Good Research Paper About An Aspect Of Administration In Childhood Settings Name Institution

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Family, Children, Childhood, Parents, Development, Early Childhood, Society, Education

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Published: 2021/02/07

An Aspect of Administration in Childhood Settings

Almost each couple on the Earth dreams to have a child or even children. Unfortunately, most of them do not even suspect how hard is to treat a kid. Of course, maternity instinct helps a lot, but this is just on the earliest stages. But what young parents have to do then?
Early childhood is a stage or span between birth and adolescents; it includes infants, toddlerhood, and preschoolers. During this period parents experience several challenges that require attention, especially while looking after them (Ikegami & Seyram, 2014). The history of childhood comes from the biology and culture of their parents; this determines the nature and the behavior of every child in the society around the globe. Infants are born when they are unable to survive on their own, they can be wiped away by diseases, hence can result in early deaths. There is an important aspect of taking care of the children in their childhood. Parental care is essential in a growth of a person, a good start in the early childhood through middle childhood and early adolescence. It accounts to be the critical factor towards the development of human being future health as well attributes due to an encroachment of physical growth and social changes that happened during this stage (Justice, et al. 2015). Dangerous behaviors in the childhood always develop long-lasting changes that cannot be avoided again in future. Therefore parent plays an important role in upbringing a young one in the society Children are said to be inheriting growth behaviors and development from their parent.  This plays the large part of child molding conditions for physical and behavioral changes (Allen, et al. 2014). Parental care is one of the activities that should administer the child for upright growth in the society. Failure to adhere to strict regulation impact on future behavior they would probably themselves engage in drugs alcoholism and prostitution. Culture plays a role in child molding. It comprises of rules that shape the behavior. It is necessary for a baby to be conversant his mother and father's language in early development stages. This results into an excellent basis for foundation of lifelong learning. The society beliefs and virtues can influence the way children react, interact and relate to others children and the rest of the people. It impacts the supportive influence between the parent and their children as well as understanding, enhancing social and emotional skills (Ikegami & Seyram, 2014). Employment is another important factor in the childbearing activity. It involves how both parents provide protection, basic needs and the better lifestyle they gave their children. However, having both parents working reduce the time taken to together with their kids. It is important to balance the time spend with the family and the job. A large number of women with young children as seen in the society comprising of just single mothers are being inconvenience towards care responsibilities. The amount of income that parents always get raises the quality of care, balanced diet food and outings such as tours. Therefore the higher income family get, the better administration of children (Chaufan, Jarmin, & Sigal, 2015). Children health also makes an effect on their wells-care, most of the mental health problems such as stress, disabilities, depression and physical ones. Infants with such a parental experience start to show unacceptable behavior. As a result, a lot of difficulties in understanding the language and dormant growth appear. It occurred in children depressions due to environmental and genetic factors. This issue can make parents’ divorce, physically and emotionally available to their kids. They can result in poor planning and family conflicts. Parent's level of education influences so much the behavior and cognitive development in childhood. Given that most children describe that wish to be like their parents in future. The time taken by parents together with their kids also is a factor, and they should be teaching the children several basic vocabulary used in books to make them understand themselves and the society. The type of school children attended can determine the behavior of a child and growth too. Home-based activities are the necessity of providing the best services for young children since it is readily available. It is usually given by teachers, nannies, house girls or they're next of kind to one child or a several number of children if available in the homestead. In this setting program, the children received safe and conducive environment during inside and outside the door. They get appropriate skills, activities while given a balanced diet food, and they learn to communicate with their teachers, and there is an enhancement in managing and business wise. Usually, the home base program provides a natural environment care system, which its design gives more pleasant and comfortable for the parents (Allen, et al. 2014). They are set up mainly since most women have their preschoolers, and they require benefiting from this project financially too. Early childhood education can be enhanced by taking the children into programs such as kindergarten that is responsible for low-level delivery of education to preschoolers. It outlines half of the day basis for children having five years and bellow. The program runs in such a way that it is not compulsory to attend the classes daily. In Canada, it was until 2010 that the kindergarten provides child care centers, which stipulate that the attendance is compulsory and time table, extended to the full day curriculum for preschoolers. The program designs to earn profit since it was ruled by government policies such as parent to pay certain fees, setting the location, forming a committee, setting teachers wages and requirements for learning. At kindergarten children learn, given skills, and enjoy themselves in a healthy and conducive environment. However, the program called center based program is essential. During the toddlers stage, before the babies are ready to join kindergarten there is a lot of challenges in growth and development that can be seen by parents and teachers (Chandler, 2012). Teachers that teach infants to five-year-old ones should accomplish this through observation and education skills in order to take care of children, one must have knowledge and skills to cope with such a young ones. Their professionals make them know how children grow and developed more than their parents, and they organize activities in an innovative way that makes children think and ask themselves about those scenarios. Teachers also provide a conducive and safe learning environment that maintains the health, they communicate with parents effectively, have good management strategies and total dedication to giving care and education to children. Furthermore, center base administrators always have problems while making sure that this system is offering very useful experience helping the children’s growth and development. They struggle to meet the family needs, maintaining their operations, management and administration of the system (Chandler, 2012). The administrator should have a proper qualification in education and acquired knowledge and skills. Alongside those, qualification is mentorship, social works, nutrition, and human resource skill. Their job is to lead staff members to stimulate the activities and maintaining childhood experience so as to meet the local and international standards. Childhood administrators cannot work themselves, their performance are account by Professional Development Coordinators, who plays a role in early childhood. They help the administrators and teachers by planning and setting up development goals. They do a lot of research that aid in arranging the needs of early childhood team. They help the community leaders and act between the other professional in the institution. Their works are to ensure that better development strategies are reliable and available to the early childhood practices.
Professional development coordinators must have the following attributes good planning skills, collaborative, communication skills and evaluation skills. Failure to possess such power always resulted in poor standards, malpractices, and low early childhood workforce. Negligence’s can impact on retarding the growth of children, poor quality education, bad relationship between the parents-children, peer-to-peer and society in general (Justice, et al. 2015).
Specialist aid the program system by supporting the teachers, parents and the society in general in  understanding more on nurturing children and to cope into today state of the society, which is challenging in terms of behavior changes and the impact on development of oneself . The duties and responsibilities performed by the specialist are childhood intervention on children’s behavior nurturing the toddlers and preschooler’s education oversight as far as the administration of children is a concern. The specialist must dedicate themselves entirely to on giving out the available materials that can make the children learn and developed upright (Chau fan, Jarmon, & Sigal, 2015). That project is made possible through combined efforts with administrators, consultants, community, parents and any other personnel involved in implementing the child care programs. Specialist communicate through writing newsletters and journals that can be used by the teachers and parents to get tips and emerging issues in the society that can help improve the child care program system.
Lastly, the crucial aspect of the administration is the presence of Program Managers in the child care systems. They are ranked above other players in childhood practices though their work is not as big like the other categories personalities. They have a duty of coordinating the whole program of the child care system, by aiming at providing the organization the mission, vision, and the objectives (Justice, et al. 2015). They also make sure that program performance meets the target groups at a particular time and recordings creation and stored.
In conclusion, early childhood programs are manipulated and organized to nurture and educate children in infancy stage up to adolescence and ease the parental, families and society activities. It is the essential to care children in such a manner to get social and emotional development that would be of vital to the success of in future. Considering the fact that society is defined by beliefs of the society, it influences child’s development. It is of great importance for parents and the community at large to ensure that the child interact with the right people in the community.


Allen, K. E., Langford, R., Cowdery, G. E., Nolan, K., Cipparrone, B., & Paasche, C. L. (2014).
Inclusion in early childhood programs: Children with exceptionalities.
Chandler, K. (2012). Administering for quality: Leading Canadian early childhood programs.
Toronto: Pearson.
Chaufan, C., Jarmin, Y., & Sigal, B. (2015). Advancing Family Health through the Garden of
Eatin’: On-site Food Gardens in Early Childhood Education. American Journal of Public Health, 105(4), 625-628. Doi:102105/AJPH.2014.302422.
Ikegami, K., & Seyram Agbenyega, J. (2014). Exploring educators' perspectives: How does
Learning through 'happiness' promote quality early childhood education?. Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood, 39(3), 46-55.
Justice, L. M., Logan, J. R., Kaderavek, J. N., & Dynia, J. M. (2015). Print-Focused Read-
Alouds in Early Childhood Special Education Programs. Exceptional Children, 81(3), 292-311. Doi: 10.1177/0014402914563693

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