smartphones. The wireless mobile phone chargers are anticipated to bridge the energy gap for the smartphones (Osterwalder, Pigneur, & Clark, 2010).
In the mass market, Multi-sided Platform, and diverse market, the brand reputation of our partners will help us to penetrate the new market because customer are aware of values offered by them. In this markets, our partners will enable us to provide a tantalizing idea of recharging smartphones with no cables, and this is anticipated to expand to household appliances. The partners will also help in the research and development wireless technology so that we can offer our prospective customer technologically advanced solutions. In a nutshell, our company will offer high-performance, convenience, low-price, and accessible recharging of mobile phones to our prospective customers.


The wireless chargers for smartphones are anticipated to cover the demand in the global and local market. This product is new in the market and, therefore, requires marketing strategies to penetrate the new diverse global market. For this reason, the various market segment will be applied; mass marketing, diversified market strategy, and the multi-sided platform. The company will use mass marketing that is a market coverage strategy that ignore other market segments. The customer segment appeals the whole market with the wireless charger as the main offer. The company will focus on one large group of customers with largely related problems and needs. Additionally, the company will use diversified market strategy this is because our company has diversified customers with different needs and problems. Multi-sided platforms are the last customer segment that our market will put in actions. The segment joins two or more different but co-dependent groups of customers together. The platform will create value by enabling interactions among the distinct groups (Osterwalder, Pigneur, & Clark, 2010).

Part 2

Prospective customer 1. Mr. Alex
He embraced the idea and suggested that the wireless chargers for the smartphone will significantly increase the convenience of using the smartphones. He suggested that the idea would help people to charge their phones without the use of a cable. However, he raised several concerns about the new idea. First, he wanted to know whether the chargers will be compatible with the existing smartphones or the users will need to buy another phone with updated technology. Secondly, he was concerned about the market price of the wireless charges. He indicated that, because people are waiting for the solution of their smartphone charge, the demand is anticipated to escalate. As a result, he suggested the producers will rise the price, hence making the gadget expensive.

Prospective customer 2: Mrs. Morgan

Similar to the first prospective customer, Mrs. Morgan was happy to hear about the new idea. She supported the idea and suggested that this is a revolutionary move the will help people enjoy the technological befits offered by the smartphones. However, she was worried about the accessibility of the hotspot area where the user can charge their phones. She asked whether the wireless charge will use the technology similar to the Wi-Fi technology that is protected by a password. She claimed that if this is the case, the users will be required to pay extra cash in order to access the passwords of the charging hotspot. Consequently, this will increase the operating cost.

Potential Customer: Charles, a university student

Charles claimed that he represented the view of many student who is experiencing low-battery problems from their phones. He embraced and appreciated the efforts involved to make the wireless charger a dream come true. However, he was considerable about the cost of the charge. Will the charge be affordable to students, or will it be a luxurious commodity to us? What channels of distribution are involved? Is there a network that allows the prospective consumers to interact with suppliers, producers, and other stakeholders? Finally, he enquired whether there will be promotional offers to create the awareness of the wireless chargers in the new market.

Business model canvas

Key Partners
Mobile phone manufacturers, such as Samsung,
The iPass Mobile Network, a company which is Wi-Fi provider
Google, android producer
The partners will provide
High-tech feature
Android apps
Financial aids
Technological know how
Broad customer base
Key Activities
Initially, production of the wireless chargers integrates visual appeal and innovation, technological know-how, and updated software
Other activities include problem solving and Network
Value Propositions required

Visual appeal and innovation

Recharge on the air
Recognized Brand through partnership
No harm to human
Environmental friendly
Customer relation
Automated services
Customer relationships by developing strategies that will enhance good interactions with prospective customers.
Communication through email marketing
Customer Segments
Mass marketing that is a market coverage strategy that ignore other market segments.
Multi-sided platforms are the last customer segment that our market will put in actions
Diversified market strategy this is because our company has diversified customers with different needs and problems
Partner channels, which are indirect and span a whole variety of options
Own channels through brick and mortar stores
Key Resources
Physical resources, e.g. utilities, land, equipment, buildings, raw material, and laboratories

The intellectual properties include property rights, business license, and patents

Human resources are comprised of the company’s employees who make up the labor force
The financial resources include capital and funds
Cost Structure
Fixed cost
Salaries, rent and utilities $618,000
Research and development (Working Capital) $200,500
Marketing $340,000
Laboratories and research facilities $234,000
Maintenance cost $150,000
Intellectual property (licensing and patents) $100,000
Variable costs
Raw materials $450,000
Packaging $230,000
Revenue stream
Asset sales


Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., & Clark, T. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.

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Good Example Of Wireless Mobile (Smart) Phone Charger Creative Writing. Free Essay Examples - Published Feb 02, 2021. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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