Good Research Proposal About Memorandum

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: Waste, Recycling, Reduction, Management, Waste Management, Information, Implementation, Education

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/02/07

Re: Problems with Waste Reduction and Recycling

Solid waste is generated from all sorts of our activities; from the clothing to food wrappings and the paperwork. As our income level increases, so is our waste generation (Gregson and Crang, 4). Solid waste of any type presents not only environmental and social problems, but also economic problems. A lot of efforts have been put in place by reducing the production of solid waste, but a main setback comes from the public who are so adamant in dropping some of their cultural and economic practices that lead to generation of a lot of garbage. Although waste recycling is a well-known practice among the public, other waste minimization methods are still unknown and an unadopted by a large population. However, there is still room for improving waste recycling and reuse. The paper seeks to examine the various problems with waste recycling and reuse.


Waste generation amongst the communities all over the country has formed one of the days to day activities. All over the country, a number of communities a facing a significant problem of disposing of off the solid waste. While the existing landfills are quickly getting filled to the capacity, its becoming more expensive and difficult to find and open more landfills. Due to everdecreasing space for landfilling, it's turning a menace to manage the ever growing garbage. Due to this, we are therefore called upon to come up with better and smart waste management methods such as waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. As the individual income level is increasing, waste proliferation and disposal in landfills are are increasing exceedingly (EPA, 4).
Figure 1 Waste Generation between 1960 and 2012 (Source: EPA)
In 2012, the population recycled about 250 million tons of solid waste while composting about 90 million tons of the waste generated. This translates to a recycling rate of about 35%. Averagely, it’s estimated that rate for every 4.4 pounds per capita per day waste generates, we were able to recycle 1.5 pounds (EPA, 6). During the same period, paperwork recovery of about 5.9 million tons (70%) was realized while putrescible wastes formed a large part of the waste generated.
Figure 2 Components of waste generated (in million tons) Source: EPA
Figure 3 Total Waste generated by material before recycling


The environmental pollution body highlights a number recommendation concerning proper waste management geared to waste reduction and reusing. Source reduction is the first practice to adopt in order to minimize waste generation. When you go to the market, carry with you a packaging material in order to paper wastes from wrappings and packaging materials. When you buy food at a restaurant, instead of taking it to the house, its better you take the meal at the store in order to minimize waste generation from the wrappings at the household level (EPA, 4).
Recycling is another useful way of and minimizing waste generation. In recycling, recyclable materials such as metallic wastes, plastic and paper are put into use again. Through recycling, such materials are used to generate new products. Alternatively, recycling can be done by reusing such products as containers as storage containers (Costa Mesa, 27). It has been proved that after a plastic, glass or metallic containers have been used, they find their way to the kitchen shelves for re-utilization as handy storage containers.Composting has also helped in waste minimization, whereby any organic component of the waste such as kitchen wastes, yard trimmings, and mowed grass are segregated and stored under conducive temperature, moisture and light for natural composition. After that, the resulting compost is used in farms as a natural fertilizer (Purcell, 23-4).

Research Methods

The Study population will be the users and solid waste generators. A study design will be a cross-sectional study design that captures the events as per the time of study. A questionnaire will have a set of questions that will be administered by the interviewer. Both qualitative and quantitative data would be collected. To ensure uniformity in its administration and data collected, the interviewers’ schedule will be standardized. Alongside the questionnaire for the waste generators, secondary sources such as facts and figures on waste generated will be reviewed.


Evidence shall be based on a number of existing facts on solid waste generation, collection, and later disposal. Additionally, the evidence shall be based on the factual presentations such as images, graphs, and interview sessions.


In implementation, a number of stakeholders shall be involved. In the implementation, the ministry dealing with waste management shall be actively involved. In addition, all the funders and donors shall also be involved. Lastly, the community opinion shall be consulted and used for successful and effective implementation.


Candidate Forum to be hosted by Municipal Council $3,000
(invitations, food, displays, tent, equipment etc.)

Coordinator training for 2 weeks 10 ,000

(Project Supervisors, 33% salary)

Postage 300

(surveys, invitations, newsletters etc.)

Printing 2,000

(signage, banners, flyers, reports,posters, surveys, etc.)

Recognition 200

(certificates and party)

Travel 1,000

Total $16,500
Solid waste management has primarily focused on the recycling and minimization habits that can be hereditary generation after generation. Therefore a lot of emphases should be on the waste minimization as well as reuse. A good waste management strategy shall lead to a commendable outcome (O'Connell, 118).


EPA: Nonhazardous Industrial Solid Waste Generation and Management: National Data. Columbus, Ohio: Pollution Prevention Section, Ohio, (2011): 1-4. Print.
Purcell, Arthur H. "Urban Solid Waste Reduction: Applying Preventive Environmental Management." Ekistics 60.358-359 (1993): 23-5. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
SOLID WASTE REDUCTION SERVICES. Costa Mesa: Experian Information Solutions, Inc, (2015): 34-37. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
O'Connell, Elizabeth,J. "Increasing Public Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Reduction." The Geographical Bulletin 52.2 (2011): 105-18. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
Costa Mesa:LIQUID-SOLID WASTE REDUCTION. Experian Information Solutions, Inc, (2015): 25-8. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2015
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