Good Recommendation On The Use Facebook Corporate Page Report Example

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Corporation, Facebook, Platform, Company, Information

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/01/01

Recommendation to use Corporate Facebook Page

Just like any other social media platform, facebook offers a variety of benefits to corporate that aspire to extend their presence to the online business platform. One of these benefits is the fact that facebook offers a low-cost marketing platform for corporate, as such as it is a recommendable operational platform for the company. Additionally, facebook offers a platform for corporate to interact and reach out to a wide base of clients through facebook offers and advertisements. Moreover, corporate can benefit from facebook through its platform that enables them to share data inform of pictures and videos enhance improving the trust and clientele loyalty. Companies can also increase traffic on their pages by linking their company websites to their facebook corporate pages, hence attracting a large base of clients. On the other hand, facebook has the right to evaluate and analyze data that users upload on their pages and company pages; businesses can pay to have access to this information hence facilitating their efforts towards targeted advertizing processes.
However, in some cases, corporate may face a challenge emerging from the fact that some clients may want to post negative or harsh comments on corporate pages. This is usually associated with creating a negative image of the company. It is important to consider the fact that corporate have the rights to delete negative comments, especially those that are basically posted to tarnish their images. Although, comments that are posted indicating client’s disappointment, but are expressed in an appropriate manner, should be provided with appropriate response informing the clients that their concerns will be effectively handled and such cases will not be repeated in future. Moreover, facebook has the right to delete or reject any post that they feel will affect users. As such, the company should not be deterred from creating a corporate page.

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Good Recommendation On The Use Facebook Corporate Page Report Example. Free Essay Examples - Published Jan 01, 2021. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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