Good Personal Statement On Statement Of Purpose: Nurse Anesthetist

Type of paper: Personal Statement

Topic: Nursing, Education, Medicine, Nurse, Profession, Surgery, War, Breastfeeding

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/25

Even with my eyes closed, I can still see in my mind’s eye the local hospital’s emergency room. My father’s toes were deeply severed and his foot was bleeding profusely after stepping on a landmine in our vineyard. First, my parents and I were enjoying a few minutes of bantering while working. The next minute, our lives completely changed. This incident happened a few years after the civil war broke out in Croatia. Born to loving parents of different nationalities, I suddenly realized the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead of us.
My story is not an embellished tale of hardship with the intent of earning sympathy or an admission to a good graduate school. The truth is I often leave out this part of my story when I share information about myself. But twenty years after the incident occurred, it is still fresh in my mind and I realize that it is one of those things that shaped the person that I am today. As a matter of fact, it plays a huge role in my decision for choosing healthcare as my field of profession.
I always loved school, which was further accentuated during the war when I took refuge in books to make up for the inconveniences during the Croatian war. As a child of a Mathematics and Physics professor, my interest has always been geared towards science. I strived hard in my studies because in my mind, I believed learning was for the privileged few. At an early age, I resolved in myself that having a good educational background was what would propel me to success. It is education that is the best way to bring about change in the world.
I initially studied Physical Therapy in Zagreb and graduated top of my class from a 3-year program. After the war, finding a job was difficult, especially for someone with the “wrong last name”. Because unemployment was high, I decided to pursue my education in the United States. I studied at the College of Staten Island (CSI) in 2002 and graduated from the BSN program amid language barriers and financial difficulties. In-between, I took on odd jobs to support my education. All those years of complexity and difficulty paid off as I graduated magna cum laude and was honored to be the valedictorian of the nursing class of 2009 at the CSI.
While studying, I worked as a volunteer at the Weill Cornell New York Presbyterian Hospital where I was later on offered an RN position on a medical-surgical unit. I truly enjoyed that first job and developed good working relationships with coworkers and warm friendships with patients, but I just could not suppress the drive to do and accomplish more. I moved to the Cardiothoracic ICU at our hospital where I am still affiliated to this day. As a CTICU nurse, I am exposed to various levels of challenges daily. Through it all, I can say I welcome the challenges and chaos that always keep me on my toes. I love the adrenaline rush when a new case rolls up from the operating room. I hold so highly being in charge of the patients’ care those first few hours after cardiac surgery. I value the trust our patients, their families, and our doctors put in nurses and their knowledge and abilities. My passion is on improving patient care and results and I also function as a Pain Resource Nurse in out ICU. In addition, I am an active Unit Practice Council member and often perform charge nurse duties.
Entering the field of anesthesia and surgery has been my goal since I started the nursing program. These programs will lead me to my goal of becoming a CRNA, a choice born out of desiring a greater depth of knowledge and understanding of how the field of anesthesia and surgery works, and to be a well-rounded medical professional for the betterment of the community I serve. A career as a nurse anesthetist means moving forward and continuous learning every day. I admire how CRNAs enjoy the autonomy in their practice and the responsibility the profession brings. My work experience in the ICU setting and exposure on many urgent patient situations, as well as the depth of knowledge and skill of the anesthesia and surgical team, just reconfirmed my deep interest in the field and the desire to be a part of it.
Personally, being a Nurse Anesthetist will help me reach my full potential in a career that I will be proud of.  Using my unique life experience and heritage, I will be able to reach out to the people in the community in a more meaningful way. In addition, it is one of my life-long goals to increase the scope of my career by going to developing nations and help the people who are in need of medical assistance through surgery. My ability to communicate with a diverse kind of people of various backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures can help in making patients feel comfortable and valued. Additionally, I can be a good role model for other migrants whose passion is serving through the field of nursing as well.
I would be honored if you would find me a worthy candidate and a good addition to your outstanding Nurse Anesthetist Program. I strongly believe that your excellent program can help me realize my dream and reach my full potential as a nursing professional and a human being.

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