Good Personal Statement About Letter Of Intent

Type of paper: Personal Statement

Topic: Students, Education, Profession, Professionalism, Faculty, Goals, Welfare, Life

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/10

I would like to apply for the doctoral program because I believe in not only my own professional goals but also in the staff and students that are involved with the faculty. The faculty has provided me with challenges and supported my studies. I would like to continue with work that is gratifying and challenging. The faculty is the place that can provide this for me and hopefully the faculty can also gain from my own professional goals. The program is related directly to my previous experience in the field of education, academia and student coordination. Working on the current grants has also demonstrated a strong and professional academic performance. I would be an excellent candidate for the program because I also have a strong desire for knowledge and experiences that can be of benefit to students, the faculty and my own goals.
Over the last ten years I have worked consistently towards my career goal of becoming a director or chairperson within academic affairs or student services. The success of higher education depends on how academic staff can give guidance, the right tools and attitudes for the success of their students. My knowledge of education and the needs of students are at the core of my world view and it has acted as a guide for providing better experiences for students in my experience as a teacher and a coordinator.
The grant program has provided further ways to learn about methods of improving student experiences and for fulfilling my personal goals in education. I have had to acquire new skills like learning unfamiliar methods for research and new knowledge of my chosen field. It has definitely fined tuned my people skills as I have had to confront my own personal beliefs and to see criticism as positive and productive.
The area of Higher Education expands on what works and what doesn't work in the learning arena. I have worked with many students and staff throughout the grant program and have been keen to get feedback on their experiences about collaboration and working with students. I enjoy hearing about student’s goals and success’. I am also aware of the limitations that students often put on themselves or are forced to confront in their time as academics or students. During the grant program, I have taken any opportunity for personal growth or professional development and will continue with this desire if granted the opportunity. The performance of students and the faculty are a major consideration in my own professional development.
I know that the doctoral program is a challenging and life changing experience but I also understand the need to keep a balance outside of professional life. I have dedicated my life to getting into a doctoral program and working towards my goal as a professional. However, I also believe that family life and community have a way of keeping an individual balanced and in harmony with the other individuals they work with professionally. I understand the program often clashes with this desire but I will endeavour to strive towards this personal goal alongside my professional goals.
I believe that my consideration on the program is one of the best opportunities I have been granted in my professional life and will work with professionalism, dedication and balance to continue the other grants that have been provided. I will take any opportunity given and will try to turn challenges into positive and favourable experiences for myself, students and staff that I interact with.

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