Good The Analyses Of The Book "Leading On The Creative Edge", Firestien, Roger, 2nd Ed., 2004 Critical Thinking Example

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Creativity, Problem Solving, Leadership, Literature, Organization, Business, Company, Books

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/21


Firestein Roger’s book “Leading on the creative edge”, book tells about the application of creative problem-solving methods. The author uses his expertise in problem solving to describe applicable problem-solving techniques. Firestein starts by explaining seven essential principles of problem solving in a creative manner. The seven basic principles of problem solving as identified from the book includes, leadership, problem definition, ideas generation, positive analysis of ideas, praising of ideas, learning from the past mistakes and the creation of an environment of growth. Firestein then highlights the application of the seven fundamental principles of problem solving. I like the book because it offers application of problem-solving process in an extremely relevant manner.
Thesis As I read "Leading on the Creative Edge", Firestein, Roger, 2nd ed., 2004 I found important information from the book to help business managers during problems solving process. The ideas of the critical way of solving problems within the Organizations can increase productivity, create an active relationship with the employees and reduce the workplace conflicts. The Firestein ideas have helped me to understand the application of critical habits in problem solving relevantly, and I recommend the book for other business leaders to read.

Golden nugget quotes

Firestein Roger uses particular nugget quotes in the description of remarkably applicable ways of problem solving in a business organization. The author applies golden nuggets quotes to stress on the creative habits in leaders when solving problems in their organizations. There is the quote of, “improvement in the organization comes from evaluating the ideas of others through the consideration of strengths and pulses for an efficient solution” (Firestien, 2004).This quote instills creativity in leaders during problem-solving process for relevant applicability. There is also a golden nugget quote used by the author that states that, “what you think is the problem is probably not the problem” (Firestien, 2004). There are hidden problems within the business that require evaluation for a relevant procedure towards a solution.
Firestein uses other several golden nugget quotes to explain the creativity role in increasing performance within a business organization. He says, “rigid and anxious individuals are unable to improvise in a case that requires them to think creatively, and it does not need a rocket scientist to note that” (Firestien, 2004). Anxiety works against creativity as per the author as it limits the level of coming up with new ideas and thinking from a wider perspective in the quest towards causing improvement. Firestein also uses the quote of, “creation of a creative environment begins by doing positive daydreaming” (Firestien, 2004). Relaxing is an important part of the problem solving as it triggers the mind to think creatively on how to reach an apt solution to the problem at hand. Daydreaming opens a door for imagination in a creative manner allowing improved results.


The book contributes to the success of business organizations by introducing creative habits in managers. The essential problem-solving skills illustrated by Firestein contribute to the effectiveness in the achievement of the set business objectives. The idea of the suspension of the old ideas during solution seeking contributes to reaching a suitable resolution to problems affecting the organization (Firestien, 2004). The adoption of new perspectives during problem-solving processes leads to competence advantage gain when leaders apply creative habits. Furthermore, the establishment of the “creative edge” methodologies, as stipulated by Firestein, contributes to the improvement of the Company’s well-being and personal productivity. The application of creativity habit will lead to organizations’ success in business ventures through the leadership that appreciates creativity in problem-solving techniques.
The ideas given by Firestein contribute to the development and nurturing of other leaders in the problem-solving environments. Managers from different spheres of business have turned out creative by the adoption of Firestein’s creativity skills in problem solving towards improving the performance of business organizations. The ideas, as illustrated by Firestein, have contributed to the leaders’ understandings of their employees and surrounding for an active relationship between the Company and the workforce (Firestien, 2004). There are leaders who have chosen to manage their Companies on the creative edge as guided by the writer. Many Companies have ended up succeeding in attaining competitiveness advantage from the creative habits as stated by Firestein. The book has indeed contributed a lot to the reinforcement of creative minds alongside reforming the problem-solving process for performance improvement purposes.

The strengths

The information has some strength in the offering of relevant ways of solving problems within the organization for competitive advantage gaining. I agree with the author’s use of nuggets of knowledge and insights in explaining the creative habits for leaders to apply when handling problems affecting their businesses (Firestien, 2004). I find it of strength to address creativity by the use of quotes that catches the attention of the reader. It is easier to remember a single quote for a lifetime than the reading of prose statements with descriptions. Additionally, the book has strength in the use of relevant examples from an individual having problem-solving experience in business Organization. Firestein’s experience of 17 years in the field causes me to agree on his influence and illustrations for managers to apply.
It is also of strength that the suggestions offered by Firestein turns out useful when applied in the workplace environment. The examples and illustrations by the author using the known Companies with their underlying issues depict the reality of creativity effectiveness. The concepts, as explained by Firestein in problem solving towards performance improvement, becomes worth for application by leaders. I, therefore, agree with the writer because he does not base on theoretical frameworks but use the experiential and real life examples to demonstrate creative habits for problem solving. According to Firestein (2004), problems cannot end up escaped at the workplace, and it is the role of managers to address the causal issues creatively to prevent the reduction in performance. It is thus true, and I agree with the write because problems that undermine productivity in Companies are inevitable and require new ideas and perspective for appropriate and long-lasting solutions.

The weaknesses

Firestein has some weaknesses when arguing out basics of leadership on the creative edge that I do not agree with them. Firstly, Firestein assumes that there are only seven principles for application during problem-solving process. I believe that problems affecting Companies are diverse and beyond the seven principles stated by the author. The seven essential principles as illustrated by the writer are leadership, problem definition, generation of ideas, evaluation of ideas, the praising of ideas formulated, learning from the past mistakes and creation of an environment of growth (Firestien, 2004). I do not agree with Firestein on his illustration of narrowing down the problem-solving principles to seven because the causes of the issues affecting different organization are diverse and vary in accordance with the environment.
I also do not agree with Firestein’s design of problem solving because he does not give the process of reaching the real problem affecting an organization. Some leaders might end up mislead because the workforce environments vary. The use of a single model in addressing creativity to different surroundings might not turn out practical at times. It is expensive and waste of time to apply a problem-solving model that does not match the case at the workplace. The assumption that creativity is the only way towards problem solving is also wanting. There is likelihood that some creative habits suggested by Firestein are for a novel idea but not in real life situations (Firestien, 2004). Some leaders might be victims of solving problems not affecting them, which is expensive and waste of time.

The relevance

The information from the book is relevant to the leadership of business organizations. Managers from Companies can end up applying creativity to problem solving. It is of relevance because there are many problems that lower the competitiveness of business organization that require ways towards getting solutions. The coming up of new ideas from different perspectives will cause the adoption of the appropriate solutions (Firestien, 2004). Moreover, it is relevant to apply the creative means to problem solving to identify the exact issue affecting the organization. Managers usually solve problems that do not concern them because of little evaluation. The application of the creative edge problem-solving technique is relevant to leaders in business Companies because it will lead to the solving of the real problem.
Firestein design of gaining competitive advantage by business organizations through creativity is relevant to cause changes in the problem-solving process. Many Companies have failed in handling issues that lower their productivity today. The use of old ideas does not yield to effective problem-solving techniques that call for the establishment of new ideas and perceptions in reaching solutions.

Where it fits

Managers find it fitting in applying the suggested fundamental principles of problem solving by Firestein. Creativity in problem solving is not now a mystery, but a practical practice to help in yielding into successful Companies in the achievement of the set business objectives (Firestien, 2004). Leaders can unleash their creative habits and apply towards improving the workplace relations and productivity. Furthermore, the use of creative processes in the development of business ideas is relevant for adoption by organizations. Many Companies are incurring losses today that require leaders with audacity in establishing new ideas from a different perspective. Lastly, the workplace surroundings and needs of customers have changed. Working with the old ideas will lower the productivity and competitiveness of Companies.


Conclusively, the analysis of Firestein’s "Leading on the creative edge" show some contributions, strengths, weaknesses and relevance of the information from the book. The author uses golden nugget quotes in the description of creative habits that leaders ought to adopt when solving problems affecting their business organizations. When applied by leaders, the creative edge technique of problem solving will contribute to the achievement of the Company objectives alongside catering for the personal well-being of managers. Firestein’s book has strength that I agree with in the illustration of creative habits using quotes. The use of quotes helps managers to understand the insights and knowledge of problem-solving techniques with ease. Conversely, the weakness of generalizing the problem surrounding business organizations under the seven principles to solve causes me not to agree with the Firestein. Lastly, the illustrations of the author in describing creativity in problem solving turn out applicable in solving the many problems affecting business organizations in a highly relevant manner.


Firestien, R. L. (2004). Leading on the creative edge: Gaining competitive advantage through the power of creative problem solving. Colorado Springs, Colo: Piñon Press.

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Good The Analyses Of The Book "Leading On The Creative Edge", Firestien, Roger, 2nd Ed., 2004 Critical Thinking Example. Free Essay Examples - Published Nov 21, 2020. Accessed February 21, 2025.

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