Good Research Paper About Where Does Employee Relation Fit Into The Organizational Structure? Employee Development – Engagement – Employee Safety

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Workplace, Employee, Company, Employment, Organization, Human Resource Management, Development, Business

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Published: 2020/10/15


The need for employee development and, accordingly, the training of various categories of organization staff is defined as the requirements of the work or the interests of the company and the individual characteristics of employees. Thus, employee development is necessary in order to ensure that the company’s employees have favorable starting conditions for entry into the ever-changing enterprise workflow, which determine the shape of the market needs, including in the labor force. In general, employee development directly affects company’s image in the labor market and its productivity in consumer market. Effective organization of staff will bring a lot of benefits to both the company and its employees.


Today, employers want to see employees not only satisfied with their work, but also involved in it, so that they perceive success of the company as their personal. All the leading companies in their development strategies assign employee engagement with the key place. Engagement motivates people. In the last few years the theory of employee engagement is increasingly being recognized. This theory considers the issue of how a company can achieve its strategic goals, creating conditions for the development of staff, in which every employee, manager and leader will do everything possible for the good of the company. Employee engagement is an approach that allows ensuring that each employee is genuinely cared about his work, about the company, which employs, about its customers, an approach that helps to ensure that the employee is fully committed to work to make every effort in this regard. This is reflected in the fact that the employee shows proactivity and enthusiasm for the work and takes full responsibility. Organizational structure, decision-making and their implementation should be designed in such a way as to encourage involvement.
The organizational structure defines the correlation (inter-subordination) between the functions carried out by the organization’s employees. It manifests through the division of labor, the establishment of specialized units, the hierarchy of positions, intra-procedure and is a necessary component of an effective organization because it gives the internal stability and allows making some order in the use of resources (Armstrong, 2012).
Therefore, an opportunity to combine the activities of all professionals together in the organizational structure and offer them to work on any particular project will allow employees not only perform their daily duties, but also to show their creativity and individual characteristics in teamwork.

Employee Relation and Organizational Structure

Effective organization is a group of people, who smoothly achieve their goals. In order to do it was easier, each team member needs to know who is doing what in the company and who is subordinated to process tasks. As a rule, there is one leader, who is solely responsible for the achievement of all the players in the team.
In order to meet the demands of modern market and maintain competitive advantage the organization needs qualified professional staff. However, the presence of such staff is not possible if an organization does not have the personnel department in its organizational structure, which operates efficiently in all directions, namely from the selection and hiring of staff prior to their dismissal and after-work support (Robbins and Coulter, 2007).
The organizational structure helps to distribute responsibility and authority between the employees of the organization, so it is important to have an optimal structure formed in modeling business processes. Analysis of the organizational structure for compliance with the functions they perform in business processes is a necessary step in the construction of the complex process model of the enterprise (Armstrong, 2012).
Appropriate organizational structure shows the sequence of product receipt, helps to find missing functions, helps to see and eliminate confusion in the command lines, eliminate a situation, where there is a double and triple subordination, that is, the employee may be subordinated to two or more leaders, who give him direct orders. It also helps to see who overworks and who idles in the company as well as helps to determine which products and sub-products the company should receive to create valuable final product in large quantity and high quality. In addition, organizational structure helps to see what positions and in what company’s unit there is a need to hire new people. Providing a clear understanding of the new employee (where he is in the company’s structure; who is his immediate supervisor; what he should do; what products and sub-products he shall receive; with whom he interacts on a working chain, etc.), the organizational structure relieves company’s head from the daily routine (Schuler and Jackson, 2007).
Thus, having created the organizational structure of the company and with clearly described business processes and regular tasks employees can implement almost any control system, quality control system based on ISO 9001 or equivalent, adjust the accounting of KPI and create a scorecard for strategic enterprise management.

Employee Development

Employee development is one of the most important conditions for the success of any organization (Hameed and Waheed, 2011). This is especially true today, when during the acceleration of scientific and technological progress the professional knowledge and skills become outdated faster than ever. Incompliance of staff skills with the company’s needs adversely affect the results of its operations. Leading global corporations (such as IBM, General Motors, and Motorola) spend a lot of time and money on training and development of its employees. Organization of staff development is one of the main functions of HR-department. For these purposes, even large corporations create their own corporate universities.
The program of employee development contributes to the formation of a workforce with higher skills and a strong motivation to perform tasks facing the organization. This leads to improved productivity, and hence an increase in the value of human resources of the organization (Broadhurst, 2012). Benefits that the organization receive as a result of training and development include improving the effectiveness of the business as a whole, improving the efficiency of the organization, transfer of the interaction between employees to a higher level, improving the incentive system of the company, developing the ability of staff to meet current and future needs of the organization and increase staff loyalty to the company. In general, the development of personnel has a direct impact on the organization’s image in the labor market. High image in intra labor market usually reduces to a minimum staff turnover in the form of initiative layoffs. For obvious reasons, employees tend to keep their jobs. Common to all organizations competitive advantage associated with the reduction of turnover is the ability to prevent the deterioration of the quality of its human capital (Shuck, Twyford, Reio Jr. and Shuck, 2014).

Employee Engagement

One of the most effective ways of not only professional but also personal development is the employee engagement in new projects.
According to numerous studies, business with low employee engagement inevitably tends to degrade performance. Therefore, engagement is necessary to keep and raise. Engagement is heightened emotional connection with the organization, forcing employees to voluntarily make greater efforts to implement the work. To assess the degree of engagement is possible by the following features: positive feedback from staff about the company; the need to be part of an organization; and additional efforts in the work on their own initiative (Schuler and Jackson, 2007).
Advantages of the company with a high level of employee engagement are in the ability to receive and retain qualified, experienced and professional staff, a higher level of customer loyalty to company’s products and services, 5 – 10% higher level of customer satisfaction, 10 – 20% higher profitability by working with clients, more profit per employee and lower costs for attracting and retaining talented employees (Xu and Thomas, 2011).
Therefore, it is also important to create an organization with a corporate culture that will encourage employees to self-development. This requires that leaders inspire by their examples, while corporate values and mission of the organization lay beyond personal ambition. Getting material bonus for a well done job and the desire for self-development are not something that should be the basis of motivation. The manager shouldn’t be afraid to take more actions. Employees should be put the purposes of public order, and they will inevitably and with great pleasure develop as personalities (Dickel and Watkins, 2008).

Employee Safety

Only well-protected in terms of its labor staff will be optimally configured to perform its functions with a sufficiently high productivity, providing protection factor, the employer, in turn, is able to not only select a qualified and quality personnel, but also gets a high probability to protect itself and its employees against different incidents and accidents that bring damage likely to become large enough and lead to great economic losses, as well as to reduce the prestige and credibility to the company, which may also adversely affect the condition of the company and its position on the market today (Armstrong, 2012).
The problem of security is not only legislated and economically justified, but quite natural for any person engaged in the production process as providing the implementation of one of the basic human rights.
At the moment, such aspect as the safety is used as a human resource tool such as motivation, and is mainly used in closed staff systems, suited to large enterprises and government organizations (Robbins and Coulter, 2007). The optimal solution is to maintain a high level of safety at the enterprises, where the practice to protect personnel already exists and the introduction of such practices in organizations that ignore this aspect of human resources management, is possible at the expense of state regulation through making items for mandatory security organizations, labor and health personnel in the list of documentation required for the licensing of all activities, compulsory inspection and certification of labor collectives. In addition, the importance of ensuring employee safety is associated with a high level of probability and the size of the losses of enterprises, which reasons are often associated and directly related to employees.

Recommendations for Managers

There are three projects that help in practice to develop and consolidate a whole range of abilities, namely work projects, when an employee involved in the job in the same field in which he works, but in a different role, with more responsibility; related projects, where the employee engaged in functional tasks, which differ somewhat from the current work; and public projects, when an employee takes on some of the organizational issues at public events (Xu and Thomas, 2011). The implementation of any of these projects especially if it is based on the employee’s idea is a powerful stimulus to the development of purpose, communication skills, ability to plan and focus on the task, think strategically, holistically perceive information, overcome obstacles and find hidden resources (Markos and Sridevi, 2010).
Living conditions, work organization, and other factors (balance between work and personal life, safety) are considered basic. Companies with a low level of engagement primarily concentrate on them, whether they know about them after the study or the head just feels negative attitude of employees to the company. Basic factors are most important. But without further work on them the ways to improve employee engagement cannot be optimized. In addition, the active promotion of a company’s project to improve working conditions allows employees feel their importance and raise the rating of top management in the eyes of the staff.
Another aspect of the recommendation is to improve the training of personnel. The fact of the introduction of internal trainers in the organization will be well-founded. So among the most committed members of the organization, who have worked there for at least 5 years, the manager can select those employees, who are willing to teach others. They are already familiar with the process, as well as those values that exist in the organization. Accordingly, these coaches can conduct training sessions for newcomers and for employees, who work in the company for some time.


Proper development of the organizational structure is the main indicator of effective organizational transformation. It is clear that a good organizational structure itself does not produce good performances. But poor organizational structure makes good job impossible regardless of the level of managers. Thus, improving the organizational structure performance will be also improved.
Creating a cohesive team that knows its job and working for its benefit and the benefit of the company to achieve its goals is a continuous process. And even if a great team is developed as well as all the conditions for work, times when employees simply lose interest in their duties come, and in the worst case, they can leave the company. Different companies use their own methods to engage staff. The choice of method depends on the type of the company, the scale of production, as well as the company’s capabilities. There is no some universal way as any team is divided into people with a predominance of either material or non-material incentives. Therefore, employers should pay particular attention to ensure that the incentive system combines both financial and non-financial motivation.


Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 12th ed., London: Kogan Page Publishers.
Broadhurst, J. (2012). Employee development is a great business opportunity: Investment in people is the key to company growth, Human Resource Management International Digest, 20(6), 27–30.
Dickel, T., and Watkins, C. (2008). Hiring and Compensation Trends. The China Business Review, 35(4), 20-23.
Hameed, A. and Waheed, A. (2011). Employee Development and Its Affect on Employee Performance A Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(13), 224–229.
Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., and Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268-279.
Markos, S. and Sridevi, M. S. (2010). Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Performance, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(12), 89–96.
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Schuler, R. S. and Jackson, S. E. (2007). Strategic Human Resource Management. Wiley.
Shuck, B., Twyford, D., Reio Jr., Th. G. and Shuck, A. (2014). Human Resource Development Practices and Employee Engagement: Examining the Connection With Employee Turnover Intentions, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 25(2), 239–270.
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