Good Results Dissertation Results Example

Type of paper: Dissertation Results

Topic: Students, Technology, Agreement, Education, Learning, Information, University, Pie

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Published: 2021/01/04


This is an analysis of the data that was collected using the questionnaires. This data was coded appropriately, entered into the computer and after that analysis was done using SPSS to produce a table for analysis and the possible inference. Since most all the variables in the data set were categorical in nature, the use of pie charts was utilized in this analysis.
The survey was carried out form 70 students who were selected and subjected to a number of questions in the questionnaire. The research also entailed carrying out a survey on a similar a number of faculty members. These were also asked the same questions with slight alterations. Three students were further selected from the sample and were interviewed to get more information regarding the usage and extent of technology. In this research, three faculty members were also interviewed in this study and asked a numbers of questions about the usage of technology.
The pie chart above and the corresponding table that follows indicate that total subjects under consideration/reported by the respondents,78.9 per cent constituted art and design,15.5 percent constituted graphic and design and 4.2 percent constituted painting.

Teaching method

Similarly, the students reported that 27.1 percent of them preferred brainstorming as a method of teaching, 15.7 preferred constructivist mode of teaching, 35.7 preferred individual one to one and 21.4 preferred the traditional methods of teaching. Details are contained in the pie chart and table above. The data thus implied that the responses of both groups regarding this question were almost the same as revealed by the pie charts and the corresponding tables that follow.

Mention one technological related tool that you have being used?

Similarly, the students reported that 31.4 percent of them reported art waver, 20.0 reported iPod, 7.1 per cent reported iPhone, 1.4 nothing and 40.0percent reported Photoshop. There seemed to be a slight variation in the technology tools that were reported being used by the two groups. For instance the students reported more technology tools than the faculty.

Details are contained in the pie charts and tables above.

How well do you think you understand the constructivist theory?
The tables above the corresponding pie charts indicate that the faculty/staff reported that 14.3 they understood the constructivist theory a little,41.4 very well,10 not at all and 34.5 well.
Similarly, the students reported that 17.4percent understood the theory a little, 25.7 a very well, 1.4 fairly well and 11.4 not at all. The table that follows summarizes other useful statistics about the data

Do you agree the use of this program (constructivist theory)?

Data shows that 54.29 percent strongly agreed with constructivist program, 31.4 agreed, 10% natural, 1.48 agreed and 2.8 strongly agreed. The faculty pie charts indicated that 40% agreed, 45.7 % strongly agreed, 4.256%strongly disagree, 7.14 disagree and2.857 natural. The table that follows summarizes other useful statistics about the data.

Technology been incorporated into your university’s constructivists learning environment

Data shows that 7.14 percent strongly disagreed with constructivist program, 20 percent disagreed, 8.57 percent natural, 44.29 agreed and 20 percent strongly disagreed to the incorporation of technology into the university’s constructivists learning environment. The faculty pie charts indicated that 10 % disagreed, 11.43 % strongly disagreed, 22.86 %agreed, 51.43 % strongly agreed and 4.28% natural the incorporation of technology into the university’s constructivists learning environment. The tables that follow the pie chart summarize other useful statistics about the data.

Do you agree with the use of technology in the university’s teaching and learning?

The data showed that 51.43 percent strongly disagreed with the use of technology in the university’s teaching environment, 40 percent disagreed, and 7.143% percent were natural, 44.29 agreed. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 48.57% agreed, 1.4 % strongly disagreed, 44.29% strongly agreed, and 2.8 % natural the incorporation of technology into the university’s constructivists learning environment. The tables that follow the pie chart summarize other useful statistics about the data.

The incorporation or usage of technology has been beneficial

The total performance of the university been positively affected by the usage of technology in the learning environment?
The pie chart data for students shows that 48.57 percent strongly agreed with the notion that the total performance of the university has been positively affected by the usage of technology in the learning environment, 42.86 percent agreed, and 4.2 % percent were natural. The pie chart data for staff shows that 40 percent strongly agreed with the notion that the total performance of the university has been positively affected by the usage of technology in the learning environment, 1.4 percent disagreed, and 4.2 % percent were natural, 40 per cent agreed

The current type of technology has been adopted at your university is appropriate

Regarding the question of appropriateness of the currently adopted technology in the university, the pie chart data for students showed that 44.29 percent strongly agreed, 1.4 percent disagreed, 4.2 strongly disagreed and 44.29 per cent agreed. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 48.57% agreed, 1.4% strongly disagreed, 44.29% strongly agreed, and 32.86 % disagreed.. The tables that follow the pie chart summarize other useful statistics about the data
The pie chart data for students showed that 47.14 percent strongly disagreed with the notion that the current type of technology has been adopted at your university is appropriate.37.14 percent disagreed, 2.857 % strongly agreed and 12.8 per cent agreed. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 30% agreed, 7.14 % strongly disagreed, 30% strongly agreed, and 2.8 % natural the notion that the current type of technology has been adopted at your university is appropriate.

The tables that follow the pie chart summarize other useful statistics about the data.

Would you agree to see the university employ technological experts to assist with the adoption of technology into the constructivist learning environment?
The pie chart data for students showed that 44.29 percent strongly agreed with the notion that the university employs technological experts to assist with the adoption of technology into the constructivist learning environment, 44.29 percent agreed, and 5.714 percent were natural, 4.7 per cent disagreed. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 48.57% agreed, 1.4 % strongly disagreed, 44.29 % strongly agreed, and 4.286 % were natural.
Compare the educational outcomes for your university before technology was incorporated into the university to three years from now when technology will be fully
For a comparison of the educational outcomes for the university before technology was incorporated into the university to three years from now when technology will be fully
The pie chart data for students showed that 51.43 percent strongly agreed, 45.71 percent agreed, and 1.89 percent was natural, 1.4 per cent disagreed. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 40 % agreed, 57.14 % strongly agreed, 1.44 % disagreed and 1.44 % were natural

It is hard to use technology when learning?

It is hard to use technology when learning?
For the question of whether It is hard to use technology when learning, the pie chart data for students showed that 44.29 percent strongly disagreed, 48.57 percent disagreed, and 4.288 percent was natural. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 38.57% disagreed, 58.57 % strongly disagreed, 2.875 % were natural.
All students should undergo a special technology training to understand all the aspects of technology that have been incorporated into the learning environment
Regarding the question of whether all students should undergo a special technology training to understand all the aspects of technology that have been incorporated into the learning environment, the pie chart for students showed that 50% percent strongly disagreed,47.14% percent disagreed, and 2.857 percent were natural. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 51.43% disagreed, 1.429 % was natural disagreed, 47.14% strongly disagreed.

Technology has made the general education process easier

The pie chart data for students showed that 44.29 percent strongly agreed with the assertion that Technology has made the general education process easier, 54.29 percent agreed, and 1.4 percent was natural. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 5.7% disagreed, 2.857 % strongly disagreed, 40% strongly agreed,50% agreed and 1.42 % were natural. The tables that follow the pie chart summarize other useful statistics about the data.

Technology has made students lazy

With regard to the question whether Technology has made students lazy/faculty lazy, the pie chart for students showed that 51.43 percent strongly disagreed, 41.43 percent disagreed 2.8 were neutral,1.4 percent agreed and 2.8 strongly agreed. The faculty pie chart for staff further indicated that 48.57% strongly disagreed, 45.71 % disagreed, 2.8% strongly agreed.

Technology should replace all manual aspects of learning and teaching

On the question whether technology should replace all manual aspects of learning and teaching, the students’ pie chart indicated 54.29% of the respondents agreed,41.43% strongly agreed,1.4 strongly agreed and 2.88 % strongly disagreed. Similarly the faculty data showed that 48.57% disagreed, 44.29 % strongly disagreed, 1.4% were natural, 2.85% agreed and 2.89% strongly agreed

Technology tools in your university are utilized inappropriately for purposes other than teaching and learning

On whether technology tools in the university are utilized inappropriately for purposes other than teaching and learning, data showed that 51.43% of the students disagreed, 41.42% strongly disagreed,1.42 were natural,2.85% agreed and 2.85% strongly agreed. On the other hand when the same question was asked to the faculty, 48.57% disagreed, 44.29% strongly disagreed, 1.4% were natural, 2.85% agreed and 2.85% strongly agreed

Do you think that the guideline that dictates exactly how technology should be used in the classroom is necessary?

The data showed that the 91.43% of the students said yes to the above question, 8.571% said no. Similarly, 92.86% of the staff said yes while 7.143% said no.

Learner inclination

According to the responses of the students and the faculty members, the incorporation of technology in constructivist learning environment is very vital. Since it creates a learner inclined classroom. Utility and usage of technology ensure that knowledge creation is made in an interactive manner. The students further reported that technology also facilitates and fosters creativeness and coming the process of coming up with new ideas. Thus, incorporation of technology in a constructivist environment of learning ensures collective learning. The teachers gave the positive sides of technology in learning.

Enjoyable and easy learning

The students and the teachers reported that incorporation of technology turns the learning process enjoyable, fun and pretty captivating. The constructivism involved generates ideas and a number of principles regarding learning which possess vital implications for the buildup of a technology aided learning environment. It further enables much more varied, a social-based and endowed learning perspective.Some computer applications like the graphics enabled Computer technology allowed the creation of different variants and also facilitated and a collaborative interaction between the artists and their audiences. Technology allows the teachers to do thorough research on what they present other students, and the student don’t have to come to class every day since this information can be disseminated to them directly over the internet.

Proper utilization of skills

The students reported that they used technology on a large scale, but the usage of the constructivist theory was minimal. They gave an illustration that they sometimes undertook lessons on art and design using computers. They had an opportunity to share knowledge and information with others due to the incorporation of technology in the learning environment. The teachers agreed that the technology had been incorporated into the constructivist environment of learning at the university. Both the teachers and students indicated the recent incorporation of computers and other advanced technological tools like computers is an indication of this. Some illustrations of calligraphy, Photoshop and art and design have been demonstrated using computers. In this case one student said “the new features in the computers give us the best opportunities to learn more about computer. It is impossible for the teacher to draw nice photos like those photoshop can make”The teachers have also been able to involve the students in an online learning environment. They however reported that there exists a shortage limitation in this drive.

Current level of technology

They both showed their discontent with the current use of technology in the university because the traditional learning techniques still dominated. They further contended they undertake art and design lessons by using the computer application art and design programs. But the number of computers is still low and in most cases, they are either forced to share or access the computers in shifts. One teacher said “This is because the computers are few, and the students are therefore forced to share them with their colleagues who are very cumbersome.” The faculty members further contended that the students were also not taken through computer induction. Most of them were thus struggling to use technology, and this took a lot of their learning time. Technology should thus be fully utilized if its impact is to be felt. They further reported that most departments were not equipped with laptops, and this interfered with the preparation of lecturers to deliver. There is a lack of policy on how the university should integrate technology into class

Performance of University boosted by technology

The technology has impacted on the performance of these students in a positive manner as compared to the traditional methods learning. With the technology, the students can do research without necessarily consulting their teachers and tutors. These students can also inquire about some issues that are incommodious to their teachers. It has further made it possible for the students to put the online learning resources into proper usage. The faculty members were in agreement with the paradigm that the teaching process has been enormously improved by the usage of technology. The assignments to the students could be done and executed with a lot of ease, and the students would do the research without any significant impediment comfortably. The online process of learning has enhanced collaboration within the student's body.

Recommendations for adoption of technology

The faculty members and the students agreed that they would agree with an idea of other universities also adopting and incorporation of technology in their learning environments because proper utilization of the technology would enhance communication amongst the learners. Facilitate communication within the lecturers; enable information and knowledge exchange regarding the constructive learning environment. Integration of technology will also foster proper pattern ships between the different universities. It will create a platform where the lecturers and students will be able to exchange knowledge and other information.


In this research, the research wanted to explore and study the students and faculty member’s conceptions on the usage of technology in a constructivist learning environment in the university. The research entailed carrying out a survey of 70 students from the university and 70 faculty members from the University. Interviews were also utilized in this study find out more information regarding the utility of technology.
The data showed that the faculty/staff reported that 14.3 understood the constructivist theory very well, 41.4 a little, 10 not at all and 34.5 fairly well. Similarly, the students reported that 17.4percent understood the theory very well, 25.7 a little, 1.4 well and 11.4 not at all. The data further showed that 7.14 percent strongly disagreed with incorporation of technology in the constructivist program, 20 percent disagreed, 8.57 percent natural, 44.29 agreed and 20 percent strongly disagreed to the incorporation of technology into the university’s constructivists learning environment. The data of faculty indicated that 10 % disagreed, 11.43 % strongly disagreed, 22.86 %agreed, 51.43 % strongly agreed and 4.28% were natural on the incorporation of technology into the university’s constructivists learning environment.
This data was in consonance with that obtained from the interviews. According to the data collected from the interviews, the students were in agreement with the utility of technology in the learning environment. With the usage of technology, both knowledge and the creation of knowledge is made in an interactive manner such that, both the learner and the teacher benefit from its presence. Similarly, the faculty members in the interview replied that teaching has been highly improved by the use of technology. They could assign different tasks to the students, and the students can undertake them with ease. However, the faculty members reported that the level of technology was still low. The main reason for this was that the number of computers in the university was still very low compared to the students who use them.

Overall significance of the study

This research was significant. The responses for both the students and the faculty were in agreement with the incorporation of technology in the university’s learning environment. When asked about the technology tools that they normally use in the university, they reported that they had used technology tools like Photoshop, art weaver among others. This was an indication that the students understood the importance of incorporating technology in their learning environment. From the interview, the respondents agreed that technology has impacted on the performance of the students in a positive manner as compared to the traditional methods learning. With the technology, the students can do research without necessarily consulting their teachers and tutors. This added significance to the incorporation of the technology in the university’s learning environment.

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