Greek Culture Compared With That Of Other People Around The World Essays Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Athens, Greece, Greek, Culture, Art, Middle East, World, Aeschylus

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/25

Art in Greece begun in Minoan and Cycladic civilization, visual art were used to record history and especially to spread Greek culture if not compare it with that of other civilization during Hellenism. Greek people may be the biggest contributors of modernization and philosophy but yet Greek culture has spread around the world. The ethno genesis of Greek speaking territories have been marked by scholars based on art relics and especially the first Olympic games of 776 BC (Robert 2004) Hellenism which is the concept of common culture was translated to a shared experience and saw other nations taking part in the Olympics. In this paper I will explore the relationship between an art object and textual depiction of Greek culture. I will also explore similarities and differences between the Greek and other nations’ culture like the Persians.

Textual depiction of Greek culture

Greeks have been very active authors and in their work either philosophical or historical, elements culture comparison can be depicted. In the works of both Aeschylus and Herodotus cultural themes have been build with a series of comparison between Greek culture and those of other civilizations in this case Aeschylus and Herodotus sequentially compare and contrast Persians’ and Scythians culture with that of the Greek. The Greek and the Persian kingdoms existed in a dangerous time. Time when ambition was dangerous as it meant attacking and defeating a neighboring kingdom. Aeschylus in his book The Persians, he portrayed Persians to be ambitions civilizations that attacked its neighbors and valued war victory (page 8). Greek in the other side would not preparing for were if Persians camping to north war not a thread, this depicts Greek as peaceful and mindless of war although Greeks letter attacked other nations. Persian greed (ambition) contrasted with Greece desire for peace. In the play, (Line 164) “Greek never run from the spear” portrays Greece and brave and reliable worriers although they had been broken by the Persians. Greece notion that they had a noble culture was never sung enough in the songs mad in the poems. In the play line 64, xexers terms defeat differently “Exerts: they made me see shame” (Aeschylus line 164) self exaltation is evident not openly defeating defeat he suggests that there are few defenders. (Aeschylus line 265) Literature piece also portrays other civilization who struck them as brutal and manipulative, blood thirsty and inconsiderate to contrast with Greeks humane but warrior spirited. At the time of despair the blame shifts to gods.
In the play seven against Thebes’s line 1266-1270, conversation between Antigone and Ismene show some sense patriotism and love for family from the two men. Preservation of history in form of poetry may be exceptional artistic capabilities attributed to the Greek but in such histories is the theme of culture and Greekness. The massager who came at midst of Antigone and Ismene declare he had massage from his governor that the man who portrayed his ,loyalty by falling by the sword of an enemy while defending the city be buried with due owner. This is the portrayal of fairness. The Ismene represent the Greek culture of considering for good returns even those who failed.

Essence of Greek identity emanating from comparisons

How visual techniques were used to create image of Greek culture
Greek culture almost in its entire culture is based on artistic records. Sculptor were most religious and showed some resemblance to Egyptians. For instance the artistic in the slides show Greek soldier at war a sign of bravery and patriotism. Greek visual art just did much as the textual culture in portraying creek culture to some degree resemble that of the Egyptians, Persians but marked by some difference. Greek is depicted to have a noble culture of a warrior spirit and gentleness. The aims of both the visual and textual arts are seem to unanimously aim at demystifying Greek culture to simply good morals that are bend only when necessary. The philosophical themes that is almost present in every piece blend myths with realities to show that humanity is a subject god. Relating contemporary issues with mythical stories is a common stylistic device evident in both the visual and textual art.


It seems it was widely agreed in Greece that bad fortune was the making of the Gods. Gods punished the wrong doers and upheld the righteous by rewarding them with prosperity and knowledge. Greece through literature works and visual arts demonstrated self exaltation and the selling that Greeks were blameless but the god were malicious and jealous of their prosperity and divided to take the down by the swords of Persians anyway. Greek culture has some similarities with other civilizations but difference persists. Visual art shows Greek warriors in action, a contrast of a peace loving nation. When the reason why they were taken down by the Persians could not be blamed on military weaknesses, gods were blamed in poems and songs. Creek culture as portrayed in both the visual art contains foreign elements but seem to objectify the idea of a noble of the Greek people. Art and Greek culture may be the same ting and the world adopts Greek art adopt the culture as well.

Work Cited

Roberts, J.M. The New Penguin History of the World. Penguin. pp. 171–172, 222. 2004. Print
PodLambkelecki, J., & Herington, C. The Persians. New Yolk: Oxford University press.Blanco, W. (2013). Herodotus: The histories : The complete translation, backgrounds, commentaries (2nd ed.). New York: W. W. Norton 1997 Print.

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