Good Research Paper On Propensity Of Crime

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Control, Crime, Social Issues, Balance, People, Behavior, Theory, Reason

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/01/05


There are many ways in which people show immature and antisocial behavior because of the odd circumstances. Society expects people to exert control over situation. There are many reasons because of which a person would come up with antisocial that would include family issues, personal issues as well as the physical impact that the environment may have on the person. The question remains that “is there a propensity to commit crime between people or not?” In addition what are the reasons behind the imbalance of control among people? The following research paper presents the research that has been done in order to find answers for the questions. It should be noted that the paper includes a discussion about the expectations, desirability and various other behaviors that are practiced by individuals in order to regain the control over the situation. Finally, the paper discusses the latent traits of the individuals that have been noted as causation of the crime.


It is an evident fact that there are some people who remain unable to maturing as per the standardized nourishment because of certain reasons. These reasons include environmental factors, family factors or personal problems. Herein, it can be said that the propensity to commit crime can never be measured as a stable or constant behavior. A number of theories have been presented in order to understand the behavior that is undertaken by the individuals. The aim of this research paper is to identify the intensity or the propensity to commit crime among people. In addition, the paper evaluates the reason behind lack of control balance among individuals. In order to answer the research questions, the theory of Control Balance Theory by Charles Tittles will be implied. The paper has been formatted in such a way that it will allow the readers to understand the context and questions. Later on, one can read the theoretical implication of the control balance.

Research Questions:

Do some people seem to have a propensity to commit crime?
Why do some people seem to lack a "control balance"?
Understanding the Control Balance Theory:
In order to understand the reasons behind the lack of control balance among individuals one can easily study the Control Balance Theory by Charles Tittle. The trait of a criminal that has been evaluated by the theorists is the control or balance of control. It has been noted that the concept of control projects two distinctive characteristics. Control is merely expected by others from an individual which remains the first category of the control. On the other hand, the second category of control balance is the evident use or exercise or control by the individuals on others.
Let us now look at the types of behaviors in an in-depth manner for understanding the reason behind lack of control or lack of balance. Predation is the attitude or behavior that an individual uses mostly to restore the control. It is merely done in the shape of sexual assaults, robbery, etc. Secondly, Defiance is the behavior that is shown in the form of unconventional sex, vandalism etc. Finally, the third behavior that is practiced by the individuals who lack control is the submissive stance. It is in the form of beings sexually assaulted without complaining for it or becoming a victim of physical abuse.
The lack of control is somewhat directly related to the propensity of committing the crime. The theory of Control Balance ensures that in case the behavior is undertaken for a long time then it is observed that the individual is likely to commit crimes. The research questions that have been selected for the purpose of this paper can easily be further answered using the context of the theory of Control Balance. It needs to be understood at this point that the main causation behind the crime is to be evaluated as the probability of deviance. Instead of looking at how the crime took place, Charles Tittle assessed the reason behind the propensity to commit crime.
Furthermore, the author has also indicated that majority of people want to increase their respective control over the situation. It is merely because of this reason that they end up in situations where they have to practice it using various behaviors. The reason behind people lacking control and balance is that they are constantly told by people around them that the significant act is to be superior. Herein, the concept of superiority will not be discussed because propensity and lack of control is completely associated with the criminal behavior of individuals.
At the same, it become quiet easier yet effective to understand that the author Charles Tittle has only incorporated the latent trait of the control balance within the individuals. The aspect of knowing the true reason as to why propensity to commit crime among people is thus easy to observe through the assertion that was later added in the theory. It is merely the usage of continuum i.e. desirability to undertake crime. The ratio that is associated with the manner in which the individual is committing crime is relentless. In addition, the theory has additional concepts to study that include self-control, opportunity etc. All such factors have further confirmed the fact that there is propensity to commit crime by the masses and it directly leads to the aspect of imbalance of control of situation.
There are various other theories as well that one can assess and imply in order to understand the nature of propensity to commit crime. Gottfredson and Hirschi have provided an in-depth assessment of poor self-control. There has been an ongoing debate between the criminology theorists when it came to the propensity to commit crime. It was maintained that the need of regaining the control and balance has been a very tough aspect among people. It is a behavior that is rooted by the society within its members. The fact remains that many individuals try to overcome their inability to display control.


Through the above analysis, it can be well stated that there is a lot of research that has been conducted to understand the propensity to commit crime among people. The nature of control and balance go hand in hand. The need of the time is that people understand how to create a balance between control that is expected of them and the control that they try to put on others. The grass root level has been evaluated with the help of theory such as Control Balance because they allow the society to understand the manner in which change is rooted within the ground level. Thus, it becomes easy to understand the severity of the crime as well. It is evident, as discussed above, that the need of undertaking crime or higher propensity to commit crime is because people feel that there is no control by them over things. The force is thus used to make sure that they feel empowered at the same time. The development in this regard has been ongoing and has resulted in the resonance of more research concerning the reason behind the lack of balance of control among people. Therefore, it can finally be stated that there is surely a propensity to commit crime in some people.

Works Cited

Coston, C. (2004). Victimizing Vulnerable Groups: Images of Uniquely High-risk Crime Targets. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Feminist Press. (2004). Women, Crime and the Criminal Justice System. New York: Feminist Press at CUNY.
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Muncie, J. (2008). Youth and Crime. New York: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Nemeth, C. (2011). Law and Evidence: A Primer for Criminal Justice, Criminology, Law and Legal Studies. New York: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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