Good Raising A Future Criminal Argumentative Essay Example

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Video Games, Virtual Reality, Video, Social Issues, Crime, Juvenile, Criminal Justice, Violence

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/04

Parents all over the world have apprehensions about the effect of video games on their child. There have been many discussions about the violence being shown in latest video games. Some experts even argue that it is a cause of juvenile crime; young minds find new ways of committing an offence.“The mind and society of a juvenile turn him into a criminal; video games do not encourage antisocial activities.”
The other side of the story is different; researchers have not been able to prove the causal link between video games and juvenile crime. In contrast the results of some researches show the benefits of playing video games, therefore juvenile crime must have other causes.
Most experiments that study the causal relationship between video games and juvenile crime only consider and concern themselves with the extreme violent games and violent crime. Therefore, there is a gap in the data and knowledge of the overall effect of video games on general juvenile crime. Some recent studies defend the position that video games do not cause criminal behavior, but they help young people to reduce their stress levels, and promote feelings of competence and autonomy.
Games like angry birds are enjoyable and promote group play. On the other hand, it could be argued, that video games may influence vulnerable juveniles. There could be so many variables at play such as the background of the individual or screen exposure time that have adverse effects.
In conclusion, research has not been able to prove that video games are a cause of juvenile crime as it depends on the individuals mindset rather than the game that can lead to developement of a criminal mindset. Recent research support the idea that playing video games is good for the well being of juveniles as it keeps them occupied. Parents have to keep a check on the video games that their children play; it is just another medium of entertainment not crime.

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